Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.

Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.
Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report

What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months


To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.
2018 will be an election year

Democrats will campaign on the tax cuts being for the rich
By November, voters will know if they got pay raises trickling down and how much difference in their pay checks due to tax cuts
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.
"Real" Americans are "managers"?

Are you insane?

Companies will have to increase some wages. That always happens when unemployment drops below 5% and educated workers in certain fields are scarce.

Employers don't want those workers to leave. For obvious reasons.

In fact, where I worked before I retired, several engineers complained they weren't paid enough and told management they would leave if they didn't get a good raise. Management told them to go ahead and leave if they felt they could make more someplace else. One didn't even give two weeks. He found another job, was hired on Wednesday and left on Friday. He told him if he wasn't that valuable, then there wasn't any reason to stay the two weeks people normally give.

The engineering department was thrown into chaos and that manager was eventually fired.

But as far as unskilled labor, which is the vast bulk of the GOP, they will never get raises. Why? They haven't enough value. And by Republicans cutting education and job training, those people without education will never have much value. The GOP has sold them empty boxes and hot air.

Hey Deany, lets get one thing straight-------------> it is the PARENTS job to insure that their kids get a good education, NOT the governments. Do you have kids? Did you insure they got the best education you could give them? I bet you did!

It is NOT our responsibility to give everyone, everything. Who loves their kids more, the parents, or the government?

Get a grip will ya! The government can NOT do everything, and us allowing them to or wanting them to, is just wrong. Have you seen and listened to some of these politicians from BOTH parties in Washington? And you want them in charge of kids education and healthcare? What, do you have a deathwish or something-)
It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

Get a job first, that should fix some of your problems.
Yea some companies looking for PR opportunity, while not actually doing much of anything different.

Early in 2017 Wells Fargo said it was raisingits minimum wage to a range of $13.50 to $17. And there's a good reason some of the bank's lowest paid are already making $15 or more. Amalgamated Bank isn't the only one in the banking industry already ahead of Wells Fargo on wages. J.P. Morgan said more than a year ago that 90 percent of the employees affected by a new minimum wage policy would see an increase to between $13.50 and $16.50.

The tortured truth behind Wells Fargo's minimum wage raise

It's a help. Fifth Third for instance will increase wages for 75% of it's employees.


Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.

You predict rainbows and unicorns where everyone wins - less taxes are paid, yet collections do not shrink due to that.

Nobody is against such out comes, me least of all, but it is pretty much wishful fantasies not reasonable planning and policy consideration.

Fifth Third will spend about $23.6 million on the raises and bonuses during the first year, a company spokeswoman said. The bonuses will be a one-time cost of $13.6 million and the raises will cost Fifth Third about another $10 million in 2018.

So $23 million? Out of ~200 million they will forgo in taxes? 10% That's it?

Fifth Third Bancorp Financials

What we could have done is take that 200 million and DIRECTLY give not 10%, or 20% or 30% to middle class, but 90% of it with something like payroll tax cut, which by the way would would also lower the cost of American employment to businesses.

Didn't have to be payroll tax-cut either - there was 101 ways to blow 1.7 Trillion bucks that would be much better for middle class than this ridiculous giveaway to wall street tycoons and corporations.

Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

Get a job first, that should fix some of your problems.
Dear, there is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment.
Bottom line is that it's having a positive impact even on the little guy. What did DumBama do for the little guy? His 50 employee maximum before they get tortured with Commie Care created a huge increase in part-time workers. Record low labor participation rate was indicative that our social programs got out of control.

And now that the little guy is going to be relieved of the Commie Care tax, that's another benefit to our economy.

That’s not the bottom line, that’s you ignoring everything I just said about the deficit COST and only small fraction of the cost going to the employees.

Just because there is some upside to policy DOES NOT MEAN IT IS A GOOD POLICY.

We can stop collecting taxes tommorow and will land tons of money in everyone’s pockets...and oh by the way, bankrupt our country.

It's "estimated" that it will cost 1.5 trillion over ten years. That figure does not include what would happen if the economy really gets hot because of course, that would mean much more in tax revenue.

I predict it won't cost anything. I think it will increase our labor participation rate, increase pay, and of course, make the USA more attractive for businesses to come or stay here.

You can ignore all that if you desire, but even you have to admit if Trump's efforts brought us a cure for cancer, the left will find something negative about it.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

Get a job first, that should fix some of your problems.
Dear, there is no unemployment under Capitalism only underpayment.

Well, maybe you should find employment with a company that also gives participation awards, maybe has employees of the month.
I'll reserve judgement until I see those companies give that bonus every year

The 50% tax cut is every year

The bonuses were just part of it. Some companies increased their minimum starting wage which is good for lower income earners.
A 50 percent cut in your taxes is very generous
It should be reflected in employee wages

Rather than a few anecdotal stories about this company or that company.....let's see REAL wage increases in next months jobs report

What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months


To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down
Last edited:
You guys are seriously math and business challenged.
Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

What does that even mean?

It means their after-tax income went up by 14% on average.

If At&T made 8 billion taxable profit and paid 2 billion in taxes it pocketed 6 billion. Now lets say they pay 1 billion less in taxes, so now they pocket 7 billion which is 16% more.
Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

What does that even mean?

It means their after-tax income went up by 14% on average.

If At&T made 8 billion taxable profit and paid 2 billion in taxes it pocketed 6 billion. Now lets say they pay 1 billion less in taxes, so now they pocket 7 billion which is 16% more.

If your numbers are correct, which I doubt, it definitely shows them willing to share the profits with employees...dumbass.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.

Great, which foreign country are you moving to.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.

Good point, and all very true.....thanks for the confirmation.
So there you have it folks....This is exactly what happens when you import tens of millions of thirdworld human cockroaches. Hell yeah...let's keep it the pace we're on we'll rival the filth of Venezuela in no time. Wooohooo.....isn't that right LefTards?

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