Trouble for Lindsey Graham

Lady G may get to spend some time in the company of men - in prison.

This is highly illegal, in case you didn't know. it also questions his election win in South Carolina. You can bet that President Biden's Attorney general will be launching a full investigation.

graham should be investigated and face any legal consequences for his crimes.

Sadly the isn't going to happen.

He will not face any consequences for his crimes. He is a republican senator and there is no way he will face the proper consequences for the crimes he has committed.

Nor will Biden's AG investigate this. The Senate ethics committee won't investigate it either.

Republicans can commit crimes and face absolutely no consequences for it.

If a democrat had done that, he would already be under arrest and facing a lot of legal problems right now.

There is plenty of time to indict Dear Leader and all his criminal enablers. Patience! ;)
Folks, this is how deranged the lunatic left board members are. Synthaholic started this thread calling on Lindsey Graham to be thrown in jail for "appearing to suggest" ballots with possible fraudulent signatures be looked at to verify their authenticity.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who has been under fire from fellow Republicans, leveled a damning accusation against Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in a Washington Post interview, claiming the lawmaker suggested that legal ballots in his state be thrown out.

Yet, when pressed Monday by anchor Wolf Blitzer during an appearance on CNN about Graham’s exact words, Raffensperger was suddenly vague, talking more about implications and impressions than actual words.

“He asked if the ballots could be matched back to the voters,” Raffensperger replied

He asked if the ballots could be matched to the voters.
Asking if the ballots were legal.

Only in The BubbleCultists bubble is that a crime.
Nostra thinks he's on to something.

Now, a staffer who was also on the call confirms it: Graham asked for legal ballots to be thrown out.
Nostra thinks he's on to something.

Now, a staffer who was also on the call confirms it: Graham asked for legal ballots to be thrown out.

He asked if the ballots could be matched to the voters.
Asking if the ballots were legal.

Only in The BubbleCultists bubble is that a crime.
Nostra thinks he's on to something.

Now, a staffer who was also on the call confirms it: Graham asked for legal ballots to be thrown out.

If the signatures don't match, then yes, they should be "thrown out". What don't you understand about that?
Lady G may get to spend some time in the company of men - in prison.

This is highly illegal, in case you didn't know. it also questions his election win in South Carolina. You can bet that President Biden's Attorney general will be launching a full investigation.

Not to the ignorant commie, a difference of opinion whether a ballot is legal or not is not a criminal offense.

Lady G may get to spend some time in the company of men - in prison.

This is highly illegal, in case you didn't know. it also questions his election win in South Carolina. You can bet that President Biden's Attorney general will be launching a full investigation.

Sure would be funny if there was a tape proving it. Republicans are always being dumb enough to get caught on tape. :auiqs.jpg:

You fuck sticks just spent a fucking fortune trying to defeat him and lost Big League
But don't give up
This is probably the one.

I didn't spend jack. I'm an Independent in The Great State of Tennessee, numb nuts. He's a dick, but he is South Carolina's problem. I just get a kick out of it when some party or trump tool makes an as of himself, especially when ratted out by a fellow Republican.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Full story from The Guardian (to circumvent the WaPo paywall)

>> The Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, has said that Senator Lindsey Graham asked whether it was possible to invalidate legally cast ballots after Donald Trump was narrowly defeated in the state.​
In an interview with the Washington Post, Raffensperger said Graham, the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, questioned him about the state’s signature-matching law and asked whether political bias might have played a role in counties where poll workers accepted higher rates of mismatched signatures. According to Raffensperger, Graham then asked whether he had the authority to toss out all mail-in ballots in these counties.​
Raffspenger was reportedly “stunned” by the question, in which Graham appeared to suggest that he find a way to throw out legally cast absentee ballots.​
“It sure looked like he was wanting to go down that road,” he said. <<​

Here's the weirder part though:

>> This comes as Raffensberger faces mounting backlash from his own party after defending the state’s electoral process. The state’s two Republican senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both locked in tight run-off elections to keep their seats, have called for Raffensberger’s resignation <<​

Get that? Not only are the Pubs yowling that Raffensberger did his job correctly but the two Senate wannabees want him to RESIGN for doing his job correctly. From this we can only conclude that following the rules is just not what they do, and anyone going that route needs to be eliminated.

Then again Loeffler is one of the insider-trading yahoos who scrambled to make profits on COVID early in the year, so that figures.

Perhaps this story tells us even more about those two klowns than about Graham.
" the state’s signature-matching law and asked whether political bias might have played a role in counties where poll workers accepted higher rates of mismatched signatures. "

Fair question; it would require checking the SIGNATURES......sounds good to me.


Uh huh.
And how does exploring the possibilities of nullifying the votes of entire counties? Let alone, in a state that isn't even your own? How zat sound?

Isn't selective reading fun.

Ever hear the term "Composition Fallacy"?
Lady G may get to spend some time in the company of men - in prison.

This is highly illegal, in case you didn't know. it also questions his election win in South Carolina. You can bet that President Biden's Attorney general will be launching a full investigation.

Glad to see you on board. Full new election in all Dominion election districts, and lets throw in South Carolina. I want all fraud eliminated.

Why the homophobia? Isnt that a bad look for leftists? You arent a hypocrite and a homophobic, are you? Are you also racist?
Nostra thinks he's on to something.

Now, a staffer who was also on the call confirms it: Graham asked for legal ballots to be thrown out.

Here's the same thing from a real news source:

>> A top deputy to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who was on a call between his boss and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) confirmed Tuesday that he heard Graham suggest that Raffensperger should try to discard whole counties’ worth of absentee ballots, including legal ones.​
Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting systems implementation manager, told reporters Tuesday that Graham asked Raffensperger questions about how the state’s signature verification process works. In Georgia, if voters’ ballot envelope signatures don’t match the signatures on file, those ballots are rejected and the voters are notified and given a chance to fix the deficiency.​
Raffensperger told The Washington Post on Monday that Graham asked him if partisan bias might cause some invalid signatures to be accepted, and, if those invalid signatures could be identified in large numbers, whether all of the absentee ballots from those counties could be tossed out.​
Sterling confirmed those details. “What I heard were discussions of absentee ballots, if there were a percentage of signatures that weren’t truly matching, is there some point where we could go to a court and throw out all of the ballots,” he recalled. <<​

Remember, this is not even Graham's state. He's fantasizing (at the least) about disenfranchising another state's voters, whole counties at a time.

NB - PLEASE, do not use freaking Tweeter as a "news source". Use a real one.
Raffspenger was reportedly “stunned” by the question, in which Graham appeared to suggest that he find a way to throw out legally cast absentee ballots.

What law did this violate? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

The OP is a fucking moron.

The mail-in ballots in Georgia were a violation of equal protection. In-person voting required ID while mail-in ballots did not. And for other reasons too. But a clear violation of equal protections.
Nostra thinks he's on to something.

Now, a staffer who was also on the call confirms it: Graham asked for legal ballots to be thrown out.

Watch this...............

What is this staffer's name, and what does he claim he heard?
I suggest to someone that things could go very well for them (since I'm a bigwig Senator) if he murders my wife.

You aren't handling your massive thread fail very well, Simpleton. :itsok: :itsok:
Raffspenger was reportedly “stunned” by the question, in which Graham appeared to suggest that he find a way to throw out legally cast absentee ballots.

What law did this violate? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

The OP is a fucking moron.

The mail-in ballots in Georgia were a violation of equal protection. In-person voting required ID while mail-in ballots did not. And for other reasons too. But a clear violation of equal protections.

ALL ballots require ID verification. Nothing new about that. You can throw your food about the room from your high chair because somebody else's friggin' font was different but it's irrelevant.

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