Trouble: Hillary Just Refused To Say Right To Bear Arms Is A Constitutional Right

Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief
Yes, all militia members have a right to a single-shot muzzleloader.


I guess that means the following agencies are all unconstitutional

FAA - no aircraft
DOT - no trucks, cars, whatever
FCC - no radio or television
Dept Energy - no electricity
Air Force - no planes
Amtrak - no railroads
FDA - no drugs
NASA - no planes, rockets

Are they mentioned in the 2nd Amendment?

They aren't mentioned, period, so the government must not have any authority to regulate them, right?
Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...
Clinton was just interviewed by Stephanopoulos. She is dishonest and the questions are dishonest. But it is clear Clinton supports government confiscation of guns from private citizens.

Watch: Hillary Refuses Say Right to Bear Arms Is a 'Constitutional Right' - Breitbart
Why am I not surprised that you and BigotBarf are lying???

She did say it is a right!

CLINTON: "So I think it's important to recognize that reasonable people can say, as I do, responsible gun owners have a right -- I have no objection to that. But the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regularity, responsible actions to protect everyone else."
No, that isn't what a right is. That's like saying you have the right to free speech as long as you don't upset somebody. Rights are not dependent on your comfort level. We have reasonable laws now so she does want to restrict our 2nd A rights.
No that is NOT what she said. She is saying honest people have a right to expect that guns will not be sold to criminals and terrorists, only to responsible Americans. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to as many criminals and terrorists as possible in order to force everybody else to buy guns to protect themselves from the well armed criminals and terrorists. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to both sides of all conflicts.
I used the quote you provided. We have background checks now. It isn't possible to know if someone who hasn't got a criminal record is ever going to commit a crime.

No, the gun lobby (is there such a thing? Doubt it) doesn't want to arm terrorists and criminals. Quit being so stupid. They are law abiding people an you do a disservice to your cause to misrepresent them as such.
Yet someone on the no fly list, as a known terrorist, can legally buy weapons...

a 'known' terrorist can legally buy a firearm?
Yes, all militia members have a right to a single-shot muzzleloader.


I guess that means the following agencies are all unconstitutional

FAA - no aircraft
DOT - no trucks, cars, whatever
FCC - no radio or television
Dept Energy - no electricity
Air Force - no planes
Amtrak - no railroads
FDA - no drugs
NASA - no planes, rockets

Are they mentioned in the 2nd Amendment?

They aren't mentioned, period, so the government must not have any authority to regulate them, right?

"The General Welfare"...
Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move
Clinton was just interviewed by Stephanopoulos. She is dishonest and the questions are dishonest. But it is clear Clinton supports government confiscation of guns from private citizens.

Watch: Hillary Refuses Say Right to Bear Arms Is a 'Constitutional Right' - Breitbart
Why am I not surprised that you and BigotBarf are lying???

She did say it is a right!

CLINTON: "So I think it's important to recognize that reasonable people can say, as I do, responsible gun owners have a right -- I have no objection to that. But the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regularity, responsible actions to protect everyone else."
No, that isn't what a right is. That's like saying you have the right to free speech as long as you don't upset somebody. Rights are not dependent on your comfort level. We have reasonable laws now so she does want to restrict our 2nd A rights.
No that is NOT what she said. She is saying honest people have a right to expect that guns will not be sold to criminals and terrorists, only to responsible Americans. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to as many criminals and terrorists as possible in order to force everybody else to buy guns to protect themselves from the well armed criminals and terrorists. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to both sides of all conflicts.
I used the quote you provided. We have background checks now. It isn't possible to know if someone who hasn't got a criminal record is ever going to commit a crime.

No, the gun lobby (is there such a thing? Doubt it) doesn't want to arm terrorists and criminals. Quit being so stupid. They are law abiding people an you do a disservice to your cause to misrepresent them as such.
Yet someone on the no fly list, as a known terrorist, can legally buy weapons...

That's because they haven't been convicted of anything, nimrod. Have you ever heard of "due process?" The terrorist watch list doesn't constitute due process.
Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move

Funny. My people were perfectly happy before whitey invaded.
Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move

Funny. My people were perfectly happy before whitey invaded.

Yeah well keep in mind who kicked your ass.
Why am I not surprised that you and BigotBarf are lying???

She did say it is a right!

CLINTON: "So I think it's important to recognize that reasonable people can say, as I do, responsible gun owners have a right -- I have no objection to that. But the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regularity, responsible actions to protect everyone else."
No, that isn't what a right is. That's like saying you have the right to free speech as long as you don't upset somebody. Rights are not dependent on your comfort level. We have reasonable laws now so she does want to restrict our 2nd A rights.
No that is NOT what she said. She is saying honest people have a right to expect that guns will not be sold to criminals and terrorists, only to responsible Americans. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to as many criminals and terrorists as possible in order to force everybody else to buy guns to protect themselves from the well armed criminals and terrorists. The gun lobby wants to sell guns to both sides of all conflicts.
I used the quote you provided. We have background checks now. It isn't possible to know if someone who hasn't got a criminal record is ever going to commit a crime.

No, the gun lobby (is there such a thing? Doubt it) doesn't want to arm terrorists and criminals. Quit being so stupid. They are law abiding people an you do a disservice to your cause to misrepresent them as such.
Yet someone on the no fly list, as a known terrorist, can legally buy weapons...

That's because they haven't been convicted of anything, nimrod. Have you ever heard of "due process?" The terrorist watch list doesn't constitute due process.
yet, since no precautions can be put in place, you'll be the first to bitch that the govt. is not protecting US citizens..
Yes, all militia members have a right to a single-shot muzzleloader.
This fallacy has been debunked many times for little Lakota's benefit.

Looks like he feels that enough time has passed since it was last explained to him, that now he can start repeating the lie as though it had never been debunked, and trust that people don't remember the last time he got spanked for it.

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move

Funny. My people were perfectly happy before whitey invaded.

Yeah well keep in mind who kicked your ass.
So called God fearing, Jesus loving christians....
Hmm, that's interesting. I don't trust wikipedia so I will have to look into this...

Many individual states have additional statutes describing their residents as part of the state militia; for example Washingtonlaw specifies all able-bodied citizens or intended citizens over the age of eighteen as members of the state militia, as explicitly distinct from the National Guard and Washington State Guard.[46]
Shall not be infringed is all you need to know

What about the "well regulated militia" part?

I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

You mean a bunch of douche bag justices like Kagen will "reinterpret" it.

That's exactly why Hillary must never be elected.
I read your lame attempt at it's really don't think anyone is going to take some moon bat site called Occasional Planet "where progressives speak out" serious do you? LOL

The Second is very gives the citizens the right to bear arms, you can twist, scream, cry, whine and moan all day but the fact is you can't change it. Suck on them apples, Chief

Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move

Funny. My people were perfectly happy before whitey invaded.

Yeah well keep in mind who kicked your ass.
So called God fearing, Jesus loving christians....

Ahhh shaddup ya little runt
Eventually, an enlightened Supreme Court will "reinterpret" it...

Yeah and fucking morons such as yourself will wet yourselves. You're a pathetic little worm, Shitting'd be much happier in some place like North Korea, do us and America a favor....move

Funny. My people were perfectly happy before whitey invaded.

Yeah well keep in mind who kicked your ass.
So called God fearing, Jesus loving christians....

Ahhh shaddup ya little runt
I bet you say that to all your Gods....

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