Transgenderism is a Mental Illness

Of course it is a mental sickness! that goes without saying!

Not to quibble. Ok ok. It IS a quibble. But still, hyper-technically speaking, it turns out that water itself isn’t wet.
I believe there are 3 groups of trannies. One of them truly is mentally ill.

Group 1: young people. They aren't mentally ill as much as they are dumb kids going through an identity phase all kids do. Some become jocks, some think they are country, some want to be goth, or emo or whatever. Used to parents told them you'll grow out of it and didn't feed into it much. Now kids have soft and weak willed and cowardly parents that let them have 24/7 internet through their phones where the world tells them how amazing they are, they get praised, and fake online attention, plus the freaks of the world are now in the kids hands all the time. Some parents encourage it even. So what was once "a phase" is now "a lifestyle". No one is telling them "your 13. You don't know shit about shit. You're not a tranny, you'll grow out of it. Put down the phone it's time for dinner". These kids are raised by pathetic excuses for parents, they had no one raise them properly, they have no goals or ambition in life, they have no moral compass, no nothing. So they fill their lives with this garbage because their parents didn't fill their lives with anything good. The parents let them sit online all the time and fill their lives up with lies of other kids just as messed up as them and all the freaks the internet has to offer.

Group 2: older perverts. The other section of trannies are older men that don't for a sexual thrill. They may say they are a tranny, they aren't. It's an excuse to get sexual thrill from a kink.

Group 3: the actual mentally ill. If you truly, honestly, deep down believe you are truly the opposite sex then you're a nutball that needs psychiatric help and should be kept away from society. Anyone who truly consciously and subconsciously believe they are the opposite sex from what they were born, someone able to not believe in the most animalistic and basic and genetic layer of their being is messed up in the head.

There is a reason why all the trannies you ever see are 98% of the time 16 to 26 years old, and 55 to 70 years old.

You don't ever see really trannies that are 30 to 50, have a family, have a blue collar job, live in rural areas and so on. Almost all the trannies are kids and older men.
Why should group 3 be kept away from society?
Bet the current numbers blow those away
Isn't freedom grand? People are allowed to get plastic surgery. Only people that hate the concept of freedom would be against ones personal choice. Plus it is making a lot of money for some people. SO another plus!
Stop and think a minute. Why do you give a fuck about them in the first place? Like okay,
you think it’s a mental illness. Well there are plenty of mental illnesses in general aren’t there? Why do you feel the need to denigrate these people specifically?

These people have severe personality disorders....and they want the rest of the world to accept that as doesn't matter how unstable or deviant they are!

I can not accept this deranged behavior trying to impose on the rest of us.

No way.
Isn't freedom grand? People are allowed to get plastic surgery. Only people that hate the concept of freedom would be against ones personal choice. Plus it is making a lot of money for some people. SO another plus!
Adults can do whatever they want. Leave children alone.
Nobody cares what adults do. It's when you start mutilating children with your "gender affirming care", do people see child abuse and it angers them.
The thing is children are also affected by the differing of brainwiring noted in the studies I've posted. They still suffer no different from adults. Would you rather they be locked in a mental hospital and force to suffer? Science can't change the brain and has literally made the choice that it is better to treat the problem.
These people have severe personality disorders....and they want the rest of the world to accept that as doesn't matter how unstable or deviant they are!

I can not accept this deranged behavior trying to impose on the rest of us.

No way.
Again you’re singling out one condition and ignoring the rest. Functioning schizophrenics want to be accepted by society too. Where’s your energy on them? Oh it’s because you don’t find them “gross”.
These people have severe personality disorders....and they want the rest of the world to accept that as doesn't matter how unstable or deviant they are!

I can not accept this deranged behavior trying to impose on the rest of us.

No way.
Are you afraid they will somehow infect YOU or your children with this transgenderism bug?
These people have severe personality disorders....and they want the rest of the world to accept that as doesn't matter how unstable or deviant they are!

I can not accept this deranged behavior trying to impose on the rest of us.

No way.
Who are they hurting?
The thing is children are also affected by the differing of brainwiring noted in the studies I've posted. They still suffer no different from adults. Would you rather they be locked in a mental hospital and force to suffer? Science can't change the brain and has literally made the choice that it is better to treat the problem.
Bullshit. They aren't suffering. Go sell that shit to some naive college kids.

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