Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

By definition, this is a deviant activity, as is homosexuality. As such, normalizing an abnormal condition is illogical. It’s like deciding to normalize leprosy by putting lepers all over the media, with rotting flesh an all. What is the point? Yes, lepers exist but they do not need to be “normalized”. They need medical treatment. Likewise, trannies do not need their deviant behavior made normal. They need mental therapy.

I in no way advocate violence against these freaks. But there is absolutely no evidence that speaking the truth about these people does this. In addition, there is an entire industry growing up around transgenderism, which is essentially victimizing and preying on these people for profit. This is pretty sick.

And Focusing so much time and energy on Transgenderism, is a multi-diganosed form of Mental Illness​

By definition, this is a deviant activity, as is homosexuality. As such, normalizing an abnormal condition is illogical. It’s like deciding to normalize leprosy by putting lepers all over the media, with rotting flesh an all. What is the point? Yes, lepers exist but they do not need to be “normalized”. They need medical treatment. Likewise, trannies do not need their deviant behavior made normal. They need mental therapy.

I in no way advocate violence against these freaks. But there is absolutely no evidence that speaking the truth about these people does this. In addition, there is an entire industry growing up around transgenderism, which is essentially victimizing and preying on these people for profit. This is pretty sick.

What's interesting to me is how easy it is to dupe the public into believing just about anything. The powers-that-shouldn't-be do it through the media, the school system, pop-culture (TV shows that begin normalizing "transgenderism" and ultimately try to make it cool) and especially through their corrupt "science" and simply putting forth a few so-called "experts." That's all it takes for gullible people to believe the lie, because science is sacred and they would never mislead us! :lol: 🤦‍♀️

The public is gradually brainwashed over a period of time, until we get to the point where we're at now... where anyone who DOES see that the emperor is naked becomes the bad guy for simply speaking the truth.

I get why some people are more susceptible to falling for these types of lies and social conditioning… but that's a topic for a whole other thread.
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Why should I do your homework? If you make a claim, you provide the content of evidence. This isn’t hard.
Why that sounds more than fair. 😁

Here's a study showing the number of neurons in the limbic nucleus are significantly different between males and females. Males have almost twice as many as females. Male to female trans showed levels similar to cis females and the study included gay men who funnily enough had similar levels to cis men but even more of them which would seem to indicate to me that gay men where even more man then regular men but thats not what the study was looking at so draw your own conclusions there.

Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus

Likewise I await any objective evidence you would like to present for your claim that activisim is common in science these days.
By definition, this is a deviant activity, as is homosexuality. As such, normalizing an abnormal condition is illogical. It’s like deciding to normalize leprosy by putting lepers all over the media, with rotting flesh an all. What is the point? Yes, lepers exist but they do not need to be “normalized”. They need medical treatment. Likewise, trannies do not need their deviant behavior made normal. They need mental therapy.

I in no way advocate violence against these freaks. But there is absolutely no evidence that speaking the truth about these people does this. In addition, there is an entire industry growing up around transgenderism, which is essentially victimizing and preying on these people for profit. This is pretty sick.

Why would being different be 'illogical'?

What's illogical is your insistence that everyone has to want what you want, to believe as you believe.
They don't talk about it much but there are members of a cult who look for surgeons who are willing to amputate parts of their bodies. They hate their legs and would rather spend their lives in a wheelchair. What about men who hate the reproductive organs enough to find a surgeon who is willing to cut off healthy testicles? Aren't they mentally ill?

Transgenderism is a Mental Illness​

Try as I might ... I simply can't improve upon the title of this thread. It speaks for itself and there's NO disputing it.
you're a very sad person.

Your unhealthy obsession with Transgenderism is pathetic.
You are wrong. Which makes YOU the sad person. That you would declarations about me without any knowledge whatsoever of who I am is suggests you act without reason. This makes you DOUBLY sad. So I win!
Why that sounds more than fair. 😁

Here's a study showing the number of neurons in the limbic nucleus are significantly different between males and females. Males have almost twice as many as females. Male to female trans showed levels similar to cis females and the study included gay men who funnily enough had similar levels to cis men but even more of them which would seem to indicate to me that gay men where even more man then regular men but thats not what the study was looking at so draw your own conclusions there.

Male-to-Female Transsexuals Have Female Neuron Numbers in a Limbic Nucleus
Let me get this straight.

You’re referencing a study that had 6 test subjects?

… and expecting it to be take as widespread fact????

Do you know anything about what statistics or what to avoid when making conclusions from any studies?

For real.. 6 people.
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Let me get this straight.

You’re referencing a study that had 6 test subjects?

… and expecting it to be take as widespread fact????

Do you know anything about what statistics or what to avoid when making conclusions from any studies?

For real.. 6 people.
Care to address the findings? Objectivity doesn't require thousands of examples, it only requires one.
Care to address the findings?
Care to address the findings?
Sure… It’s an unreputable study by any measure.

but I doubt you even took a fleeting second to see if you were posting something with any legitimacy. You clearly saw something that agreed with you, had the word “study” next to it, and giddily posted it without doing any homework.

Talk about having some egg on your face
Sure… It’s an unreputable study by any measure.

but I doubt you even took a fleeting second to see if you were posting something with any legitimacy. You clearly saw something that agreed with you, had the word “study” next to it, and giddily posted it without doing any homework.

Talk about having some egg on your face
So instead of being able to discuss the objective findings rationally you resort to more insinuations and accusations for which you yourself provide no evidence for and you Bingos always wonder why you lose. 😄
So instead of being able to discuss the objective findings rationally you resort to more insinuations and accusations for which you yourself provide no evidence for and you Bingos always wonder why you lose. 😄
You presented a study that is eons from any reputable standard. So why would anyone waste time discussing it?

Here ya go: Interesting findings, but it only had 6 test subjects, so we really don’t know anything from it because the margin of error is so large

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