Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

Since chickens have such a simple digestive system, their poop is mostly mineral.
Fresh chicken manure contains 0.5%[5] to 0.9% nitrogen,[6] 0.4%[4] to 0.5% phosphorus,[5] and 1.2% to 1.7% potassium.[5] One chicken produces approximately 8 to 11 pounds (3.6 to 5.0 kg) of manure monthly.[6] Chicken manure can be used to create homemade plant fertilizer.[6]

I guess it should surprise no one that you are such a “expert” on chickenshit.
The people we're arguing with are the same kinds of people that burnt the Library of Alexandria to the ground, sacked Rome and burnt books in nazi germany. it makes sense that they're currently doing the same in places like Florida. These people are in fact the ones with the mental illness.

I'll stick with facts and science.

The Library at Alexandria was set on fire BY the Romans.
The Romans tried to destroy all information on technology except that they could keep secret for themselves.

The first person blamed for the destruction of the Library is none other than Julius Caesar himself. In 48 BC, Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt when he was suddenly cut off by an Egyptian fleet at Alexandria. Greatly outnumbered and in enemy territory, Caesar ordered the ships in the harbor to be set on fire. The fire spread and destroyed the Egyptian fleet. Unfortunately, it also burned down part of the city - the area where the great Library stood.
Actually is does rarely happen that women give virgin birth.
It is just the body reverting back to the old method of asexual reproduction that is what all species originally did.

My initial reaction was to call solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

A quick bit of Googling seems to have affirmed this reaction.

In brief summary, there have been some theories expressed about how a human might possibly be conceived parthenogenically, but no proven instances of it ever having happened. Apparently, the closest thing to parthenogenesis that is proven to have ever occurred in humans, is a process that results in tumors, not in new human beings.

So, in the end, I fall back to my initial reaction.

I call bullshit.
So maybe transgenderism is just one of these "miracles?"
Like a virgin birth?

Last time I looked, nobody was trying to normalize more mundane versions of schizophrenia, demanding that sane people treat the delusions of schizophrenics as reality, overturning essential cultural and moral conventions in order to pander to schizophrenics, or telling sane people that we are hateful and bigoted for refusing to play along with the delusions of schizophrenics.

Girls and women are not having their modesty and privacy invaded, or their safety sacrificed, in order to pander to schizophrenics.
Lol oh Christ stop pretending you actually give a fuck about women and girls you disingenuous sack of garbage. You don’t. You just use them as an excuse to whine like a bitch about transgendered people. Like what women’s issue did you even care about previously? None. You’re full of shit.

How about some statistics huh? I don’t mean anecdotes. See because i could counter it with anecdotes involving heterosexual predators couldn’t I? Give me statistics that show trans women are a unique, wide, general threat to women. How do they differ from male, heterosexual predators?
I’ve heard of men feeling like they were born trapped in the body of a man. And I’ve heard of women who think they were born trapped in the body of a woman.

I’ve also heard of people like hermaphrodites. And I’ve heard of chromosomal problems like Xxy.

If these folks are so messed up by these things that they are miserable, I frankly don’t believe it’s our place to deny them a chance to have it corrected surgically. If it’s a “mental illness” of not, it’s their lives. It’s their business.

I continue to maintain that it is a perfectly consistent CONSERVATIVE position to say that if it’s none of MY business, then it’s none of the government’s business.

But let us not conflate any of that with the ability or willingness to impose it on mere kids.
the biggest problem conservatives have is the left cramming transgender crap into the minds of very very young children in school .
So,,when your brain screams at you that you are Jesus Christ, should you believe it and act accordingly, or should you seek out professional treatment? 🤪
Do you have a rational argument or do you just deal in slings and arrows?
I have known quite a few trans people. Enough to form significant opinions about the nature of this mental disease. True transgenderisim is exceedingly rare. Jennifer, a beautiful transgender woman told me that in her entire life as a member of transgender associations and activist groups, she had never met another true trans like herself. They were instead, a collection of mental misfits. Some merely transvestites confused about what that was.

Today, it's a collection of social contagion and hasty misdiagnosis. Sometimes to the deep regret of the child involved. My step great granddaughter was the victim of corrupt transitioners actively transitioning a 13 year old girl, basically against her will. An offhand comment set wheels in motion impossible to stop.

This entire movement needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. No more hormones, puberty blockers or surgeries on children.
My cat tried to trans into a dog, but i had to tell him he couldnt eat the shit in the kitty box......
NO, chromosomes do NOT at all determine sex.
Sex is determines by hormones, which the chromosomes are supposed to produce, but can be over ridden by food containing hormones, viral damage to hormone producing glands, etc.

And homosexuals are not "completely irrelevant" if they are increasing due to the over use of pesticides and herbicides, because then we are risking species extinction and need to know about it.

Any individual who chooses a lifestyle that does not provide offspring is indeed irrelevant.
Lol oh Christ stop pretending you actually give a fuck about women and girls you disingenuous sack of garbage. You don’t. You just use them as an excuse to whine like a bitch about transgendered people. Like what women’s issue did you even care about previously? None. You’re full of shit.

How about some statistics huh? I don’t mean anecdotes. See because i could counter it with anecdotes involving heterosexual predators couldn’t I? Give me statistics that show trans women are a unique, wide, general threat to women. How do they differ from male, heterosexual predators?

Whatever my motives may or may not be, I want women and girls to be protected from dangerous sexual perverts, and you want them to be left vulnerable thereto.

On its face, this puts you in an evil, depraved position, trying to claim some nonexistent moral high ground by casting doubt on my underlying motives.

I do not need to defend my motives. Hell, I don't even need to have honorable motives, in order for me to be rights, and you to be horribly wrong.

There are, as far as I can figure, no motives that I could possibly have for wanting women and girls to be protected from your kind, that could possibly be anywhere near as dishonorable as any motives that could drive you to want them to be victimized.
Whatever my motives may or may not be, I want women and girls to be protected from dangerous sexual perverts, and you want them to be left vulnerable thereto.

On its face, this puts you in an evil, depraved position, trying to claim some nonexistent moral high ground by casting doubt on my underlying motives.

I do not need to defend my motives. Hell, I don't even need to have honorable motives, in order for me to be rights, and you to be horribly wrong.

There are, as far as I can figure, no motives that I could possibly have for wanting women and girls to be protected from your kind, that could possibly be anywhere near as dishonorable as any motives that could drive you to want them to be victimized.
Lol you are just hysterical. So the answer to my question about what women’s issue you cared about previously is that there wasn’t one? Got it. Thanks for clearing that up lol.

Oh and you also don’t have statistics to post either? Got it, got it. Glad we are on the same page that you are whiny little bitch.

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