“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

You couldn’t be more wrong.
not with the video.
Actually that makes you even more wrong.

You’re a complete joke.
the video says it all.
Only a ignorant fool would believe that.
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.

intent isn't a component of second or third degree murder.

I once arrested a guy for bank robbery and we got him on second degree murder as well because the security guard at the bank had a heart attack and died during the robbery. The bank robber didn't intend to kill the guy, hell he didn't even strike the guy with hands or a weapon, but the guy died during the course of a felony committed by the bank robber. That's second degree murder. He was convicted at trial.

These three clowns committed the felony of false imprisonment, and then the man died as a result of their felony, making it MURDER.
There are no degrees of murder in Georgia.
why on Earth do you think it's acceptable for three men to chase down some guy? And further, why don't you recognize that the guy had the right to get away up to and including using deadly force?

If I showed up at your house and knocked on your door and I said "okay buddy you're a felon get down on your knees now, I'm calling the cops" would you? Well, you seem like a pussy, so you might, but normal people wouldn't.
neighborhood watch. name Zimmerman mean anything to you?

BTW, your second paragraph isn't what happened so you're all over the place now. it is absolutely stupid what you wrote. there isn't any form of thought in it. you should read what you wrote, you go, huh?

Yeah it was a miscarriage of justice that Zimmerman didn't go to jail too. Neighborhood watch members still have to follow the law.

And of course my second paragraph wasn't what happened in this case . I didn't say it was.
not to the jury. same issue here. you need to get a grasp that people don't want looters in their neighborhoods. when the looters escalate their hate, the consequences can be deadly. shame they aren't smarter than that. you either on that note.
Liar, you possess a grand total of zero evidence that Arbery "looted" anything in that neighborhood.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
So fine him
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
So fine him
Maybe they could have if Travis had stopped with a verbal command but sadly we know he didn't.

A firearm is a tool of coercion when used as such. It can be used to "persuade" individuals to do things they otherwise would not do or to act against their own self interest.

Travis issued his command at the point of a firearm in an attempt to coerce Arbery to get on the ground. When Arbery refused, I suspect Travis probably had an "uh oh" moment when he realized that Arbery had no intention of complying with his unlawful command. I further suspect he therefore shot Arbery hoping to keep him from getting his hands on him or his shotgun and then possibly using his own shotgun on him.

The first rule of basic firearm safety is to NEVER point a firearm at anything or anyone you don't intend to kill or destroy. Looks to be that Travis's actions were both deliberate and intentional which means he cannot then claim self defense.

He killed someone, you don't get a mere fine for that.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.

Frustrating when people won't just acknowledge simple facts , isn't it?
They're trolls. Nobody spend this much time arguing the wrong side of a case unless they're defense attorneys.
Roddy was pursuing him from behind. McMichael got infront of him.
nope, never. you should watch the video.
Who do you think shot the video silly? It was “Roddy” pursuing him from behind.

You think McMichael’s pickup was there randomly? They went around the block to cut him off from in front.

That’s exactly what happened.
Yep, and then the black man running with absolutely no obstruction ran at a man holding a gun, attempted to take the gun. What did you think the guy holding it would do, let him have it? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

an answer you ain’t got
If you think armed men chasing you and shouting at you to get on the ground doesn’t constitute obstruction, there’s something wrong with your head.
Huh when did that happen? Are you talking about them following arbery the violent criminal?
It happened in the minutes prior to Arbery being shot by McMichael.
But you already know this.
They were following a person that was seen leaving a dwelling that didn’t belong to him on the phone with the cops.. we can’t do that anymore?
Like a lynch mob?

No. You can’t do that anymore.
At no time did they lynch him, they were on the phone with the cops
No, they didn’t lynch him. They shot him.

All Arbery knew was that he was being pursued by armed men shouting at him to lie on the ground. That is threatening and illegal behavior which justifies Arbery acting to defend himself.

Frustrating when people won't just acknowledge simple facts , isn't it?
They're trolls. Nobody spend this much time arguing the wrong side of a case unless they're defense attorneys.
Never happened. I watched the video.
But the video doesn't show what happened at the front of the vehicle because the vehicle itself is obscuring the view.

Absent the ability to view that segment of the video, the gap is filled in by questioning one of the two parties who were involved in the shooting. Because Arbery is deceased that only leaves Travis McMichael's although the father if he was in the bed of the trunk may have been able to view what transpired, however I don't recall him providing corrobarating testimony in support of your allegation that Arbery attacked first and that Travis was only defending himself (actually this point is moot because it's already been established that the McMichael's were the aggressors since they chased down Arbery)

How is it possible that you watched a video and saw something on it that isn't there?
The video shows AA the aggressor.

No sir. It does not. It clearly shows Travis committing Aggravated Assault. It means the death must be Murder. No other option exists in law.
Naw. You should watch closer

I have watched it very closely. As I said. Travis definitely commits the act of Aggravated Assault. That crime means that Travis is the criminal. AA’s death is the result of a criminal action.

Look. It is how we deal with every death. Let’s say someone robs a store. The clerk panics and tries to rush out of the store, slips and hits his head. He dies from the fall. Since he died while a crime was being committed the death is automatically a Murder.
What is it you claim Travis did?

It is not just what I claim he did. It is what the Prosecutor and GBI investigators say he did. It is what Greg’s lawyer says Travis did. And it is what Roddy’s lawyer says he did. So everyone involved except Travis.
they said he did what?

BTW, the Roddy guy didn't see shit.

There is more than one minute of video. The Lawyers in the hearing said what I said they did.

Roddy’s lawyer said Roddy did not know the McMichaels were acting illegally. Roddy’s lawyer acknowledged that the McMichaels were acting in violation of the law.

Greg’s lawyer said that Greg was there talking to police and trying to keep AA in sight and had no idea that Travis was going to shoot. Greg is claiming he had nothing to do with it.

So if two lawyers say that Greg murdered AA and they are co defendants why are you having trouble with it?
so what? all of that is true. So what? doesn't change the fact the black dude bull rushed Travis. just doesn't. That is in the video.

the black dude tried to take the gun, right?

In a manner of speaking. Yes. He attacked in self defense after minutes of being chased by criminals including a hit and run accident.
Self defense of what? No one was stopping him

Dumbfuck... the guy who parked his car in the middle of a road, got out armed with a shotgun and ordered Arbery to get on the ground -- was trying to stop him.

You must be the most ignorant poster on this forum to not understand that.
What’s wrong with trying to stop a criminal with verbal commands? Did it hurt his feelings?
It's not legal, that's what's wrong with it.
So fine him
Maybe they could have if Travis had stopped with a verbal command but sadly we know he didn't.

A firearm is a tool of coercion when used as such. It can be used to "persuade" individuals to do things they otherwise would not do or to act against their own self interest.

Travis issued his command at the point of a firearm in an attempt to coerce Arbery to get on the ground. When Arbery refused, I suspect Travis probably had an "uh oh" moment when he realized that Arbery had no intention of complying with his unlawful command. I further suspect he therefore shot Arbery hoping to keep him from getting his hands on him or his shotgun and then possibly using his own shotgun on him.

The first rule of basic firearm safety is to NEVER point a firearm at anything or anyone you don't intend to kill or destroy. Looks to be that Travis's actions were both deliberate and intentional which means he cannot then claim self defense.

He killed someone, you don't get a mere fine for that.
Cool story
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.
How did Travis shoot Arbery in the chest with his first shot of the three total he fired, if his shotgun was not pointed at Arbery?
The video shows otherwise, dumbass.

You cannot see the first shot on the video.

The Transcript of the hearing tells us AA had blood on his shirt when you can see AA attacking TM. AA was wounded trying to disarm his attacker.

Jesse Evans: (51:38)
During Travis McMichael’s interview with police, did he make any admissions about firing the fatal gunshots in this particular case?

Richard Dial: (51:46)
He did. He admitted firing the weapon three times.

Jesse Evans: (51:50)
And the first shot that he articulated, where did he indicate to the police that that shot landed?

Richard Dial: (51:56)
The chest, Mr. Arbery’s chest.

Jesse Evans: (51:58)
So the first shot that Mr. Travis McMichael said that was inflicted on Mr. Arbery was one of the chest wounds that you had articulated here, correct?

Richard Dial: (52:07)
That is correct.

Jesse Evans: (52:08)
And is there video evidence that you saw that tends to corroborate based on your observation that that is an accurate statement that the chest wounds was, or least one of the chest wounds, was the first shot that was fired at the deceased victim Mr. Arbery?

Richard Dial: (52:25)
Yes, sir, there is.

Jesse Evans: (52:26)
Can you articulate for the court how that is that you’re able to see that?

Richard Dial: (52:29)
After the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.

Jesse Evans: (52:44)
He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?

Richard Dial: (52:49)
Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.

Your hero should rot in prison for the rest of his life.
I take it Georgia doesn't have the death penalty.

They do...

List of people executed in Georgia (U.S. state) - Wikipedia
Very good to know, thanks.
prove it.
A firearm is a tool of coercion when used as such. It can be used to "persuade" individuals to do things they otherwise would not do or to act against their own self interest
"Coercion (/koʊˈɜːrʒən, -ʃən/) is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force.[1] It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response
Physical coercion is the most commonly considered form of coercion, where the content of the conditional threat is the use of force against a victim, their relatives or property. An often used example is "putting a gun to someone's head" (at gunpoint) or putting a "knife under the throat" (at knifepoint or cut-throat) to compel action or the victim gets killed or injured. These are so common that they are also used as metaphors for other forms of coercion. "

Coercion - Wikipedia
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.
How did Travis shoot Arbery in the chest with his first shot of the three total he fired, if his shotgun was not pointed at Arbery?
Watch the video, the black man grabs it. If you watch you will see him attempting to take the gun. Dude, really, watch the video
prove it.
A firearm is a tool of coercion when used as such. It can be used to "persuade" individuals to do things they otherwise would not do or to act against their own self interest
"Coercion (/koʊˈɜːrʒən, -ʃən/) is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force.[1] It involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the free will of an individual to induce a desired response
Physical coercion is the most commonly considered form of coercion, where the content of the conditional threat is the use of force against a victim, their relatives or property. An often used example is "putting a gun to someone's head" (at gunpoint) or putting a "knife under the throat" (at knifepoint or cut-throat) to compel action or the victim gets killed or injured. These are so common that they are also used as metaphors for other forms of coercion. "

Coercion - Wikipedia
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.
How did Travis shoot Arbery in the chest with his first shot of the three total he fired, if his shotgun was not pointed at Arbery?
Watch the video, the black man grabs it. If you watch you will see him attempting to take the gun. Dude, really, watch the video

It was a desperation move. Self defense on the part of AA by law. TM is the murderer.
why on Earth do you think it's acceptable for three men to chase down some guy? And further, why don't you recognize that the guy had the right to get away up to and including using deadly force?

If I showed up at your house and knocked on your door and I said "okay buddy you're a felon get down on your knees now, I'm calling the cops" would you? Well, you seem like a pussy, so you might, but normal people wouldn't.
neighborhood watch. name Zimmerman mean anything to you?

BTW, your second paragraph isn't what happened so you're all over the place now. it is absolutely stupid what you wrote. there isn't any form of thought in it. you should read what you wrote, you go, huh?

Yeah it was a miscarriage of justice that Zimmerman didn't go to jail too. Neighborhood watch members still have to follow the law.

And of course my second paragraph wasn't what happened in this case . I didn't say it was.
not to the jury. same issue here. you need to get a grasp that people don't want looters in their neighborhoods. when the looters escalate their hate, the consequences can be deadly. shame they aren't smarter than that. you either on that note.
Liar, you possess a grand total of zero evidence that Arbery "looted" anything in that neighborhood.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

Irritating when people lie to defend their position, isn't it? Perhaps something for liberals who are feeling frustrated in this thread to consider in OTHER threads.
why on Earth do you think it's acceptable for three men to chase down some guy? And further, why don't you recognize that the guy had the right to get away up to and including using deadly force?

If I showed up at your house and knocked on your door and I said "okay buddy you're a felon get down on your knees now, I'm calling the cops" would you? Well, you seem like a pussy, so you might, but normal people wouldn't.
neighborhood watch. name Zimmerman mean anything to you?

BTW, your second paragraph isn't what happened so you're all over the place now. it is absolutely stupid what you wrote. there isn't any form of thought in it. you should read what you wrote, you go, huh?

Yeah it was a miscarriage of justice that Zimmerman didn't go to jail too. Neighborhood watch members still have to follow the law.

And of course my second paragraph wasn't what happened in this case . I didn't say it was.
not to the jury. same issue here. you need to get a grasp that people don't want looters in their neighborhoods. when the looters escalate their hate, the consequences can be deadly. shame they aren't smarter than that. you either on that note.
Liar, you possess a grand total of zero evidence that Arbery "looted" anything in that neighborhood.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

Irritating when people lie to defend their position, isn't it? Perhaps something for liberals who are feeling frustrated in this thread to consider in OTHER threads.
you should stop lying then. that simple enough right? BTW, name one lie I've made. Are you saying the video lied?

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