Travel to Europe threatened.

The UK could have no flights to and from Europe after Brexit, Ryanair warns

I suspect that it will get sorted but the antics of this government do worry me. Yesterday they were threatening a war with Spain.
I understand there will be an adjustment to Brexit interval after Britain leaves the European Union in two years time. Aviation treaties may be included in this for as long as it takes for British-based airlines to work-out agreements with the EU and other countries such as the USA, Canada, and everywhere else. If Britain wants to avoid a sharp cut of all agreements, there can be an adjustment period as long as Britain will continue to accept rulings if the European Court of Justice and freedom of movement of European Union citizens. In the meantime, British-based airlines will need to do a lot of planning.
It looks like the EP might not agree to making deals about this stuff until after they've made the withdrawal agreement or after they fail if they fail. Apparently there are dozens of things to which the British brexit people have promised a priority in the negotiations.

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