

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
You know through out history that charge has been brought and guilty has been found. But never before has the thought or charge been brought against a sitting or a former president.

We may well be faced with that under current leadership. Military missions designed NOT to enter combat NOT to take the enemy out. Then you have the issue of returning five known terrorist leaders for a KNOWN deserter.

These are not small failings or slight mistakes these are large failings tied directly to leadership and each of HIS choices has aided and abetted the enemy. He has turned his back on our KNOWN and PROVEN allies while bowing to a tyrant. He gave Iran nukes while leaving behind FOUR American hostages there.

He KNOWINGLY imported Ebola into this country and then blamed the hospital when that person died. He KNOWINGLY sold guns to drug cartels that resulted in the death of two border agents and thousands of Mexican citizens.

He KNOWINGLY sent some of our border security sensors to Afghanistan to guard their POPPY FIELDS as we left. I'm betting a lot of people her did not know that one huh?
Homeland Security Delays Plan to Place Sensors on U.S.-Mexico Border

That's right folks TENS of THOUSANDS sensors paid for by you for the protection of CITIZENS in this country now guard the Poppy Fields {Heroin} in Afghanistan. Democrats told you about that though right? Now you may argue this does not show treason but I differ.

We are being INVADED by the south and hundreds and hundreds miles of high tech electronic border fence is in another country guarding a drug supply. You ever stop and ask yourself 'Why is the president and the democrats helping not one but TWO drug cartels at the same time?

snowden should be tried for treason...

he is NO hero for circumventing protocol and breaking our laws...

and he did not reveal anything that we didn't already have other means to know.

NSA spying challenge turned aside

Right under the noses of French intelligence agencies wielding some of the strongest surveillance powers on Earth, a group of eight terrorists operating under the banner of the Islamic State -- one of the most scrutinized organizations on the planet -- somehow managed to meticulously plan, coordinate and execute the deadliest terror attack seen in Europe in more than a decade. This played out only 10 months after the notorious Charlie Hedbo attack, which occasioned vows of unrestrained vigilance.

How could this have happened?

Ask ex-CIA Director James Woolsey and the blame falls squarely on one man: Edward Snowden. In Woolsey’s accounting, Snowden, the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor who leaked a vast trove of classified documents detailing the extent and workings of the American intelligence apparatus, now has “blood on his hands” and is responsible for the atrocities visited on Paris on Friday evening. The attacks left at least 129 people dead and hundreds wounded, many of them critically.

It was Snowden’s unprecedented leak of top secret information about how U.S. and U.K. spy agencies monitor and track people around the world, Woolsey said, that led terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda to adapt their methods of communication to avoid surveillance, adopting more secure channels, including those offering end-to-end encryption.
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snowden should be tried for treason...

he is NO hero for circumventing protocol and breaking our laws...

and he did not reveal anything that we didn't already have other means to know.

NSA spying challenge turned aside

Right under the noses of French intelligence agencies wielding some of the strongest surveillance powers on Earth, a group of eight terrorists operating under the banner of the Islamic State -- one of the most scrutinized organizations on the planet -- somehow managed to meticulously plan, coordinate and execute the deadliest terror attack seen in Europe in more than a decade. This played out only 10 months after the notorious Charlie Hedbo attack, which occasioned vows of unrestrained vigilance.

How could this have happened?

Ask ex-CIA Director James Woolsey and the blame falls squarely on one man: Edward Snowden. In Woolsey’s accounting, Snowden, the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor who leaked a vast trove of classified documents detailing the extent and workings of the American intelligence apparatus, now has “blood on his hands” and is responsible for the atrocities visited on Paris on Friday evening. The attacks left at least 129 people dead and hundreds wounded, many of them critically.

It was Snowden’s unprecedented leak of top secret information about how U.S. and U.K. spy agencies monitor and track people around the world, Woolsey said, that led terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda to adapt their methods of communication to avoid surveillance, adopting more secure channels, including those offering end-to-end encryption.
So the Obama team wants to blame Snowden for those sensors going overseas?Nah, not buying no sale.
If his plan was to 'import Ebola', apparently to what, 'wipe out millions'? Then holy mother of god batman what a fail. How many died from Ebola in the US? 1? Or none?

30 people die a year from lightning. You'd think his evil plan would at least have been to have started getting people to stand in open fields more often.
I don't know that you stated any grounds for treason. You showed he is an arrogant childish fool. We knew that.

I think the Treason lies in:

1) Taking an oath to faithfully enforce the laws; then
2) Intentionally NOT enforcing the immigration laws; effectively allowing, even encouraging, an invasion of this Country;
3) With the malignant intent to undermine the traditional American system;
4) The greatest thus far established on Earth;
5) And substituting some sort of utopian bullshit...well who knows what the clown is thinking, looks to me like old fashioned Marxist Socialism without the bloody revolution.

Fuck him. If he didn't have a Get-Out-Of-Jail Free RACE Card, he would have been impeached by now.
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Take your little rubber hammer and do what you want. WE adults want to work on the problems of today. Alright.

Yeah . The problem is that we have all these conferate memorials TODAY! Even though those guys are definition of traitors .
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Take your little rubber hammer and do what you want. WE adults want to work on the problems of today. Alright.

Yeah . The problem is that we have all these conferate memorials TODAY! Even though those guys are definition of traitors .
So as of today you are far more scared of a stone/cloth or brass memorial then a LIVE terrorist with AK-47?

And you feel equal to any adult in the room. Nope, sorry. You are not.
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Take your little rubber hammer and do what you want. WE adults want to work on the problems of today. Alright.

Yeah . The problem is that we have all these conferate memorials TODAY! Even though those guys are definition of traitors .
So as of today you are far more scared of a stone/cloth or brass memorial then a LIVE terrorist with AK-47?

And you feel equal to any adult in the room. Nope, sorry. You are not.

You're right . We should start some sort of "homeland security " department ! Give them a bottemless budget and a patriot act to skirt the constitution .

Until that happens , we are sitting ducks !

Now about those confederate memorials .
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Take your little rubber hammer and do what you want. WE adults want to work on the problems of today. Alright.

Yeah . The problem is that we have all these conferate memorials TODAY! Even though those guys are definition of traitors .
So as of today you are far more scared of a stone/cloth or brass memorial then a LIVE terrorist with AK-47?

And you feel equal to any adult in the room. Nope, sorry. You are not.

You're right . We should start some sort of "homeland security " department ! Give them a bottemless budget and a patriot act to skirt the constitution .

Until that happens , we are sitting ducks !

Now about those confederate memorials .
Every single person involved in the War between the States that fought for or lead the Confederacy were blanket given immunity from charges of Treason at the end of that war. But then you would know that if you had bothered to actually learn HISTORY. As for monuments that is between the Individual States and THEIR citizens.
Speaking of treason. When do we finally get rid of all those confederate memorials ?
Take your little rubber hammer and do what you want. WE adults want to work on the problems of today. Alright.

Yeah . The problem is that we have all these conferate memorials TODAY! Even though those guys are definition of traitors .
So as of today you are far more scared of a stone/cloth or brass memorial then a LIVE terrorist with AK-47?

And you feel equal to any adult in the room. Nope, sorry. You are not.

You're right . We should start some sort of "homeland security " department ! Give them a bottemless budget and a patriot act to skirt the constitution .

Until that happens , we are sitting ducks !

Now about those confederate memorials .
Every single person involved in the War between the States that fought for or lead the Confederacy were blanket given immunity from charges of Treason at the end of that war. But then you would know that if you had bothered to actually learn HISTORY. As for monuments that is between the Individual States and THEIR citizens.

So what . OJ was found to be not guilty .

Lincoln pardoned them to make nice and move on. Doesn't change the fact that they were murderous traitors who killed more U.S. troops than any terror group could dream off .

You right wingers get upset that we brought that bergdal guy back from the taliban , then turn around and defend the confederacy ? Who was worse ???
You know through out history that charge has been brought and guilty has been found. But never before has the thought or charge been brought against a sitting or a former president.

We may well be faced with that under current leadership. Military missions designed NOT to enter combat NOT to take the enemy out. Then you have the issue of returning five known terrorist leaders for a KNOWN deserter.

These are not small failings or slight mistakes these are large failings tied directly to leadership and each of HIS choices has aided and abetted the enemy. He has turned his back on our KNOWN and PROVEN allies while bowing to a tyrant. He gave Iran nukes while leaving behind FOUR American hostages there.

He KNOWINGLY imported Ebola into this country and then blamed the hospital when that person died. He KNOWINGLY sold guns to drug cartels that resulted in the death of two border agents and thousands of Mexican citizens.

He KNOWINGLY sent some of our border security sensors to Afghanistan to guard their POPPY FIELDS as we left. I'm betting a lot of people her did not know that one huh?
Homeland Security Delays Plan to Place Sensors on U.S.-Mexico Border

That's right folks TENS of THOUSANDS sensors paid for by you for the protection of CITIZENS in this country now guard the Poppy Fields {Heroin} in Afghanistan. Democrats told you about that though right? Now you may argue this does not show treason but I differ.

We are being INVADED by the south and hundreds and hundreds miles of high tech electronic border fence is in another country guarding a drug supply. You ever stop and ask yourself 'Why is the president and the democrats helping not one but TWO drug cartels at the same time?


"invaded by the South..." ???

You are as dumb as they cum.
That's never going to happen. If for no other reason than it exposes future Republican presidents to the same charge. They won't/can't even impeach the president, let alone prosecute for treason. That's a pretty dangerous path you contemplate.
Every single person involved in the War between the States that fought for or lead the Confederacy were blanket given immunity from charges of Treason at the end of that war. But then you would know that if you had bothered to actually learn HISTORY. As for monuments that is between the Individual States and THEIR citizens.

Their kind want to erase History so they can tell it how they see fit in order to twist society for their gain at some point in the future.
You know through out history that charge has been brought and guilty has been found. But never before has the thought or charge been brought against a sitting or a former president.

We may well be faced with that under current leadership. Military missions designed NOT to enter combat NOT to take the enemy out. Then you have the issue of returning five known terrorist leaders for a KNOWN deserter.

These are not small failings or slight mistakes these are large failings tied directly to leadership and each of HIS choices has aided and abetted the enemy. He has turned his back on our KNOWN and PROVEN allies while bowing to a tyrant. He gave Iran nukes while leaving behind FOUR American hostages there.

He KNOWINGLY imported Ebola into this country and then blamed the hospital when that person died. He KNOWINGLY sold guns to drug cartels that resulted in the death of two border agents and thousands of Mexican citizens.

He KNOWINGLY sent some of our border security sensors to Afghanistan to guard their POPPY FIELDS as we left. I'm betting a lot of people her did not know that one huh?
Homeland Security Delays Plan to Place Sensors on U.S.-Mexico Border

That's right folks TENS of THOUSANDS sensors paid for by you for the protection of CITIZENS in this country now guard the Poppy Fields {Heroin} in Afghanistan. Democrats told you about that though right? Now you may argue this does not show treason but I differ.

We are being INVADED by the south and hundreds and hundreds miles of high tech electronic border fence is in another country guarding a drug supply. You ever stop and ask yourself 'Why is the president and the democrats helping not one but TWO drug cartels at the same time?


"invaded by the South..." ???

You are as dumb as they cum.
Mexico IS south of the United States.
The very idea that Obama has done anything remotely treasonous is laughable .

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