“Travis told police Arbery “squared up” like he was going to attack.” So he shot him in the chest.

why on Earth do you think it's acceptable for three men to chase down some guy? And further, why don't you recognize that the guy had the right to get away up to and including using deadly force?

If I showed up at your house and knocked on your door and I said "okay buddy you're a felon get down on your knees now, I'm calling the cops" would you? Well, you seem like a pussy, so you might, but normal people wouldn't.
neighborhood watch. name Zimmerman mean anything to you?

BTW, your second paragraph isn't what happened so you're all over the place now. it is absolutely stupid what you wrote. there isn't any form of thought in it. you should read what you wrote, you go, huh?

Yeah it was a miscarriage of justice that Zimmerman didn't go to jail too. Neighborhood watch members still have to follow the law.

And of course my second paragraph wasn't what happened in this case . I didn't say it was.
not to the jury. same issue here. you need to get a grasp that people don't want looters in their neighborhoods. when the looters escalate their hate, the consequences can be deadly. shame they aren't smarter than that. you either on that note.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
not with the video.
Actually that makes you even more wrong.

You’re a complete joke.
the video says it all.
Only a ignorant fool would believe that.
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.

intent isn't a component of second or third degree murder.

I once arrested a guy for bank robbery and we got him on second degree murder as well because the security guard at the bank had a heart attack and died during the robbery. The bank robber didn't intend to kill the guy, hell he didn't even strike the guy with hands or a weapon, but the guy died during the course of a felony committed by the bank robber. That's second degree murder. He was convicted at trial.

These three clowns committed the felony of false imprisonment, and then the man died as a result of their felony, making it MURDER.
you can't prove murder when the dead guy caused his own death.
All you need to prove is that McMichael was committing a crime at the time Arbery was shot.
I'm not arguing that at all.
Of course you aren’t. The prosecutors will be, however.
you need to prove McMichael was committing a crime. I know he wasn't. so not what I'm arguing. you're fked up in the head as usual. you went off the rail bubba.
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
You couldn’t be more wrong.
not with the video.
Actually that makes you even more wrong.

You’re a complete joke.
the video says it all.
Only a ignorant fool would believe that.
can't prove intent. the fact the white dude with the gun never raised his gun while the black man approached the truck proves no intent, otherwise the white dude with the gun would have confronted the black man while he approached the truck bed. Never happened. Without intent, you got shit.

intent isn't a component of second or third degree murder.

I once arrested a guy for bank robbery and we got him on second degree murder as well because the security guard at the bank had a heart attack and died during the robbery. The bank robber didn't intend to kill the guy, hell he didn't even strike the guy with hands or a weapon, but the guy died during the course of a felony committed by the bank robber. That's second degree murder. He was convicted at trial.

These three clowns committed the felony of false imprisonment, and then the man died as a result of their felony, making it MURDER.
you can't prove murder when the dead guy caused his own death.
All you need to prove is that McMichael was committing a crime at the time Arbery was shot.
I'm not arguing that at all.
Of course you aren’t. The prosecutors will be, however.
you need to prove McMichael was committing a crime. I know he wasn't. so not what I'm arguing. you're fked up in the head as usual. you went off the rail bubba.

You were shown the Georgia statute for citizens arrest, you were shown that no this guy didn't attempt a legal citizens arrest. He in fact committed a felony by illegally detaining arbery.

It's been proven. You are just an idiot.
nope, you never posted it. you lied. I told you that already.
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
I have the video.
Why do you think the video shows everything that happened?
what doesn't it show?
The McMichaels and Bryan pursuing Arbery down multiple streets and attempting to cut him off, forcing him to turn and backtrack several times while shouting at him to stop and lie on the ground before finally getting out of the vehicle confronting him with a shotgun.
The video shows otherwise, dumbass.

You cannot see the first shot on the video.

The Transcript of the hearing tells us AA had blood on his shirt when you can see AA attacking TM. AA was wounded trying to disarm his attacker.

Jesse Evans: (51:38)
During Travis McMichael’s interview with police, did he make any admissions about firing the fatal gunshots in this particular case?

Richard Dial: (51:46)
He did. He admitted firing the weapon three times.

Jesse Evans: (51:50)
And the first shot that he articulated, where did he indicate to the police that that shot landed?

Richard Dial: (51:56)
The chest, Mr. Arbery’s chest.

Jesse Evans: (51:58)
So the first shot that Mr. Travis McMichael said that was inflicted on Mr. Arbery was one of the chest wounds that you had articulated here, correct?

Richard Dial: (52:07)
That is correct.

Jesse Evans: (52:08)
And is there video evidence that you saw that tends to corroborate based on your observation that that is an accurate statement that the chest wounds was, or least one of the chest wounds, was the first shot that was fired at the deceased victim Mr. Arbery?

Richard Dial: (52:25)
Yes, sir, there is.

Jesse Evans: (52:26)
Can you articulate for the court how that is that you’re able to see that?

Richard Dial: (52:29)
After the first shot, again, you see a struggle between Travis McMichael and Mr. Arbery. During that struggle, Mr. Arbery, while he was wearing a white shirt during this incident, during that struggle, you see the front of his shirt is saturated with blood.

Jesse Evans: (52:44)
He’s already saturated blood before the struggle that you can see on the video?

Richard Dial: (52:49)
Well that’s correct, during the struggle is mere seconds after the first shot, his front of his shirt is saturated with blood.

Your hero should rot in prison for the rest of his life.
I take it Georgia doesn't have the death penalty.

They do...

List of people executed in Georgia (U.S. state) - Wikipedia
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
I have the video.
Why do you think the video shows everything that happened?
what doesn't it show?
The McMichaels and Bryan pursuing Arbery down multiple streets and attempting to cut him off, forcing him to turn and backtrack several times while shouting at him to stop and lie on the ground before finally getting out of the vehicle confronting him with a shotgun.
what does that have to do with his death? And again, statements not in the police report. And it isn't illegal to follow someone. when did that become law?
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
I have the video.
Why do you think the video shows everything that happened?
what doesn't it show?
The McMichaels and Bryan pursuing Arbery down multiple streets and attempting to cut him off, forcing him to turn and backtrack several times while shouting at him to stop and lie on the ground before finally getting out of the vehicle confronting him with a shotgun.
what does that have to do with his death? And again, statements not in the police report. And it isn't illegal to follow someone. when did that become law?
It is the felony that they were committing at the time they shot Arbery.

They weren’t “following him”. They were attempting to arrest him. It is illegal for citizens to arrest someone who hasn’t committed a felony in their direct knowledge.
That is what I have been telling you. Watch the videos. You will see the foundation for the Hate Crime investigation by the Feds. You will see the foundation for all the charges and the defense attorneys laying out their defense strategy. Why would you not watch the videos?
it seems you are the one with all the hate. amazingly hypocritical bubba. I think you wish to cut off the white dudes head and shit down his neck. right? you have no need for fking justice do you?

Hypocritical because I deal in truth and facts instead of race? I am happy you do not approve. I am proud.
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
I have the video.
Why do you think the video shows everything that happened?
what doesn't it show?
The McMichaels and Bryan pursuing Arbery down multiple streets and attempting to cut him off, forcing him to turn and backtrack several times while shouting at him to stop and lie on the ground before finally getting out of the vehicle confronting him with a shotgun.
what does that have to do with his death? And again, statements not in the police report. And it isn't illegal to follow someone. when did that become law?

They weren’t “following him”. They were attempting to arrest him. It is illegal for citizens to arrest someone who hasn’t committed a felony in their direct knowledge.
prove it.
All you have to do is look at the multiple independent corroborating statements that each individual gave to the police at the time of the shooting.

They confessed.
How do you know he wasn’t committing a crime?
I have the video.
Why do you think the video shows everything that happened?
what doesn't it show?
The McMichaels and Bryan pursuing Arbery down multiple streets and attempting to cut him off, forcing him to turn and backtrack several times while shouting at him to stop and lie on the ground before finally getting out of the vehicle confronting him with a shotgun.
what does that have to do with his death? And again, statements not in the police report. And it isn't illegal to follow someone. when did that become law?

that says stalking.
They weren’t “following him”. They were attempting to arrest him. It is illegal for citizens to arrest someone who hasn’t committed a felony in their direct knowledge.
prove it.
All you have to do is look at the multiple independent corroborating statements that each individual gave to the police at the time of the shooting.
I read the police report. which part are you referring to?
They weren’t “following him”. They were attempting to arrest him. It is illegal for citizens to arrest someone who hasn’t committed a felony in their direct knowledge.
prove it.
All you have to do is look at the multiple independent corroborating statements that each individual gave to the police at the time of the shooting.
I read the police report. which part are you referring to?
What they told law enforcement at the station.
They weren’t “following him”. They were attempting to arrest him. It is illegal for citizens to arrest someone who hasn’t committed a felony in their direct knowledge.
prove it.

God damned you are an idiot. That's what they told the cops "this guy was seen on our property several times so we wanted to detain him until the police could question him"

now the ONLY legal way a citizen can detain another citizen is via a citizen's arrest, otherwise it's just unlawful detainment.

And if you don't follow the law when making a citizen's arrest, that is also unlawful detainment.

Private citizens do NOT have the legal authority to stop other citizens and "question them" or "hold them until the police can question them"

These rednecks WERE attempting to make a citizen's arrest, but had no idea what the Georgia law was.

Are you from Georgia?

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