Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.
"Real" Americans are "managers"?

Are you insane?

Companies will have to increase some wages. That always happens when unemployment drops below 5% and educated workers in certain fields are scarce.

Employers don't want those workers to leave. For obvious reasons.

In fact, where I worked before I retired, several engineers complained they weren't paid enough and told management they would leave if they didn't get a good raise. Management told them to go ahead and leave if they felt they could make more someplace else. One didn't even give two weeks. He found another job, was hired on Wednesday and left on Friday. He told him if he wasn't that valuable, then there wasn't any reason to stay the two weeks people normally give.

The engineering department was thrown into chaos and that manager was eventually fired.

But as far as unskilled labor, which is the vast bulk of the GOP, they will never get raises. Why? They haven't enough value. And by Republicans cutting education and job training, those people without education will never have much value. The GOP has sold them empty boxes and hot air.

"But as far as unskilled labor, which is the vast bulk of the GOP, they will never get raises. Why? They haven't enough value. And by Republicans cutting education and job training, those people without education will never have much value. The GOP has sold them empty boxes and hot air."

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Yea, lets see if they vote that way in the midterms.

Even Republicans get tired of being fuked over by their leadership. Racism, homophobia and hate isn't always enough.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report
I thought the Socialism of income redistribution was Bad.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report

What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
Yes dumb-ass - FINALLY you figured out the SIMPLEST OF CONCEPTS and it only took you 5 pathetic posts to get here. Bravo!

Republican idea of "middle class oriented tax-cut" is a huge giveaway to corporations and real estate slash Wall Street tycoons. And the funniest part of it is watching you celebrate this highway robbery.

Who exactly do you think pay the wages?

I guess that's your retard way of trying to say that corporations pay wages - YES THEY DO, but you are confused as to WHY they do it.

Corporations do not hire based on how much profit they make, they hire based on their business DEMAND FOR LABOR. Corporations would fire EACH AND EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYEE if that actually meant that they could squeeze out another dollar of profit. Corporations are not into spreading wealth, their interest is VERY NARROWLY to maximize the profits to their stockholder. It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for them.

Read up:

CEOs admit they won't create jobs with their tax cut money

No dumbass, wages are based on employee availability.

When businesses have to compete to retain or get employees, that’s when wages increase.

Bring more businesses home, the more employees are needed.

That’s called a win/win

Oh yes, they are going to take the $3 hour jobs and pay $15 for them here in the states...any second now.

You are truly a simpleton. The future is now brighter for the working man. Employers will soon have to compete to retain employees. Something not seen in decades.


Actually that is not true. If you are talking about unskilled labor, they are competing with robots. In terms of skilled labor, that has been the case for some time.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report

What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months

All of these companies have something in common. They have dealings with the government. AT&T and Comcast were big winners with the end of net neutrality so they want Trump to stay. Also AT&T is trying to get Warner so they want to butter Trump up. Banks are directly regulated by the government and Wells Fargo has had issues.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report

What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
Vote blue for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

#1 we aren’t talking about food here, we are not talking about hand outs from the rich, we are talking about jobs created and a General better economy which helps everyone. That meme is comparing apples to oranges.

#2 it took 35 years for you to be able to criticize Reaganimics. I’d call that a roaring success.

You need better memes to speak for you.
Good workers will now be able to hurt their employees by walking off the job with zero notice...having to give a 2 week notice should be illegal. No worker owes their employer anything other than the time required.

1. There is no law that states you must give two weeks notice.

2. I left a job where the company policy was that once you gave notice you were not allowed back to fulfill the time.
The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

Gotta hate upside. Huh?
We can trade insults all day, I think its a bad tax bill for the average working person, you think it will be a boon for us, I hope your right, but as I came from Kansas have lots of doubt. guess we will all see better down the road, 1st we have to be willing to look at both sides of each issue, or we will have to stay in the dream land of how we wish it to be, not how it is.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.
"Real" Americans are "managers"?

Are you insane?

Companies will have to increase some wages. That always happens when unemployment drops below 5% and educated workers in certain fields are scarce.

Employers don't want those workers to leave. For obvious reasons.

In fact, where I worked before I retired, several engineers complained they weren't paid enough and told management they would leave if they didn't get a good raise. Management told them to go ahead and leave if they felt they could make more someplace else. One didn't even give two weeks. He found another job, was hired on Wednesday and left on Friday. He told him if he wasn't that valuable, then there wasn't any reason to stay the two weeks people normally give.

The engineering department was thrown into chaos and that manager was eventually fired.

But as far as unskilled labor, which is the vast bulk of the GOP, they will never get raises. Why? They haven't enough value. And by Republicans cutting education and job training, those people without education will never have much value. The GOP has sold them empty boxes and hot air.
Try running this country for ONE DAY without the unskilled labor market. They've been taken advantage of with slave wages by greedy employers and individuals for the entire course of the recession and the Republicans want to keep them right there. I'm glad a lot of states are at least raising the minimum wage a little. It is insane to expect anyone to live on $7.25 per hour in this day and age.
I'd love to see those rich businessmen swamping out the toilets in their skyscraper office buildings and cooking their fancy 5 course meals, taking our trash to the dump every Monday and cutting our lawns.
Value, indeed. All honest work should be rewarded with the opportunity to have a bit of dignity.

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