Trouble For Ted Cruz: Here's Why He Doesn't Meet The Natural Born Citizen Requirement

The biggest joke to ever seek the Whitehouse is not funny anymore and hes still IN the Whitehouse. Yes, yes I am a "birther" and very proud to defend the Constitution. But I have learned that no one will listen because of so many personal and political ajendas. So many people don't understand and there is way to little time. So I am a birther...yes.

Suck it up buttercup.
The biggest joke to ever seek the Whitehouse is not funny anymore and hes still IN the Whitehouse. Yes, ues I am a "birther" and very proud to defend the Constitution. But I learned that no one will listen because of so many personal and political ajendas. So many people don't understand and there is way to little time.So I am a birther...yes. Suck it up buttercup.

I'd be happy to shred your misconceptions regarding Obama and constitutional eligibility if you're interested. You'll find that its not 'agendas' that render birthers a national laughing stock. But the evidence.
The biggest joke to ever seek the Whitehouse is not funny anymore and hes still IN the Whitehouse. Yes, yes I am a "birther" and very proud to defend the Constitution. But I have learned that no one will listen because of so many personal and political ajendas. So many people don't understand and there is way to little time. So I am a birther...yes.

Suck it up buttercup.

Proud to be a Birther.

Just as you are proud to have flunked Middle School.
You have not legitimate proof of anything. The Constitution is very clear.

Yet you were unable to actually find that quote. The Constitution is very clear:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

President Obama meets every eligibility requirement
  • Natural born- since he was born in Hawaii- which contrary to Birther beliefs is part of the United States
  • 35 years of age or older
  • 14 years a resident.
His father was never resident in the USA. And no you can't use his step father.
Who's the middle school drop out now...

His communist father never left Kenya.
His father was never resident in the USA. And no you can't use his step father.
Who's the middle school drop out now...

His communist father never left Kenya.

Yeah, that's not the constitution. That's just you talking shit. Show us the 'very clear' definition of 'natural born citizenship' in the Constitution.

And yes, Obama's father did leave Kenya. He was an student in the US, specifically Hawaii.

I'm starting to get the impression that you don't know what you're talking about.
Just because you read it on the internet dosn't make it true. All of those web pages were manufactured after the fact. I was watching this BEFORE those pages were manufactured. You must really think everyone you meet is stupid...
Just because you read it on the internet dosn't make it true. All of those web pages were manufactured after the fact. I was watching this BEFORE those pages were manufactured. You must really think everyone you meet is stupid...

No- but I do think you are a particular form of stupid.

Where are you getting your information from- since you don't believe the 'internet'? Is it broadcast directly into your brain?
His father was never resident in the USA. And no you can't use his step father.
Who's the middle school drop out now...

His communist father never left Kenya.

Yeah, that's not the constitution. That's just you talking shit. Show us the 'very clear' definition of 'natural born citizenship' in the Constitution.

And yes, Obama's father did leave Kenya. He was an student in the US, specifically Hawaii.

I'm starting to get the impression that you don't know what you're talking about.

I.E. a true Birther.
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if thei
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if their father was a citizen of the U.S. but not to a father who had never resided in the United States.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada after the 1934 date to a U.S. citizen mother and a non U.S. citizen father, he acquired citizenship at birth under the uniform Rule of Naturalization that was in effect at the time of his birth.

Ted Cruz cannot be a “natural born Citizen” if a person born prior to May 24, 1934 with the same birth circumstances was not even a “citizen of the United States”.

The Constitution gives Congress the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, it does not give Congress the Power over who is a "natural born Citizen. A "natural born Citizen" today is the same as who a "natural born Citizen" was when the term was inserted into the Constitution, it can only be changed by Constitutional Amendment.

Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen"; if he were, then persons born prior to the 1934 date would also of been. Because, Congress does not have Power over who is a "natural born Citizen" they only have the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization and the Rule they established prior to the 1934 date only allowed persons born abroad to a U.S. citizen father to acquire citizenship at birth as long as their father had been a resident of the U.S.

Therefore Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen".

Cruz was born under the 1952 Naturalization Act which superseded the 1934 act. Making your claims irrelevant.
Yes, it made Cruz a naturalized citizen at birth.

It supersedes the 1934 law.....which you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
If it takes a 1952 Naturalization statute to make you a Citizen, you're not natural born, you're naturalized.
I got my information before it became a political hot potato. And before the left started flooding us with misinformation. My information was unaccosted by political demogogary. So you go ahead and believe what you want. But I had the truth before you knew it was a question.
Just because you read it on the internet dosn't make it true. All of those web pages were manufactured after the fact. I was watching this BEFORE those pages were manufactured. You must really think everyone you meet is stupid...

Obviously. I remember some hapless soul on the internet blustering about how the constitution was 'very clear'. Yet when I ask him to cite the constitution's definition of 'natural born citizen'......he's got jack shit.

So much for the bluster.

So far you've demonstrated no command of this topic whatsoever.
I got my information before it became a political hot potato. And before the left started flooding us with misinformation. My information was unaccosted by political demogogary. So you go ahead and believe what you want. But I had the truth before you knew it was a question.

And yet when we ask you to back your claims up, to show us the fail. You've got nothing but you telling us how much you know.

You citing you, telling us how knowledgable you are.....isn't evidence. Its an excuse for it. Show us the evidence that Obama isn't eligible to be president.
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if thei
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if their father was a citizen of the U.S. but not to a father who had never resided in the United States.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada after the 1934 date to a U.S. citizen mother and a non U.S. citizen father, he acquired citizenship at birth under the uniform Rule of Naturalization that was in effect at the time of his birth.

Ted Cruz cannot be a “natural born Citizen” if a person born prior to May 24, 1934 with the same birth circumstances was not even a “citizen of the United States”.

The Constitution gives Congress the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, it does not give Congress the Power over who is a "natural born Citizen. A "natural born Citizen" today is the same as who a "natural born Citizen" was when the term was inserted into the Constitution, it can only be changed by Constitutional Amendment.

Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen"; if he were, then persons born prior to the 1934 date would also of been. Because, Congress does not have Power over who is a "natural born Citizen" they only have the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization and the Rule they established prior to the 1934 date only allowed persons born abroad to a U.S. citizen father to acquire citizenship at birth as long as their father had been a resident of the U.S.

Therefore Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen".

Cruz was born under the 1952 Naturalization Act which superseded the 1934 act. Making your claims irrelevant.
Yes, it made Cruz a naturalized citizen at birth.

It supersedes the 1934 law.....which you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
If it takes a 1952 Naturalization statute to make you a Citizen, you're not natural born, you're naturalized.

If your babble about the 1934 law was accurate, you wouldn't have had to abandon any mention of it. And start attacking the 1952 law.

You knew the 1952 law superceded the 1934 law. You just really hoped we didn't.
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if thei
Here is why Ted doesn't meet the qualifications of Article 2 Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution to be eligible for President. Cruz did not inherit citizenship from his mother, he is a U.S. citizen because at birth he fulfilled the requirements established by Congress.

Prior to May 24, 1934 the uniform Rule of Naturalization did not allow a person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if they were born outside the U.S. to a citizen mother and a non citizen father; during that time, persons born outside of the U.S. could only acquire citizenship at birth if their father was a citizen of the U.S. but not to a father who had never resided in the United States.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada after the 1934 date to a U.S. citizen mother and a non U.S. citizen father, he acquired citizenship at birth under the uniform Rule of Naturalization that was in effect at the time of his birth.

Ted Cruz cannot be a “natural born Citizen” if a person born prior to May 24, 1934 with the same birth circumstances was not even a “citizen of the United States”.

The Constitution gives Congress the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, it does not give Congress the Power over who is a "natural born Citizen. A "natural born Citizen" today is the same as who a "natural born Citizen" was when the term was inserted into the Constitution, it can only be changed by Constitutional Amendment.

Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen"; if he were, then persons born prior to the 1934 date would also of been. Because, Congress does not have Power over who is a "natural born Citizen" they only have the Power to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization and the Rule they established prior to the 1934 date only allowed persons born abroad to a U.S. citizen father to acquire citizenship at birth as long as their father had been a resident of the U.S.

Therefore Ted Cruz is not a "natural born Citizen".

Cruz was born under the 1952 Naturalization Act which superseded the 1934 act. Making your claims irrelevant.
Yes, it made Cruz a naturalized citizen at birth.

It supersedes the 1934 law.....which you knew. But really hoped we didn't.
If it takes a 1952 Naturalization statute to make you a Citizen, you're not natural born, you're naturalized.

If your babble about the 1934 law was accurate, you wouldn't have had to abandon any mention of it. And start attacking the 1952 law.

You knew the 1952 law superceded the 1934 law. You just really hoped we didn't.
My previous post is accurate.
Skyler you don't understand. I don't bother because it would make no difference whatsoever to you. You would simply bury it in demogogary. Many of the articles of the past have already been sterilized by the political parties. As for the Constitutional issues all you have to do is pick up a copy of the Constitution and read it. Make an effort to understand it. Not an effort to make it say what you want it to. Read it as it was written dont try to interpret it into what you want it to be. I carry a copy in my pocket at all times.

I'm not a politican therfor I wont argue with you. Believe whatever you want but I have given you the truth. You can dismiss the truth and spew out migro agressions like "birther" if you like. It dosent hurt my feelings at all though. Your hate is for you to deal with.

I will still require concrete proof that Cruz is a Natural Born Citizen to vote for him. No vote.

The people are the last line of defense for the Constitution.

There is no amendment changing our forefathers definition of a Natural Born Citizen. Furthermore you can not change the definition with lower laws

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