Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months


To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should
What are real wage increases? If you make $13.00 an hour and get a $1.30 raise, that's a 10% increase right there.

It may take six months or so, but as the economy grows, so does a shortage of workers. As long s we can keep the foreigners out, that will spark a labor war.
BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months


To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet
Can you be a bit more specific?
For instance, Tech companies are in a bubble and paying 24 year olds 80K/year.
You expect that to last?
No returns of taxes, no movement to Canada, no storming the streets, no taking in the Dreamers in their homes.
Hello, I don't even recall Madonna keeping her word on her offer for anyone who voted Hillary...

Never, trust, a Snowflake.
They talk the talk, they're just not so good at walking the walk.
As a result of the tax relief their evil corporations received that all liberals are crying about.

Not one pathetic left wing bloated blob standing up for what they claim.

Just more proof folks. Proof of what? Of everything. That is what. EVERYTHING.
The same people that flipped their votes, returned their bonuses
As a result of the tax relief their evil corporations received that all liberals are crying about.

Not one pathetic left wing bloated blob standing up for what they claim.

Just more proof folks. Proof of what? Of everything. That is what. EVERYTHING.
And what bonus would that be?
To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.
As a result of the tax relief their evil corporations received that all liberals are crying about.

Not one pathetic left wing bloated blob standing up for what they claim.

Just more proof folks. Proof of what? Of everything. That is what. EVERYTHING.
And what bonus would that be?
Yeah about that... I don’t think welfare is handing out any...
Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen
Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

Damn, I agree. So hang on a few months, don't burn down the house yet.
BLS reports salary statistics every month

If the 50 percent tax cut to businesses is trickling down to workers, we should see it reflected in the salary statistics. It has been going up a few cents a month but given the magnitude of the tax cut, we should see a significant jump in salary numbers over the next few months


To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet
Can you be a bit more specific?
For instance, Tech companies are in a bubble and paying 24 year olds 80K/year.
You expect that to last?
I am beginning to expect it every tech bubble.
7 years from now leftist twats will be lining up; begging Trump to grab them by the pussy.
Nothing worse than a man with no nuts.

Yes dumb-ass - FINALLY you figured out the SIMPLEST OF CONCEPTS and it only took you 5 pathetic posts to get here. Bravo!

Republican idea of "middle class oriented tax-cut" is a huge giveaway to corporations and real estate slash Wall Street tycoons. And the funniest part of it is watching you celebrate this highway robbery.

Who exactly do you think pay the wages?

I guess that's your retard way of trying to say that corporations pay wages - YES THEY DO, but you are confused as to WHY they do it.

Corporations do not hire based on how much profit they make, they hire based on their business DEMAND FOR LABOR. Corporations would fire EACH AND EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYEE if that actually meant that they could squeeze out another dollar of profit. Corporations are not into spreading wealth, their interest is VERY NARROWLY to maximize the profits to their stockholder. It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for them.

Read up:

CEOs admit they won't create jobs with their tax cut money

No dumbass, wages are based on employee availability.

When businesses have to compete to retain or get employees, that’s when wages increase.

Bring more businesses home, the more employees are needed.

That’s called a win/win

Oh yes, they are going to take the $3 hour jobs and pay $15 for them here in the states...any second now.

You are truly a simpleton. The future is now brighter for the working man. Employers will soon have to compete to retain employees. Something not seen in decades.


When pigs fly Pop. The working man is an anachronism. The job my father did for a local manufacturer is gone and it won’t be back. Guys like my Dad work for minimum wage now. There’s too many of them. Hard working, God fearing, family men who just want to keep their family fed and housed and send their kids to a decent school.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.

Correct. That's why we have an open border policy, because we can't get people to come here.

Why do you think there’s an undefended border with Canada? Because Canadians aren’t sneaking across the border to live in the US.

People in Canada and Europe aren’t trying to get into the US. We have a higher quality of life right where we are. Government funded health care. Longer life expectancy. Some of the best public schools in the world.

You have a border closed to Third World Immigration. That’s who wants in. Not First World folks. The US is not for those looking for a better quality of life.
Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet

You mean companies like AT&T, Boeing, Comcast, Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bancorp, etc.?
Well......the December jobs report comes out next week

Lets see if those salary numbers jump like they should

These are some of the companies providing bonuses, I don't think the jobs report reflects bonuses. As far as the tax cut, that won't take affect until February if not mistaken. Only thing we should see in the December report is an increase in jobs....which I'm sure you'll be one of the first to claim it's due to seasonal jobs.

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut. While you celebrate a few who are looking for public relations, we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months
I would expect a healthy increase......otherwise, we can be certain that trickle down did not happen

ALL companies received a 50 percent tax cut.

Bad math.

we won't know the full impact nation wide till we see those salary reports over the next few months

What about the higher dividends and higher stock prices? Don't they count?
Who exactly do you think pay the wages?

I guess that's your retard way of trying to say that corporations pay wages - YES THEY DO, but you are confused as to WHY they do it.

Corporations do not hire based on how much profit they make, they hire based on their business DEMAND FOR LABOR. Corporations would fire EACH AND EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYEE if that actually meant that they could squeeze out another dollar of profit. Corporations are not into spreading wealth, their interest is VERY NARROWLY to maximize the profits to their stockholder. It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for them.

Read up:

CEOs admit they won't create jobs with their tax cut money

No dumbass, wages are based on employee availability.

When businesses have to compete to retain or get employees, that’s when wages increase.

Bring more businesses home, the more employees are needed.

That’s called a win/win

Oh yes, they are going to take the $3 hour jobs and pay $15 for them here in the states...any second now.

You are truly a simpleton. The future is now brighter for the working man. Employers will soon have to compete to retain employees. Something not seen in decades.


When pigs fly Pop. The working man is an anachronism. The job my father did for a local manufacturer is gone and it won’t be back. Guys like my Dad work for minimum wage now. There’s too many of them. Hard working, God fearing, family men who just want to keep their family fed and housed and send their kids to a decent school.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.

Correct. That's why we have an open border policy, because we can't get people to come here.

Why do you think there’s an undefended border with Canada? Because Canadians aren’t sneaking across the border to live in the US.

People in Canada and Europe aren’t trying to get into the US. We have a higher quality of life right where we are. Government funded health care. Longer life expectancy. Some of the best public schools in the world.

You have a border closed to Third World Immigration. That’s who wants in. Not First World folks. The US is not for those looking for a better quality of life.

Terrific, perhaps we should adopt an immigration policy like Canada's.
I love to see the hypocrisy of these Moon Bats when it comes to the tax cuts.

The IRS only specifies the minimal income you have to pay. There is nothing to stop these Libtards from giving back their share of Trump's tax cut to the Treasury. All they have to do is write a check and then their conscience will be cleared. Of course they think they should pay less taxes but demand that other people pay more. That is just the kind of greedy little assholes that they are.
Last edited:
Who exactly do you think pay the wages?

I guess that's your retard way of trying to say that corporations pay wages - YES THEY DO, but you are confused as to WHY they do it.

Corporations do not hire based on how much profit they make, they hire based on their business DEMAND FOR LABOR. Corporations would fire EACH AND EVERY FUCKING EMPLOYEE if that actually meant that they could squeeze out another dollar of profit. Corporations are not into spreading wealth, their interest is VERY NARROWLY to maximize the profits to their stockholder. It is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for them.

Read up:

CEOs admit they won't create jobs with their tax cut money

No dumbass, wages are based on employee availability.

When businesses have to compete to retain or get employees, that’s when wages increase.

Bring more businesses home, the more employees are needed.

That’s called a win/win

Oh yes, they are going to take the $3 hour jobs and pay $15 for them here in the states...any second now.

You are truly a simpleton. The future is now brighter for the working man. Employers will soon have to compete to retain employees. Something not seen in decades.


When pigs fly Pop. The working man is an anachronism. The job my father did for a local manufacturer is gone and it won’t be back. Guys like my Dad work for minimum wage now. There’s too many of them. Hard working, God fearing, family men who just want to keep their family fed and housed and send their kids to a decent school.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

Well we did both.

And now corporations are going to be all over USA enriching the US workers. Even better, we will get some hard working white immigration, guaranteed republican voters and contributors who support first world values. Isn't that nice?

White people aren’t interested in emigrating to the USA. We’d be nuts to move to the US. Off-shore companies can’t even get their executives to go to the US on assignment - crappy public schools, expensive health care, and a declining quality of life makes it very unattractive.

Correct. That's why we have an open border policy, because we can't get people to come here.

Why do you think there’s an undefended border with Canada? Because Canadians aren’t sneaking across the border to live in the US.

People in Canada and Europe aren’t trying to get into the US. We have a higher quality of life right where we are. Government funded health care. Longer life expectancy. Some of the best public schools in the world.

You have a border closed to Third World Immigration. That’s who wants in. Not First World folks. The US is not for those looking for a better quality of life.

Guys like my Dad work for minimum wage now. There’s too many of them.

Letting in millions of illegal aliens doesn't help those guys either.
To a degree, yes, but again, that all depends on job creation.

Will we see 1975 again? Never no matter what Trump or anybody else does. But we already see the results of Trump's work by getting rid of costly regulations on businesses and creating a positive business environment. The very idea that you can now expand your business beyond 50 full-time employees will give businesses the opportunity to grow as they see fit instead of what the government sees fit.

Federal pay and Social Security went up 2 percent this year for cost of living. Due to 50 percent tax cuts, those in the private sector should see significantly more
If those pay raises fail to occur, we can conclude there was no trickle down

Aren't we seeing that already? Bonuses and increases in minimum company wage?

Salaries have been slowly trickling upward
With a huge surge in stock prices and now a huge tax cut, you would expect a corporations to make up for a decade of stagnant wage increases

Hasn't materialized yet
Can you be a bit more specific?
For instance, Tech companies are in a bubble and paying 24 year olds 80K/year.
You expect that to last?
I am beginning to expect it every tech bubble.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Acquisitions.
Tech companies are buying and building in University cities all over the US.
They are offering high salaries with few or no benefits presuming these young geniuses will spend their money wisely.
It's gonna be a bloodbath when these companies offshore.

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