Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

So people who harm no one should be kept away from society because you think they are mentally ill.

Yes because group 3 in my post are truly mentally ill.

I know understand why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.
Nobody cares what adults do. It's when you start mutilating children with your "gender affirming care", do people see child abuse and it angers them.

Or even grooming them, steering and encouraging them into such mental dysfunction. Chemically and surgically mutilating them is where this leads but even before that point, serious harm is already being done.
What do you mean "believe" The Bible?
I have studied The Bible.
I have studied the world's religions.
I "believe" The Bible for what I know it (really) is.
I have a feeling though that you have NO idea what The Bible really is.
I have a feeling alright. I have a feeling you're nuts.
Yes because group 3 in my post are truly mentally ill.
So anyone you consider to be mentally ill should be locked up, even if they are harmless. Nice, but not surprising coming from you.

I know understand why your post count vs reaction score is what it is.

I find it interesting that you obsess about post vs reaction scores on an internet messageboard. Let me guess…you’re constantly checking your social media sites to see how many “likes” you’ve received :rolleyes:
How about minds infected with sanctimonuous Christianity?
Same thing?
brainwashing comes in many flavors. The ghettos have children five years old calling people racial names. No dads. Many mothers are teenagers who to be successful will have much more money spent on them to achieve it by the taxpayer.
Wow, an entire movement based on idiocy and hatred of science. Where is your research, where is your data??? Oh'yesss, you have none! Not one little tiny piece to counteract the reality that trans people need help and is clearly a difference in ones brain.

No one contests that. In the real world it's called mental illness. Psychopaths have different brain wiring too, they need help too. Feeling uncomfortable in one's own body, is, by definition, dis-ease.

You use your made up concepts of god to hate and be a nasty piece of shit.

So you have a stick up your butt about religion. You must have had a bad experience at some point.

I will point out you're being illogical and hypocritical. You want religious types to let gays be gays, but you're unwilling to let the religious types be themselves.

My take is, no one gets special rights in this world, not you, not them. You're entitled to your experiences just don't foist them on me. I am not responsible for your bad experiences.

Don't try to expand your scope beyond where it rightfully is. You don't get to socialize children, that's not in scope.
brainwashing comes in many flavors. The ghettos have children five years old calling people racial names. No dads. Many mothers are teenagers who to be successful will have much more money spent on them to achieve it by the taxpayer.
But "ghetto" need not imply black people.
Ever been to Appalachia?

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