Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

I asked you first.
Well according to the biblical myth, after Cain murdered Abel, God, who apparently had no earthly clue this was going to happen, exiled Cain to the land of Nod where he wandered aimlessly until he bred with a female figure who technically could not have been there since at this point in the story she would have had to be his sister also produced by Adam and Eve even though the Book of Genesis fails to mention her at all.
But just for the sake of good fantasy we'll assume that Cain bred with some mysterious sister of his....and produced the inbred named Enoch.
And the rest as they say, is history.

So are you saying that even hetero couples should not engage in sex for pleasure.
ONLY for procreation?
How draconian.

How you came up with that is beyond anyone with a fully functioning brain.

And proves you do not.
According to the DSM which is written by experts in the field, they are not mental disorders. Just because you never matured past the 8th grade and think they are “freaks” doesn’t mean science agrees with you.
Well science really isn't science anymore now is it. Now go put on ya mask and call walmart for your next boostie.
How you came up with that is beyond anyone with a fully functioning brain.

And proves you do not.
Pleast try to keep up with your own bullshit ok.
You said this:

"Any individual who chooses a lifestyle that does not provide offspring is indeed irrelevant."

And THAT is how I "came up with this."
As biblical miracles go, that's not at all far-fetched.

Mortal Man has long had the technological capability to make it happen.

No reason at all to doubt that God had that ability, two millennia ago.
Being transgender is a personal choice and an expression of personal liberty; individuals have the right to self-determination and to define themselves as they see fit free from government interference and the hatred of rightwing bigots and their unwarranted fear of dissent, diversity, and inclusion.
the biggest problem conservatives have is the left cramming transgender crap into the minds of very very young children in school .
I don’t know that it’s the biggest problem. But it is an ugly one. And it’s not just a problem for conservatives. It’s a problem for many parents and for their kids.
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Pleast try to keep up with your own bullshit ok.
You said this:

"Any individual who chooses a lifestyle that does not provide offspring is indeed irrelevant."

And THAT is how I "came up with this."

Heterosexuality has provided every human being that has ever walked this planet.

Homosexuality provides the doctors that care for you when you are sick, the firefighters and soldiers who save your worthless life.

Homosexuality provides nothing even close.

You are irrelevant.

Deal with it.
Being transgender is a personal choice and an expression of personal liberty; individuals have the right to self-determination and to define themselves as they see fit free from government interference and the hatred of rightwing bigots and their unwarranted fear of dissent, diversity, and inclusion.

No one argues that. They may define THEMSELVES any damn way they please. But they MAY NOT demand I acknowledge them as what they are not.

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Try to find any “feelings” in a bone.
Well according to the biblical myth, after Cain murdered Abel, God, who apparently had no earthly clue this was going to happen, exiled Cain to the land of Nod where he wandered aimlessly until he bred with a female figure who technically could not have been there since at this point in the story she would have had to be his sister also produced by Adam and Eve even though the Book of Genesis fails to mention her at all.
But just for the sake of good fantasy we'll assume that Cain bred with some mysterious sister of his....and produced the inbred named Enoch.
And the rest as they say, is history.

The account in Genesis tells us nothing about how much time had passed from the time Adam and Eve left Eden and started breeding, or how many other children they had in that time, up to the point where Cain murdered Abel, nor how far their posterity had spread across the land, nor how many generations of posterity had been born by then.
Being transgender is a personal choice and an expression of personal liberty; individuals have the right to self-determination and to define themselves as they see fit free from government interference and the hatred of rightwing bigots and their unwarranted fear of dissent, diversity, and inclusion.

You seem to have misspelled “serious mental illness”.
Sky Daddy - the supernatural entity that knocked up his own mother and became his own father.
You Native American fake Indians have the Great Father and all those ghost spirits and shit.

But maybe that’s just some peyote talkin’.
Being transgender is a personal choice and an expression of personal liberty; individuals have the right to self-determination and to define themselves as they see fit free from government interference and the hatred of rightwing bigots and their unwarranted fear of dissent, diversity, and inclusion.
Sure ... people can live out their fantasies in privacy ... the problem is .. it has become expected to accept, as the cry bullies demand we use their preferred pronouns, let our daughters take showers in the same locker room, let our daughters lose scholarships, sponsorships and career opportunities in sporting events and our sons having their genitals mutilated.

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