Trouble! Biden's Fundraising Plummets.....60% Of Online Donations Were Raised In The First Week


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Yep, I believe the Biden campaign has struck an iceberg and it's lights out!


TROUBLE: Joe Biden Fundraising Effort Plummets, 60% of Online Donations Raised in First Week | Sean Hannity
If Biden says something stupid but there's no one at his rallies and no media to cover it does it make an impact?

(Modified ''If a tree falls in a forest' query...)
Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden is facing more campaign issues this week; with analysts saying his fundraising efforts have “tumbled” since a series of gaffes on the campaign trail.

“Joe Biden raised $4.6 million online on his first day in the 2020 presidential race, surprising doubters who thought the former vice president couldn’t run a modern campaign. But since then Biden’s online fundraising has tumbled — looking more like flash-in-the-pan opponent Beto O’Rourke than top-tier rivals like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren,” reports Politico.

“More than 60 percent of the $13.2 million Biden has raised online came in the first week of his campaign, which launched in late April, according to a POLITICO analysis of data from the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue. While other top candidates spiked early and then gradually raised more money online as the 2020 campaign has carried on, Biden’s pattern is similar to O’Rourke, who roared into the race with millions raised in his first day but has trickled off since then,” adds the website.

Democratic strategist David Axelrod weighed-in Thursday on Joe Biden’s potentially reduced campaign schedule; saying “this is bad advice” and claiming the former Vice President can “either cut it or he can’t.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Simple...folks. Nutcase, Democrat, Joe "The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden needs to be put out to right now!!! Dems will not do that...Why? They have no one to replace his sorry butt!!! Obama, low life that he is...groomed not one decent effective, capable, competent, Democrat to run for POTUS!!!

Obama was & is only for Obama..period!!! Worst POTUS in the history of the USA and probably behind the effort to bring down POTUS, Trump!!! We shall soon see what his real role was!!!
An interesting question might be >> What's your favorite Joe Biden gaffe ? Plenty to chose from.

I think mine is the time he was overseas in a press conference, and he leaned from his podium toward the prime minister's podium and expressed his heartfelt condolences for the death of the prime minister's wife.

Only trouble is, she was very much alive at the time.

And this is who would become POTUS ? God have mercy on us. :rolleyes:
Joe Biden is the Democrat attempt to temporarily mask the staunch Socialist bent of the bulk of their lineup with a milquetoast old man.

In the end, it will be the most Uber-Socialist who will be nominated, and who will attempt with the assistance of media to crawl to the non-existent center before the election.
Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden is facing more campaign issues this week; with analysts saying his fundraising efforts have “tumbled” since a series of gaffes on the campaign trail.

“Joe Biden raised $4.6 million online on his first day in the 2020 presidential race, surprising doubters who thought the former vice president couldn’t run a modern campaign. But since then Biden’s online fundraising has tumbled — looking more like flash-in-the-pan opponent Beto O’Rourke than top-tier rivals like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren,” reports Politico.

“More than 60 percent of the $13.2 million Biden has raised online came in the first week of his campaign, which launched in late April, according to a POLITICO analysis of data from the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue. While other top candidates spiked early and then gradually raised more money online as the 2020 campaign has carried on, Biden’s pattern is similar to O’Rourke, who roared into the race with millions raised in his first day but has trickled off since then,” adds the website.

Democratic strategist David Axelrod weighed-in Thursday on Joe Biden’s potentially reduced campaign schedule; saying “this is bad advice” and claiming the former Vice President can “either cut it or he can’t.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Simple...folks. Nutcase, Democrat, Joe "The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual ABUSER" Biden needs to be put out to right now!!! Dems will not do that...Why? They have no one to replace his sorry butt!!! Obama, low life that he is...groomed not one decent effective, capable, competent, Democrat to run for POTUS!!!

Obama was & is only for Obama..period!!! Worst POTUS in the history of the USA and probably behind the effort to bring down POTUS, Trump!!! We shall soon see what his real role was!!!

Maybe Donald can lend him several million to keep afloat . . . . at about 19.2% interest. I want to see Uncle Joe up on the stage with Trump putting both feet in his mouth.
Maybe Donald can lend him several million to keep afloat . . . . at about 19.2% interest. I want to see Uncle Joe up on the stage with Trump putting both feet in his mouth.
Trump vs Biden debate would make Hiroshima look weak.
Where the heck do they find these haters? No wonder the "Crooked" states of America is screwed up and divided. Yeah - If you don't like Donald Trump leave! If you do like his nonsense, hate and racism - stay and take his abuse. Along with the perks of this country - racism, unarmed shootings, voter suppression, domestic terrorism, lopsided justice and Whyte nationalists, income inequality and theft, militias and all the domestic terrorism these idiots take out on the citizenry. So leave or stay and put up with the bull and abuse. I guess this is what the founding fathers expected to happen when they created the United States. Some one explain this hot mess to me. I'll wait!
Where the heck do they find these haters? No wonder the "Crooked" states of America is screwed up and divided. Yeah - If you don't like Donald Trump leave! If you do like his nonsense, hate and racism - stay and take his abuse. Along with the perks of this country - racism, unarmed shootings, voter suppression, domestic terrorism, lopsided justice and Whyte nationalists, income inequality and theft, militias and all the domestic terrorism these idiots take out on the citizenry. So leave or stay and put up with the bull and abuse. I guess this is what the founding fathers expected to happen when they created the United States. Some one explain this hot mess to me. I'll wait!
Unfortunately Creedmore Mental hospital was closed!

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