Treasonous Democrats Begin 1st Step in Trump Impeachment...Despite Having NO Evidence Against Trump

Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

In what way did Donald Trump try to "thwart" a criminal investigation? Show me one credible person who's shown proof that Trump EVER did that!

I can list a number of credible people who have made statements declaring that Trump DIDN'T ask them to stop any investigation! All you can show me in return are people making allegations without a shred of proof...most of them doing so "anonymously"! So tell me who's the dumb one in this conversation!
The left are in a grassy knoll mode, will be for weeks.
And the Trump haters seem to be convincing themselves Mueller is onto the greatest political scandal in American history.

One of, if not THE greatest scandal of history, but it won't be the Trump administration that gets exposed. The veil is going to pulled back on the prior administration. The spying, the gathering, the targeting is all going to come(y) out.
No matter which way Comey steps, it is going to be in shit.

We kept warning the democrats that if they kept pushing was going to bite them on the there is a special counsel looking into everything...and the only ones who committed crimes are obama minions.....
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.

Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!

Trump governs just fine.

Trump has a really low approval rating—but it surpasses where Bill Clinton stood at this point in his first term
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.

Tell me you're not still being spoon feed by CNN. What BOMBSHELL are you referring to, the one that Trump wasn't being investigated?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I suspect with the several Government bureaucracies investigating this Russia meme, they will find something to attack Trump over. It won't be anything worthy of Impeachment, but it will give the Democrats something to continue whining about.

I mean, there's like 5 or 6 Government bureaucracies 'investigating' that one issue. So i'm sure they'll find something for Trump's adversaries to latch onto. It's all about the sabotage. Will the Democrats be successful? I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

its real stupidity, no acting required.

how else could Trump get elected ?
Good point. There is not a single Trump supporter I know that is well versed on the issues or is totally sane.
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.


Mac, that is because while you have political views as do we all, you are NOT stupid. I know you don't like Trump, but so what! I believe you are smart enough to know a snow job when you see it. (snow job.......betcha nobody has a clue but me and you)

I am telling you my friend, we can agree to disagree, but you need help get your party back. I am smart enough to know that the Repubs don't always have the correct answers, but these far leftists are out of control.

I do not want our elections EVER AGAIN to be between someone who has no experience, and someone under the control of a bunch of socialists. Both party's are better than that!

I look forward to you trying to get your party to get back on the reservation........not by agreeing with Trump, but by being mainstream. There is going to be MANY times we are going to need them because the Republican is a clown. We NEVER want an election to be between a clown, and an idiot! Both left and right don't seem to understand the concept that sometimes..............we have to vote for the other side, and sometimes, the reason the other side loses is because....................the whole damn party has lost its collective way.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that there is no doubt; especially for his 2nd term, that Bill Clinton WAS the best choice, and the blue dress aside, did a very good job, I voted for him, and I am a conservative! We need be PATRIOTS, not Republicans or Democrats. It is up to the two PARTY'S to give us something worth a damn to vote for. We must be open to cross party lines if need be to show our disgust.

Still, what is happening today is unparalleled in our modern political history. Oh, there was always innuendo, sneaky attacks, lies, and some of them terrible. That is what we must as a nation make go away, because if you can't trust what those we elect to govern us say, then why should we elect them!
MSNBC just showed the film of a reporter asking Trump if he urged Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn.
One word answer. NO.

Today we found out he lied from the opening statements by Comey.

This was smart of Comey to get ahead of this story for tomorrow.
One it keeps it a major news story for two days and tomorrow there will be a branching out from there with new revelations.

Side note: Trump should have never said live on TV he fired Comey because of the " Russian thing."

The previous reports of how smart Trump is from the right were obviously greatly exaggerated..
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.


Mac, that is because while you have political views as do we all, you are NOT stupid. I know you don't like Trump, but so what! I believe you are smart enough to know a snow job when you see it. (snow job.......betcha nobody has a clue but me and you)

I am telling you my friend, we can agree to disagree, but you need help get your party back. I am smart enough to know that the Repubs don't always have the correct answers, but these far leftists are out of control.

I do not want our elections EVER AGAIN to be between someone who has no experience, and someone under the control of a bunch of socialists. Both party's are better than that!

I look forward to you trying to get your party to get back on the reservation........not by agreeing with Trump, but by being mainstream. There is going to be MANY times we are going to need them because the Republican is a clown. We NEVER want an election to be between a clown, and an idiot! Both left and right don't seem to understand the concept that sometimes..............we have to vote for the other side, and sometimes, the reason the other side loses is because....................the whole damn party has lost its collective way.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that there is no doubt; especially for his 2nd term, that Bill Clinton WAS the best choice, and the blue dress aside, did a very good job, I voted for him, and I am a conservative! We need be PATRIOTS, not Republicans or Democrats. It is up to the two PARTY'S to give us something worth a damn to vote for. We must be open to cross party lines if need be to show our disgust.

Still, what is happening today is unparalleled in our modern political history. Oh, there was always innuendo, sneaky attacks, lies, and some of them terrible. That is what we must as a nation make go away, because if you can't trust what those we elect to govern us say, then why should we elect them!
Much appreciated.

JimBowie1958 and I have had this conversation a couple of times. The party has become completely distorted and mangled by people are simply not liberal, and I honestly have no freaking idea what to do about it.

Seriously, I'm in my own little nightmare scenario right now. Trump horrifies me, his presidency has been even worse than I feared (and yeah, we can agree to disagree on that). But look at what could happen here - if he completely screws up, the Democratic party will have neither the time nor the inclination to fix itself. The nuts who have so damaged the party will be able to jump right back in and yank the country to the far left.

First, I don't know how many more times this country can take these insane swings, and second, any reasonable person understands and recognizes that the most substantial, long-lasting change can only come about from the middle, through real cooperation. Not this crazy shit.

So, while this food fight continues, most of us are sitting here, waving our arms, asking the crazies to stop. Not a great place to be.
MSNBC just showed the film of a reporter asking Trump if he urged Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn.
One word answer. NO.

Today we found out he lied from the opening statements by Comey.

This was smart of Comey to get ahead of this story for tomorrow.
One it keeps it a major news story for two days and tomorrow there will be a branching out from there with new revelations.

Side note: Trump should have never said live on TV he fired Comey because of the " Russian thing."

The previous reports of how smart Trump is from the right were obviously greatly exaggerated..

Keep reaching. Watch what happens instead of guessing. It will be non committal, and all leftists will cry. Comey knows his a** is on the line too. Watch, and report back tomorrow-) I bet you are NOT going to be happy-)
MSNBC just showed the film of a reporter asking Trump if he urged Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn.
One word answer. NO.

Today we found out he lied from the opening statements by Comey.

This was smart of Comey to get ahead of this story for tomorrow.
One it keeps it a major news story for two days and tomorrow there will be a branching out from there with new revelations.

Side note: Trump should have never said live on TV he fired Comey because of the " Russian thing."

The previous reports of how smart Trump is from the right were obviously greatly exaggerated..

No, we found out he told the truth, actually.

YOU are promoting a false narrative. That's because you're a retard.
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.


Mac, that is because while you have political views as do we all, you are NOT stupid. I know you don't like Trump, but so what! I believe you are smart enough to know a snow job when you see it. (snow job.......betcha nobody has a clue but me and you)

I am telling you my friend, we can agree to disagree, but you need help get your party back. I am smart enough to know that the Repubs don't always have the correct answers, but these far leftists are out of control.

I do not want our elections EVER AGAIN to be between someone who has no experience, and someone under the control of a bunch of socialists. Both party's are better than that!

I look forward to you trying to get your party to get back on the reservation........not by agreeing with Trump, but by being mainstream. There is going to be MANY times we are going to need them because the Republican is a clown. We NEVER want an election to be between a clown, and an idiot! Both left and right don't seem to understand the concept that sometimes..............we have to vote for the other side, and sometimes, the reason the other side loses is because....................the whole damn party has lost its collective way.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that there is no doubt; especially for his 2nd term, that Bill Clinton WAS the best choice, and the blue dress aside, did a very good job, I voted for him, and I am a conservative! We need be PATRIOTS, not Republicans or Democrats. It is up to the two PARTY'S to give us something worth a damn to vote for. We must be open to cross party lines if need be to show our disgust.

Still, what is happening today is unparalleled in our modern political history. Oh, there was always innuendo, sneaky attacks, lies, and some of them terrible. That is what we must as a nation make go away, because if you can't trust what those we elect to govern us say, then why should we elect them!
Much appreciated.

JimBowie1958 and I have had this conversation a couple of times. The party has become completely distorted and mangled by people are simply not liberal, and I honestly have no freaking idea what to do about it.

Seriously, I'm in my own little nightmare scenario right now. Trump horrifies me, his presidency has been even worse than I feared (and yeah, we can agree to disagree on that). But look at what could happen here - if he completely screws up, the Democratic party will have neither the time nor the inclination to fix itself. The nuts who have so damaged the party will be able to jump right back in and yank the country to the far left.

First, I don't know how many more times this country can take these insane swings, and second, any reasonable person understands and recognizes that the most substantial, long-lasting change can only come about from the middle, through real cooperation. Not this crazy shit.

So, while this food fight continues, most of us are sitting here, waving our arms, asking the crazies to stop. Not a great place to be.

Well, wish us well! (you and I) It all stinks, but here we are. It is why I am all about state power. Washington is out of control, and then they put people in charge of Washington that are all nuts. We need MORE power in the states, and more power to the people. If we in a state boo-boo, we can change it quickly. But, if the power is in Washington, we are only 1 of 50.
MSNBC just showed the film of a reporter asking Trump if he urged Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn.
One word answer. NO.

Today we found out he lied from the opening statements by Comey.

This was smart of Comey to get ahead of this story for tomorrow.
One it keeps it a major news story for two days and tomorrow there will be a branching out from there with new revelations.

Side note: Trump should have never said live on TV he fired Comey because of the " Russian thing."

The previous reports of how smart Trump is from the right were obviously greatly exaggerated..

Keep reaching. Watch what happens instead of guessing. It will be non committal, and all leftists will cry. Comey knows his a** is on the line too. Watch, and report back tomorrow-) I bet you are NOT going to be happy-)
Funny. YOURE the one reaching. I reported solid facts backed up by film.
The fact you're incapable of understanding how serious this is for the president or just don't want to admit it.. it will eventually sink in.
Love to be a fly on the wall when that happens.
Both parties have been screaming for ten years or more that people from the other party were going down.

Both parties are great at talking themselves into silly shit.

Both parties are far more interested in "getting" the other than anything else.

Both parties are firmly in party-over-country mode.

Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.


Mac, that is because while you have political views as do we all, you are NOT stupid. I know you don't like Trump, but so what! I believe you are smart enough to know a snow job when you see it. (snow job.......betcha nobody has a clue but me and you)

I am telling you my friend, we can agree to disagree, but you need help get your party back. I am smart enough to know that the Repubs don't always have the correct answers, but these far leftists are out of control.

I do not want our elections EVER AGAIN to be between someone who has no experience, and someone under the control of a bunch of socialists. Both party's are better than that!

I look forward to you trying to get your party to get back on the reservation........not by agreeing with Trump, but by being mainstream. There is going to be MANY times we are going to need them because the Republican is a clown. We NEVER want an election to be between a clown, and an idiot! Both left and right don't seem to understand the concept that sometimes..............we have to vote for the other side, and sometimes, the reason the other side loses is because....................the whole damn party has lost its collective way.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that there is no doubt; especially for his 2nd term, that Bill Clinton WAS the best choice, and the blue dress aside, did a very good job, I voted for him, and I am a conservative! We need be PATRIOTS, not Republicans or Democrats. It is up to the two PARTY'S to give us something worth a damn to vote for. We must be open to cross party lines if need be to show our disgust.

Still, what is happening today is unparalleled in our modern political history. Oh, there was always innuendo, sneaky attacks, lies, and some of them terrible. That is what we must as a nation make go away, because if you can't trust what those we elect to govern us say, then why should we elect them!
Much appreciated.

JimBowie1958 and I have had this conversation a couple of times. The party has become completely distorted and mangled by people are simply not liberal, and I honestly have no freaking idea what to do about it.

Seriously, I'm in my own little nightmare scenario right now. Trump horrifies me, his presidency has been even worse than I feared (and yeah, we can agree to disagree on that). But look at what could happen here - if he completely screws up, the Democratic party will have neither the time nor the inclination to fix itself. The nuts who have so damaged the party will be able to jump right back in and yank the country to the far left.

First, I don't know how many more times this country can take these insane swings, and second, any reasonable person understands and recognizes that the most substantial, long-lasting change can only come about from the middle, through real cooperation. Not this crazy shit.

So, while this food fight continues, most of us are sitting here, waving our arms, asking the crazies to stop. Not a great place to be.

Well, wish us well! (you and I) It all stinks, but here we are. It is why I am all about state power. Washington is out of control, and then they put people in charge of Washington that are all nuts. We need MORE power in the states, and more power to the people. If we in a state boo-boo, we can change it quickly. But, if the power is in Washington, we are only 1 of 50.
I agree the lunatics are running the asylum.
This is corroborated by the aides and staffers in the White House.
They confirm it's a total circus with no one knowing what they're doing.
Like electing a person with no experience was not such a hot idea. Lol
MSNBC just showed the film of a reporter asking Trump if he urged Comey to shut down the investigation of Flynn.
One word answer. NO.

Today we found out he lied from the opening statements by Comey.

This was smart of Comey to get ahead of this story for tomorrow.
One it keeps it a major news story for two days and tomorrow there will be a branching out from there with new revelations.

Side note: Trump should have never said live on TV he fired Comey because of the " Russian thing."

The previous reports of how smart Trump is from the right were obviously greatly exaggerated..

Keep reaching. Watch what happens instead of guessing. It will be non committal, and all leftists will cry. Comey knows his a** is on the line too. Watch, and report back tomorrow-) I bet you are NOT going to be happy-)
Funny. YOURE the one reaching. I reported solid facts backed up by film.
The fact you're incapable of understanding how serious this is for the president or just don't want to admit it.. it will eventually sink in.
Love to be a fly on the wall when that happens.

I missed your facts.

Please elucidate. Tell me what, specifically, Trump lied about, and show how Comey's testimony proved him a liar. Cuz I'm not seeing it. If you can't or don't, onto ignore you go. I don't like liars much.
Last edited:
Here is the difference------> Obama could govern, even if by executive order. We won't discuss the outcome of his policies here.

Trump can't! They are doing EVERYTHING in their power, legal, and at least murky, to over ride a legal election, and in all honesty, succeeding.

I contend that the answer to all of our questions on what Trump will do, will be answered by the Supreme Court. If they rule he has overstepped his bounds, he can NOT govern and will either resign, or more than likely just not run for re-election.

But if they side with the President, I am 100% positive they will also give an OPINION on what has transpired, and put the "judge shoppers" on notice, this ain't going to fly.

Personally, I believe they will vote 7 to 2 in favor of Trump, or better. But one never knows. We shall see.

And if it comes to pass as I surmise, besides you Mac, we may not see a leftist on here for a week; but then again, you are a not a leftist, you are in the mold of a Kennedy Democrat, and that is why MOST Republicans will listen yo your words of wisdom, while far leftists despise you. You are the Clarence Thomas of the board for the leftists. Right color, (blue) wrong attitude. If you were a darker shade of blue, they might start calling you Uncle Tom!
I'm in a pretty fuckin' weird place on the political spectrum, THAT'S fer DAMN sure.


Mac, that is because while you have political views as do we all, you are NOT stupid. I know you don't like Trump, but so what! I believe you are smart enough to know a snow job when you see it. (snow job.......betcha nobody has a clue but me and you)

I am telling you my friend, we can agree to disagree, but you need help get your party back. I am smart enough to know that the Repubs don't always have the correct answers, but these far leftists are out of control.

I do not want our elections EVER AGAIN to be between someone who has no experience, and someone under the control of a bunch of socialists. Both party's are better than that!

I look forward to you trying to get your party to get back on the reservation........not by agreeing with Trump, but by being mainstream. There is going to be MANY times we are going to need them because the Republican is a clown. We NEVER want an election to be between a clown, and an idiot! Both left and right don't seem to understand the concept that sometimes..............we have to vote for the other side, and sometimes, the reason the other side loses is because....................the whole damn party has lost its collective way.

I would like to remind people reading this post, that there is no doubt; especially for his 2nd term, that Bill Clinton WAS the best choice, and the blue dress aside, did a very good job, I voted for him, and I am a conservative! We need be PATRIOTS, not Republicans or Democrats. It is up to the two PARTY'S to give us something worth a damn to vote for. We must be open to cross party lines if need be to show our disgust.

Still, what is happening today is unparalleled in our modern political history. Oh, there was always innuendo, sneaky attacks, lies, and some of them terrible. That is what we must as a nation make go away, because if you can't trust what those we elect to govern us say, then why should we elect them!
Much appreciated.

JimBowie1958 and I have had this conversation a couple of times. The party has become completely distorted and mangled by people are simply not liberal, and I honestly have no freaking idea what to do about it.

Seriously, I'm in my own little nightmare scenario right now. Trump horrifies me, his presidency has been even worse than I feared (and yeah, we can agree to disagree on that). But look at what could happen here - if he completely screws up, the Democratic party will have neither the time nor the inclination to fix itself. The nuts who have so damaged the party will be able to jump right back in and yank the country to the far left.

First, I don't know how many more times this country can take these insane swings, and second, any reasonable person understands and recognizes that the most substantial, long-lasting change can only come about from the middle, through real cooperation. Not this crazy shit.

So, while this food fight continues, most of us are sitting here, waving our arms, asking the crazies to stop. Not a great place to be.

Well, wish us well! (you and I) It all stinks, but here we are. It is why I am all about state power. Washington is out of control, and then they put people in charge of Washington that are all nuts. We need MORE power in the states, and more power to the people. If we in a state boo-boo, we can change it quickly. But, if the power is in Washington, we are only 1 of 50.
I agree the lunatics are running the asylum.
This is corroborated by the aides and staffers in the White House.
They confirm it's a total circus with no one knowing what they're doing.
Like electing a person with no experience was not such a hot idea. Lol

No, they don't confirm any such thing lol. "Anonymous employees" can't confirm anything.

They're also ignoring what has already been found.

Before we learned that every single minion (as well as trump and his kids) had been to Russia, had financial dealings with Russia, had brought money back, had laundered money, and that all of them had lied about everything they had done -

All of that is more than enough to stink like last week's fish, but before we knew all of that, there was the pee dossier and trump leaning on Comey about it.

This investigation is just starting and will likely take a while. My fear is the damage that lunatic will do before he can be stopped.


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we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.

WTH are the RWNJs reading/seeing that they still say there's no there there??

Even trump confessed he tried to obstruct an investigation - a felony. And after he fired Comey, the idiot threatened, in print, on Twitter.

Just what we've seen shows trump is dishonest, corrupt and that's before we get to the many "pay for play", funneling tax money into his pocket, taking money from charities.

There's no end to this guy's filth.

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