"Trickle down was only practiced under one President - Bill Clinton


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
He got the tax and spending cut budgets from Newt. In real time, he opposed them. Now, he takes credit for them. Government spending is the problem. Once the GOP got rid of Newt, it has been spending and spending and flushing our future down the sewer....

Notice the "Period of American WO" starts with W.... and hopefully ends with O.... since it QUADRUPLED our debt.
Liberals whine about "Trickle down" and rave about the economy under Clinton.... who was the only President to actually pass a tax and spending cut budget in modern times... which the left calls "trickle down."

If it worked for Clinton, it should work under Trump....

But Clinton had fiscally conservative Newt as Speaker, and Trump has big government supporting big spender Paul BIZARRO Ryan as Speaker, a BIG difference...
Reaganomics called "voodoo economics" by 41 = trickledown econmics

so Cinton trickledown only exists in the imagination of simpletons..

41 raised taxes
Clinton raised taxes.

The End
Do you know what Trickle down is? How would you define it? How would you relate it to your graph?
Reaganomics called "voodoo economics" by 41 = trickledown econmics

What BS....

Reagan submitted tax and spending cut budgets to the "Crook Klansman" Congress of Crook Speaker Dem Jim Wright and KKK Dem Majority Leader Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd... and the Crook and Klansman added mucho spending to them...

"Trickle down" means tax AND spending cuts, which is what Bill Clinton signed from the Gingrich Congress...

Clinton raised taxes

Indeed he did in 1993, after campaigning on a "middle class tax cut" which he LIED LIED LIED about and tossed out the window his first week in office. Once Gingrich became Speaker in 1994, "Bill Clinton" cut taxes repeatedly.... really the Congress did over Clinton's objections...

but nice try, you stood up and lied for the left... taxpayer funded check on its way...
Reaganomics called "voodoo economics" by 41 = trickledown econmics

What BS....

Reagan submitted tax and spending cut budgets to the "Crook Klansman" Congress of Crook Speaker Dem Jim Wright and KKK Dem Majority Leader Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd... and the Crook and Klansman added mucho spending to them...

"Trickle down" means tax AND spending cuts, which is what Bill Clinton signed from the Gingrich Congress...

Clinton raised taxes

Indeed he did in 1993, after campaigning on a "middle class tax cut" which he LIED LIED LIED about and tossed out the window his first week in office. Once Gingrich became Speaker in 1994, "Bill Clinton" cut taxes repeatedly.... really the Congress did over Clinton's objections...

but nice try, you stood up and lied for the left... taxpayer funded check on its way...


but who's paying any attention to facts ?
Do you know what Trickle down is?

Cutting taxes and spending in the same budget. What worked for America, which is why the Dems hated it...
Government spending doesn't really have anything to do with Trickle down. Trickle down is a theory based on increasing the workforce supply through economic policy that benefits the wealthy. The thinking is that more wealth for the top earners will tickle down to more jobs and higher wages that will benefit the middle class and poor. So it is basically tax cuts for big business, top earners, and capital gains.

Now typically if you are fiscally responsible you would balance the tax cuts with spending cuts in an attempt to keep the budget deficits as low as possible. This obviously hasn't been a high priority from our government budget makers. The spending and deficit portion of the equations is more of a liberal vs. conservative fiscal view, not so much Trickle Down theory.
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Do you know what Trickle down is?

Cutting taxes and spending in the same budget. What worked for America, which is why the Dems hated it...
Government spending doesnt really have anything to do with Trickle down. Trickle down is a theory based on increasing the workforce supply through economic policy that benefits the wealthy. The thinking is that more wealth for the top earners will tickle down to more jobs and higher wages that will benefit the poor. So basically tax cuts on big business, top earners, and capital gains.

anytime some hack can use Clinton they do, and will continue to do so, facts be damned.
Government spending doesn't really have anything to do with Trickle down

You lie.

The whining from the LEFT is all about the LACK of government spending and the LACK of hire taxes to allow the Dems to steal ever more.

The LEFT claims to believe the "poor" can only be helped when the Democrats take a dollar from Uncle Sam, steal 95 cents, and hand out the other 5.

As the Clinton Presidency proved, keeping taxes LOW and spending LOW produced a stable and growing ECONOMY which provided the "poor" with PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS which allowed them to survive without the crumbs of what the Dem kleptocrats left over for them...
Now typically if you are fiscally responsible you would balance the tax cuts with spending cuts in an attempt to keep the budget deficits as low as possible. This obviously hasn't been a high priority from our government budget makers.

... since the GOP got rid of Gingrich and the spending spigots opened wide and have remained wide open since...

SPENDING is the problem. Stop the SPENDING and everything else will be fine.
Government spending doesn't really have anything to do with Trickle down

You lie.

The whining from the LEFT is all about the LACK of government spending and the LACK of hire taxes to allow the Dems to steal ever more.

The LEFT claims to believe the "poor" can only be helped when the Democrats take a dollar from Uncle Sam, steal 95 cents, and hand out the other 5.

As the Clinton Presidency proved, keeping taxes LOW and spending LOW produced a stable and growing ECONOMY which provided the "poor" with PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS which allowed them to survive without the crumbs of what the Dem kleptocrats left over for them...
You obviously don't understand or apparently even listen to what your political opponents are saying so regurgitating distorted proclamations about what they are saying is useless. It also has nothing to do with the discussion about Trickle Down economics. You jump right to calling me a liar but then change the subject instead of proving your incorrect claim.

BTW. Being mistaken is very different from lying. You should be more careful with your words as it just makes you sound stupid. Even if my statement was wrong, which is wasn't, then you have no way of knowing if I intentionally spread false information (which would make it a lie) or if I was just mistaken in my interpretation of what we were discussing.
Now typically if you are fiscally responsible you would balance the tax cuts with spending cuts in an attempt to keep the budget deficits as low as possible. This obviously hasn't been a high priority from our government budget makers.

... since the GOP got rid of Gingrich and the spending spigots opened wide and have remained wide open since...

SPENDING is the problem. Stop the SPENDING and everything else will be fine.
Again, this has nothing to do with Trickle down... You are talking about conservative fiscal policy over liberal policy. Its a fine discussion to have but you have to first show that you understand what you are talking about. So far you are all over the board.
Liberals whine about "Trickle down" and rave about the economy under Clinton.... who was the only President to actually pass a tax and spending cut budget in modern times... which the left calls "trickle down."

If it worked for Clinton, it should work under Trump....

But Clinton had fiscally conservative Newt as Speaker, and Trump has big government supporting big spender Paul BIZARRO Ryan as Speaker, a BIG difference...

Clinton raised taxes before Gingrich was speaker, and Gingrich predicted a recession would be the result.

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