Trending: Obama laughs off Eastwood jabs


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Class... pure class. Nice form Mr President

TRENDING: Obama: No offense taken at Eastwood speech – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday he took no offense at Clint Eastwood's prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, in which the legendary actor and director posed questions to an empty chair, which he said represented the Democratic incumbent.

"One thing about being president or running for president - if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession," Obama told USA Today.
Mitt Romney is too classless to do the put downs himself so he has an old washed up so-called actor do it for him and terribly at that!
It's sad that Republicans are so desperate they look at the disrespect shown our president and say Clint hit a home run.

The sad part is that Clint, with his messy hair, his stuttering and his talking to an empty chair, he looked somewhat "senile".

In fact, it uncomfortably reminded me of John McCain walking around as if lost during a debate with President Obama. Saturday Night Live later made much fun of it. Someone took parts of the real debate and incorporated it into this spoof. But you can still see McCain walking around. See, with right wingers, you have to explain every little thing. I once linked to a joke from the Onion and right wingers on this board, to this day, insist I thought the Onion was a credible news source. You can't overestimate their intelligence. They are always so surprising.

[ame=]McCain's Brain #4: The Second Debate - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry President Campaigner doesn't deserve my respect. He's done a sh*tty job, spent bookoos of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Mooch elle can't even practice what she preaches. Worst President, ever.
Sorry President Campaigner doesn't deserve my respect. He's done a sh*tty job, spent bookoos of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Mooch elle can't even practice what she preaches. Worst President, ever.

I bet you miss Bush.
He took it alot better than some of the posters here.

He doesn't have any true class. He just has political smarts, as does Bill Clinton. They are at the top of their game on fooling the voters.

That is both an approval and a disapproval....
Sorry President Campaigner doesn't deserve my respect. He's done a sh*tty job, spent bookoos of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Mooch elle can't even practice what she preaches. Worst President, ever.

And here we see the "taking it well" as demonstrated by the Right.
Class... pure class. Nice form Mr President
TRENDING: Obama: No offense taken at Eastwood speech – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday he took no offense at Clint Eastwood's prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, in which the legendary actor and director posed questions to an empty chair, which he said represented the Democratic incumbent.

"One thing about being president or running for president - if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession," Obama told USA Today.

I imagine our President got quite a chuckle from Mr. Eastwood's performance. The clips I saw actually made me uneasy; my grandfather had the dementia he was exhibiting before he died.
Class... pure class. Nice form Mr President
TRENDING: Obama: No offense taken at Eastwood speech – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday he took no offense at Clint Eastwood's prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, in which the legendary actor and director posed questions to an empty chair, which he said represented the Democratic incumbent.

"One thing about being president or running for president - if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession," Obama told USA Today.

I imagine our President got quite a chuckle from Mr. Eastwood's performance. The clips I saw actually made me uneasy; my grandfather had the dementia he was exhibiting before he died.

Ah....I didn't want to be right, but it DID remind me of Heston and of Reagan.
I thought it would have been better if he gave a move conventional speech
with some good one liners.I wasn't all that happy about the props.
But what he said had some weight and the media distracted everyone from that.
That's my complaint.It allowed the media to place focus on the schtick and distract everyone
from the message.

I imagine our President got quite a chuckle from Mr. Eastwood's performance. The clips I saw actually made me uneasy; my grandfather had the dementia he was exhibiting before he died.

Ah....I didn't want to be right, but it DID remind me of Heston and of Reagan.

It was sort of like watching Dick Clark the last few years on New Year's Eve. Just hard to watch. Still love a lot of his movies though.
I thought it would have been better if he gave a move conventional speech
with some good one liners.I wasn't all that happy about the props.
But what he said had some weight and the media distracted everyone from that.
That's my complaint.It allowed the media to place focus on the schtick and distract everyone
from the message.

What message?
It allowed the media to place focus on the schtick and distract everyone
from the message.

sorry but the right wing victim its the left wing media's fault BS stops here. If Romneys handlers had not put him up there with out a script, its on them, not the media. Take ownership of the fact this Hollywood Icon took the show with his chair prop. It is what it is, and now were not talking about Romneys speech. Such is life.
Class... pure class. Nice form Mr President

TRENDING: Obama: No offense taken at Eastwood speech – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday he took no offense at Clint Eastwood's prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, in which the legendary actor and director posed questions to an empty chair, which he said represented the Democratic incumbent.

"One thing about being president or running for president - if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession," Obama told USA Today.

His twitter page contradicts this bullshit.....
Class... pure class. Nice form Mr President

TRENDING: Obama: No offense taken at Eastwood speech – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) – President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday he took no offense at Clint Eastwood's prime-time address at the Republican National Convention, in which the legendary actor and director posed questions to an empty chair, which he said represented the Democratic incumbent.

"One thing about being president or running for president - if you're easily offended, you should probably choose another profession," Obama told USA Today.

His twitter page contradicts this bullshit.....

Nonsense! Obama loves Eastwood. Obama's laughing all the way to the presidency with his performance.

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