Troops to the battleground states?

CNN is beyond "fake news". They are hallucinating, just like for Russia Collusion and all the other bullshit propaganda they put up over the last 4-years. CNN is a joke.
Are you STILL trying to say the Russian collusion was FAKE?
Of course it was fake, just ask Robert Mueller, the guy who never heard of FusionGPS, duh.
Good luck with that; not in Trump's power.
Trump has friends both at the Pentagon and in the rank and file throughout the military. We cannot tolerate a wholesale theft of elections and betrayal of the Constitution by our Democrat adversaries.
Good luck with that; not in Trump's power.
Trump has friends both at the Pentagon and in the rank and file throughout the military. We cannot tolerate a wholesale theft of elections and betrayal of the Constitution by our Democrat adversaries.
Unlike most Republican Presidents, Trump is not too popular with the troops who he calls suckers and losers
What exactly are troops supposed to do?

There are no elections planned and nobody is rebelling
Rebel Democrats have stolen an entire general election with rigged and hacked machines, and they are even now planning to inaugurate a sworn adversary of the U.S. Constitution to the Oval Office. New elections will have to be held in battleground states under military protection.
Whatever it is. Leave the tyranny of federal govt.
The sad experience is that the petty tyrannies of local and state town hall and city hall government must be resisted by a higher power and a higher authority. We cannot cede the federal form of government, which will inevitably exist, to the Democrats.
Suck it, loser.
CNN is beyond "fake news". They are hallucinating, just like for Russia Collusion and all the other bullshit propaganda they put up over the last 4-years. CNN is a joke.
Are you STILL trying to say the Russian collusion was FAKE?
Of course it was fake, just ask Robert Mueller, the guy who never heard of FusionGPS, duh.
Barr gagged Mueller, then lied to the public over what is in the report.

It will be revealed.
Whatever it is. Leave the tyranny of federal govt.
The sad experience is that the petty tyrannies of local and state town hall and city hall government must be resisted by a higher power and a higher authority. We cannot cede the federal form of government, which will inevitably exist, to the Democrats.

They can have it. It will consume them in short order. The very same dictatorial govt that they cheer will annihiliate them Useful idiots.
Trump needs to send Union troops to the rebel states, and redo the elections that were stolen from him and from us who voted for him. Just like Abe Lincoln.
At the very least Trump should send DOJ agents into those states and commandeer all those Dominion
vote changing machines, if they haven't already been wiped clean.
The votes have been counted. You lost by 7 million citizens and a shitload of electoral votes. It was a landslide win for Joseph Biden (God's choice).
Trump needs to send Union troops to the rebel states, and redo the elections that were stolen from him and from us who voted for him. Just like Abe Lincoln.
At the very least Trump should send DOJ agents into those states and commandeer all those Dominion vote changing machines, if they haven't already been wiped clean.
So, if you find nothing, that's further proof of a conspiracy?!?! :rolleyes-41:
CNN is beyond "fake news". They are hallucinating, just like for Russia Collusion and all the other bullshit propaganda they put up over the last 4-years. CNN is a joke.
Are you STILL trying to say the Russian collusion was FAKE?
Only the Biden promoted China most favored nation reality is REAL! Joe did this from the beginning. He is a Chinese surrogate. To have friends that are not your friends if you give us a piece of the pie. We are loyal and you known this. Your power is coming...
Trump needs to send Union troops to the rebel states, and redo the elections that were stolen from him and from us who voted for him. Just like Abe Lincoln.
At the very least Trump should send DOJ agents into those states and commandeer all those Dominion
vote changing machines, if they haven't already been wiped clean.
The votes have been counted. You lost by 7 million citizens and a shitload of electoral votes. It was a landslide win for Joseph Biden (God's choice).
Biden was half dead. Please God, destroy parts of this nation.
CNN is beyond "fake news". They are hallucinating, just like for Russia Collusion and all the other bullshit propaganda they put up over the last 4-years. CNN is a joke.
Are you STILL trying to say the Russian collusion was FAKE?
Of course it was fake, just ask Robert Mueller, the guy who never heard of FusionGPS, duh.
Barr gagged Mueller, then lied to the public over what is in the report.

It will be revealed.
1. The Mueller Investigation was a joke. They never even looked at FusionGPS and the Steele Dossier.
2. Barr did not gag Mueller, he just explained the Law to him.
3. No one lied about what was in the report, we all know how to read: no indictments is no indictments. (hint: there is no such thing as non-exhonoration" in Law)
4. How about the Biden's money-laundering? A new "special prosecutor" should be unleashed on the Bidens ASAP.
Trump needs to send Union troops to the rebel states, and redo the elections that were stolen from him and from us who voted for him. Just like Abe Lincoln.
At the very least Trump should send DOJ agents into those states and commandeer all those Dominion
vote changing machines, if they haven't already been wiped clean.
The votes have been counted. You lost by 7 million citizens and a shitload of electoral votes. It was a landslide win for Joseph Biden (God's choice).
Biden was half dead. Please God, destroy parts of this nation.
Biden can not only run up stairs, he can also run down stairs.
Trump needs to tighten his tiny hands on the railings when he slowly goes up and down the stairs, while watching his feet like the senior Senior Citizen he is or like the child he acts like.

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