Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

Again you’re singling out one condition and ignoring the rest. Functioning schizophrenics want to be accepted by society too. Where’s your energy on them? Oh it’s because you don’t find them “gross”.

Last time I looked, nobody was trying to normalize more mundane versions of schizophrenia, demanding that sane people treat the delusions of schizophrenics as reality, overturning essential cultural and moral conventions in order to pander to schizophrenics, or telling sane people that we are hateful and bigoted for refusing to play along with the delusions of schizophrenics.

Girls and women are not having their modesty and privacy invaded, or their safety sacrificed, in order to pander to schizophrenics.
By definition, this is a deviant activity, as is homosexuality. As such, normalizing an abnormal condition is illogical. It’s like deciding to normalize leprosy by putting lepers all over the media, with rotting flesh an all. What is the point? Yes, lepers exist but they do not need to be “normalized”. They need medical treatment. Likewise, trannies do not need their deviant behavior made normal. They need mental therapy.

I in no way advocate violence against these freaks. But there is absolutely no evidence that speaking the truth about these people does this. In addition, there is an entire industry growing up around transgenderism, which is essentially victimizing and preying on these people for profit. This is pretty sick.

There does not at all have to be consistency between the fetal development of genitalia and the mental development of sexual desires that do not happen until 13 years later, at puberty.

If one wants to be most accurate, all meiosis sexual reproduction is abnormal, at one time all organisms reproduced by mitosis asexually.

So there is no basis from which anyone can claim anything to be normal or abnormal.
The most you can say is what is common for humans.

But what we should be concerned with is that the increased use of pesticides and herbicides that are hormone based, like Roundup, will greatly increase the small number of accidental uncommon sexual combinations.
And that would reduce the chances of the human race surviving.
But "ghetto" need not imply black people.
Ever been to Appalachia?

The word "ghetto" originally meant the "gated communities" the aristocracy in Europe built for their wealthy Jewish employees.
Ghettos were not poor, but wealthy.
No, it isn’t.

Is this how you're justifying child sex changes?
There is no God = sex changes okay

Where God's influence is forced out, Satan fills the void, often with shit that is as insane as it is evil, that no sane human mind could ever accept, if not under diabolical influence.

Surely, we are seeing this principle very vividly demonstrated, where “transgenderism” is involved.
Where God's influence is forced out, Satan fills the void, often with shit that is as insane as it is evil, that no sane human mind could ever accept, if not under diabolical influence.

Surely, we are seeing this principle very vividly demonstrated, where “transgenderism” is involved.
The democrats child drag shows are so evil they are actually driving people who see them to convert to Christianity.
No, I just wanted to ask you what is the white stuff in chicken shit.

Since chickens have such a simple digestive system, their poop is mostly mineral.
Fresh chicken manure contains 0.5%[5] to 0.9% nitrogen,[6] 0.4%[4] to 0.5% phosphorus,[5] and 1.2% to 1.7% potassium.[5] One chicken produces approximately 8 to 11 pounds (3.6 to 5.0 kg) of manure monthly.[6] Chicken manure can be used to create homemade plant fertilizer.[6]
As biblical miracles g, that's not at all far-fetched.

Mortal Man has long had the technological capability to make it happen.

No reason at all to doubt that God had that ability, two millennia ago.

Actually is does rarely happen that women give virgin birth.
It is just the body reverting back to the old method of asexual reproduction that is what all species originally did.
I agree, being who you are is normal. If you have a penis, you're a male. If you have a vagina, you're a female. If you have a penis and believe you're a female, or if you have a vagina and believe you're a male, you're mentally ill.

There are a number of medical conditions that can cause a woman to be born with a penis or a male to be born with a vagina.
Here’s the fact. Chromosomes determine sex. And homosexuals are completely irrelevant to the species.

NO, chromosomes do NOT at all determine sex.
Sex is determines by hormones, which the chromosomes are supposed to produce, but can be over ridden by food containing hormones, viral damage to hormone producing glands, etc.

And homosexuals are not "completely irrelevant" if they are increasing due to the over use of pesticides and herbicides, because then we are risking species extinction and need to know about it.
Actually is does rarely happen that women give virgin birth.
It is just the body reverting back to the old method of asexual reproduction that is what all species originally did.
A chicken lays an egg day in and day out but sometimes a rooster catches her off guard and fertilizes a single egg.

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