Treasonous Democrats Begin 1st Step in Trump Impeachment...Despite Having NO Evidence Against Trump

Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.
I know, like exactly what did the russians do?
Here we go again. You don't read the news, you don't read the posts on this forum, you love to stay ignorant so you can continue playing this game.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.
I know, like exactly what did the russians do?
Here we go again. You don't read the news, you don't read the posts on this forum, you love to stay ignorant so you can continue playing this game.
so you don't know. too funny fella.
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.
so you have no idea about what the russians did? dude too special.
News broke in OCTOBER what the Russians did and this troll keeps asking what happened now in June.
Too damn funny.
We've moved on to what Trump has done and we're getting an earful today.
Watch this bonehead ask in Sept," What did TRump do.?"
Ha ha ha ha
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.
so you have no idea about what the russians did? dude too special.
News broke in OCTOBER what the Russians did and this troll keeps saying asking what happened now in June.
Too damn funny.
We've moved on to what Trump has done and we're getting an earful today.
Watch this bonehead ask in Sept," What did TRump do.?"
Ha ha ha ha
what did they do?
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Would you go stick your head back up Obamas ass and give it a rest with the trolling?
Interesting this obsession you have with Former President Obama. How long will it last, I wonder.
not as long as you all with Bush, whose name continues to be in the forum. oh well. eh? 138 days vs eight years and 138 days, hmmmmmm.

You better start looking at the pols, more Americans have become wise to your lefties bull****. You people have created a sewer, and jumped into it. You have FAILED as loyal opposition, and turned into a bunch of anarchists. Congratulations, you have screwed yourselves, and for us, that is the most satisfying thing-)
whatever Mueller digs out the first words from Trumps Drones will be CLINTON-OBAMA.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?
Trump supporters are smart enough to recognize BS when they see it. Sorry the same can't be said for you.
So far...nothing has been found. So it looks like, yet again, trump and the *trumpbots* make the obambots look like the idiots they are.
Mueller will confirm Russia attacked our election system. The traitorous pseudocons will slam their fists into their eyes and completely deny this fact until their last retarded breaths.

Mueller may find that Roger Stone was an unwitting dupe of the Russians.

Mueller will have to dig into exactly what kind of quid pro quo Flynn promised to the Russians over Obama's sanctions against them. And he will have to determine if Flynn was ordered to do so by Trump.

Mueller will have to find out why Jared Kushner met during the transition with the president of a Russian bank which is under US sanctions.

It's too bad Mueller won't have the same latitude Ken Starr had. Starr went back decades while digging into the Clintons. Imagine if Mueller did the same to Trump, starting with Trump U.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.

Act like WHAT? Deny he did anything? Not invoke Executive Privilege? Appoint a Special Prosecutor? What has Donald Trump done that an innocent man WOULDN'T have done?
Thanks for asking.
Try to thwart a criminal investigation he and his staff are the subjects.
Why do you Trumpbots play so dumb or isn't it acting?

its real stupidity, no acting required.

how else could Trump get elected ?

You better start looking at the pols, more Americans have become wise to your lefties bull****. You people have created a sewer, and jumped into it. You have FAILED as loyal opposition, and turned into a bunch of anarchists. Congratulations, you have screwed yourselves, and for us, that is the most satisfying thing-)
Of course the opposite is true.
Trump's support in military communities beginning to erode

Trump's Base Support Begins To Erode

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