Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

That’s been debunked: it’s just woke scientists peddling theories. It’s not provable.

According to an international group of over 100 clinicians and researchers, there is currently no biological evidence for “gender identity” and no laboratory test that can distinguish a trans-identified person from a non-trans-identified person. Despite this, the belief in “gender identity” is used as the basis for medically transitioning thousands of children and adolescents.

“The assumption of the core biological underpinning for ‘gender identity’ and ‘gender dysphoria’ remains an unproven theory: while biology likely plays a role in gender nonconformity, currently, there is no brain, blood, or other objective test that distinguishes a trans-identified from a non-trans identified persononce confounding factors such as sexual orientation are controlled for,”(emphasis original) said the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) in an article debunking false and unproven assumptions used to medically transition children.

False Assumptions Behind Youth Gender Transitions

You should stop spreading misinformation, it might cause harm to children who might believe it.

Bingos always choose sources that rely on Bingo logic. Logic like, "We can't treat gender dysphoria until we determine its exact cause" or reasoning like "Finland and Sweden aren't doing it" which means what exactly? The next few sentences after that admits that different doctors and countries have different approaches to care. Well no shit. If doctors all thought the same thing then there'd never be a need for anyone to get a second opinion, or to go with one treatment over another.

You dumb fucking Bingos don't know how to reason too well. Maybe you should take some advise from the Rastas and reason while smoking some marijuana. Expand your minds some.
And you think you can tell everyone what “true transgender Ian” is?

Based on what? Meeting a couple trans folks?

I have several friends who are trans and none are the same.

There is no “true transgenderism” definition. At least none that you or I can point to
The true Trans cultist will not be dissuaded.

To woke leftists, dissidents aren’t just people with a different opinion; they are evil enemies to be exposed and punished for their heresy. No branch of Christianity has been quite like that since I don’t know … the Spanish Inquisition? In fact, unlike Islam, Christian zealot movements of any kind haven’t seen real political power anywhere in hundreds of years. Woke leftists, on the other hand, control almost all large private, public, and political institutions across the entire West and are angling for far more. They are even attempting to undermine – quite successfully – what’s left of Christianity.

As such, it has never been more critical to bring as many people out of this destructive cult as possible. But how? I know people change their minds and come out of both religious cults and quasi-religious woke cults. It happens, but it’s not easy, nor is it commonplace. Over the years, I’ve come to believe that the same deprogramming techniques used to extract people from religious cults and extremist groups should also be used to extract those we know and love from the woke cult. Because they are essentially the same thing. Wokeism: A Religious Cult | Frontpage Mag

The TransCult is merely a denomination of the Religion of Leftism.
You might be asking yourself...why does the left support everything that leads to death and destruction. Why would they support transgenderism when the rest of us see the impact it has on society and it is NOT GOOD.

“Most of us have been taught that the fight for so-called ‘transgender rights’ is a bottom-up grassroots movement to protect a vulnerable sexual minority. It is not. It is a top-down, corporate-driven enterprise designed to sell products and to maximize profits, being fueled by a small handful of extremely wealthy men whose very objective is to make us all forget that biological sex, not ‘gender identity,’ is grounded in material reality. Of course, all this is happening in the context of a society that continuously, viciously, and brutally exploits female bodies.”

doesn't sufficiently answer it for me.
I think this whole transger thing is pretty whacky.
Just weird to have an entire societal "movement" focused upon demanding that 60 year olds like me pretend that something I consider basically circus feak-ish identity crisis weirdness is now somehow the "norm."
At the end of the day I have to admit to myself that this modern "movement" isn't really hurting me personally.
Why should I give a flying flip if other people want to pretend they are the opposite sex?

Now I know that the conservo-social-warrior crowd out there is trying really really hard to make their stance on this issue "all about protecting the children."
So I did some reading on the subject (because I really didn't know too much about it) and sure enough I learned that MOST of the hysterical, inflammatory and accusatory garbage I've been reading in conservative news (and here) isn't really accurate.
At least not according to the scientists, child and behavioral psychologists, and other people in the know on this subject.
It would appear there is a lot more to this issue than just "libruls grooming kids for sex."
That take on this issue would appear to be just as dishones and disengenious as calling abortion "murdering babies."
Just an ignorant, dim-witted, simplistic, cheap shot take on another highly complex problem/issue.
In my experience anybody who tries to tell you there's a simple solution to a highly complex problem is either a liar or an idiot.
I think it is worth considering that maybe we shouldn't be so offended by (what we consider) "freaks" trying to shove their agenda down our throats and forcing us to accept what we view as unnatural as normal.
The Christian Right have been doing this forever.
Trying to force the blatantly unnatural on as telling us there's something "normal" about their freakish adaptations of reality.
Can you be a boy if you were born a girl?
Probably not.
Can you be a girl if you were actually born a boy?
Again, probably not.
Should an entire major world religion likewise be based upon physical impossibilities like a virgin birth and a zombie God risen from the dead?
Probably not.
I see no difference in the absurdity of these things.
Because theu are still human beings no matter how few in number or what percentage of the population they represent. What you call normalizing it just means treating them with respect and dignity like every one else. You people want to relegate them to being freaks in a side show. To me you are the freaks. And you are froghtened snowflakes that are threatened by the fact that gender may not be what you despartly need to believe that it is
I think this whole transger thing is pretty whacky.
Just weird to have an entire societal "movement" focused upon demanding that 60 year olds like me pretend that something I consider basically circus feak-ish identity crisis weirdness is now somehow the "norm."
At the end of the day I have to admit to myself that this modern "movement" isn't really hurting me personally.
Why should I give a flying flip if other people want to pretend they are the opposite sex?

Now I know that the conservo-social-warrior crowd out there is trying really really hard to make their stance on this issue "all about protecting the children."
So I did some reading on the subject (because I really didn't know too much about it) and sure enough I learned that MOST of the hysterical, inflammatory and accusatory garbage I've been reading in conservative news (and here) isn't really accurate.
At least not according to the scientists, child and behavioral psychologists, and other people in the know on this subject.
It would appear there is a lot more to this issue than just "libruls grooming kids for sex."
That take on this issue would appear to be just as dishones and disengenious as calling abortion "murdering babies."
Just an ignorant, dim-witted, simplistic, cheap shot take on another highly complex problem/issue.
In my experience anybody who tries to tell you there's a simple solution to a highly complex problem is either a liar or an idiot.
I think it is worth considering that maybe we shouldn't be so offended by (what we consider) "freaks" trying to shove their agenda down our throats and forcing us to accept what we view as unnatural as normal.
The Christian Right have been doing this forever.
Trying to force the blatantly unnatural on as telling us there's something "normal" about their freakish adaptations of reality.
Can you be a boy if you were born a girl?
Probably not.
Can you be a girl if you were actually born a boy?
Again, probably not.
Should an entire major world religion likewise be based upon physical impossibilities like a virgin birth and a zombie God risen from the dead?
Probably not.
I see no difference in the absurdity of these things.
Man, this old guy is really bringing me back to a quaint time when old people could just be out of touch with the modern world but still well meaning instead of the rabid bunch fucksticks prowling around retirement homes in Florida.
And you think you can tell everyone what “true transgender Ian” is?

Based on what? Meeting a couple trans folks?

I have several friends who are trans and none are the same.

There is no “true transgenderism” definition. At least none that you or I can point to
what do you say trans means exactly? Does it change ones X and Y chromosomes? just curious where you're at.
Because theu are still human beings no matter how few in number or what percentage of the population they represent. What you call normalizing it just means treating them with respect and dignity like every one else. You people want to relegate them to being freaks in a side show. To me you are the freaks. And you are froghtened snowflakes that are threatened by the fact that gender may not be what you despartly need to believe that it is
well they are not normal birth humans who think they can just say they're the opposite sex so therefore they are. I laugh at stupid fks for such nonsense. Can't change the chromosomes. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Bingos always choose sources that rely on Bingo logic. Logic like, "We can't treat gender dysphoria until we determine its exact cause" or reasoning like "Finland and Sweden aren't doing it" which means what exactly? The next few sentences after that admits that different doctors and countries have different approaches to care. Well no shit. If doctors all thought the same thing then there'd never be a need for anyone to get a second opinion, or to go with one treatment over another.

You dumb fucking Bingos don't know how to reason too well. Maybe you should take some advise from the Rastas and reason while smoking some marijuana. Expand your minds some.
If some scientists make claims but cannot prove it objectively.. then thats quite reckless to make such bold conclusions based on such weak evidence. Sadly, activism in science is quite common these days, usually from the left. It’s part of the danger of having such radically left universities overall.. they produce angry activists in all fields

You’re free to be a flat-earther here with some activist scientists patting you in the back.. just don’t get mad when those who rely on objective proof don’t believe your radical theories.
If some scientists make claims but cannot prove it objectively.. then thats quite reckless to make such bold conclusions based on such weak evidence. Sadly, activism in science is quite common these days, usually from the left.
Is activism common in science these days? Can you prove that? Or even first clearly define what that means? Why should you hold others to a standard you don't hold yourself to?
You’re free to be a flat-earther here with some activist scientists patting you in the back.. just don’t get mad when those who rely on objective proof don’t believe your radical theories.
The same people who never even try to provide evidence of their own claims?

Here's a link from Havard with a bunch of links to various studies. Which one would you like to try and debate? Dealers choice.
Is activism common in science these days? Can you prove that? Or even first clearly define what that means? Why should you hold others to a standard you don't hold yourself to?

The same people who never even try to provide evidence of their own claims?

Here's a link from Havard with a bunch of links to various studies. Which one would you like to try and debate? Dealers choice.
Why don’t you provide a study that provides objective evidence. You’re the one claiming some radical conspiracy theory.
Why don’t you provide a study that provides objective evidence. You’re the one claiming some radical conspiracy theory.
I just gave you a link with a bunch of studies. Would you like to choose one or would you like me to choose?
I just gave you a link with a bunch of studies. Would you like to choose one or would you like me to choose?
Why should I do your homework? If you make a claim, you provide the content of evidence. This isn’t hard.
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I just gave you a link with a bunch of studies. Would you like to choose one or would you like me to choose?
see rollo, your links don't contain anything of evidences. Try again. you won't cause you can't. Your basket is empty with that kind of information.
I think this whole transger thing is pretty whacky.
Just weird to have an entire societal "movement" focused upon demanding that 60 year olds like me pretend that something I consider basically circus feak-ish identity crisis weirdness is now somehow the "norm."
At the end of the day I have to admit to myself that this modern "movement" isn't really hurting me personally.
Why should I give a flying flip if other people want to pretend they are the opposite sex?

Now I know that the conservo-social-warrior crowd out there is trying really really hard to make their stance on this issue "all about protecting the children."
So I did some reading on the subject (because I really didn't know too much about it) and sure enough I learned that MOST of the hysterical, inflammatory and accusatory garbage I've been reading in conservative news (and here) isn't really accurate.
At least not according to the scientists, child and behavioral psychologists, and other people in the know on this subject.
It would appear there is a lot more to this issue than just "libruls grooming kids for sex."
That take on this issue would appear to be just as dishones and disengenious as calling abortion "murdering babies."
Just an ignorant, dim-witted, simplistic, cheap shot take on another highly complex problem/issue.
In my experience anybody who tries to tell you there's a simple solution to a highly complex problem is either a liar or an idiot.
I think it is worth considering that maybe we shouldn't be so offended by (what we consider) "freaks" trying to shove their agenda down our throats and forcing us to accept what we view as unnatural as normal.
The Christian Right have been doing this forever.
Trying to force the blatantly unnatural on as telling us there's something "normal" about their freakish adaptations of reality.
Can you be a boy if you were born a girl?
Probably not.
Can you be a girl if you were actually born a boy?
Again, probably not.
Should an entire major world religion likewise be based upon physical impossibilities like a virgin birth and a zombie God risen from the dead?
Probably not.
I see no difference in the absurdity of these things.
well. I see you don't see a difference and i'm sorry for you.
Can you be a boy if you were born a girl?
Probably not.
Can you be a girl if you were actually born a boy?
Again, probably not.
Should an entire major world religion likewise be based upon physical impossibilities like a virgin birth and a zombie God risen from the dead?
Probably not.
I see no difference in the absurdity of these things.
You’re free to not believe a religion, the difference is the trans religion is being taught or desiring to be taught in public schools. That’s the main point.

Christians had to make their own schools because it’s against the constitution to impose a religion onto kids using state money. The same should absolutely apply to trans mysticism/ideology. They should start their own schools if they want their kids being taught this stuff.

Plus, the amount of suicide and depression in the trans community can’t be ignored. Like drugs, society has a vested interest in the health of the people in it. Trans ideology indoctrination usually makes things worse for kids. You don’t have these alarming data trends in Christianity.. people are usually happier.

If something like trans mysticism causes so much negative consequences… then like heroine.. it shouldn’t be promoted like it is. It’s a very risky, harmful lifestyle choice.. like smoking, or being anorexic
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Believing in a sky fairly is a mental illness. Being who your mind screams at you, being who you are is very much different. One is a fantasy and the other is reality. One is a biological difference in brainwiring while the other a man made construct.
I feel dumber having read this retarded shit.

There is BIOLOGICAL PROOF that men are men and women are women, FULL STOP.

While there is no evidence for God in the end it makes no difference and hurts no one.

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