Trouble in Mitt's SOCIALIST hospital paradise

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Trouble In Mitt Romney's Socialist Hospital Paradise

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has vowed to repeal the health care law entirely if he's elected. In America, Romney has said, we don't let people die in the street simply because they lack health insurance: Hospitals are there to care for the uninsured....

...The fewer people who have insurance, the greater the burden on those who do have coverage. In order to cover the costs of treating the uninsured, premiums go up. The American Hospital Association estimated that U.S. hospitals performed $39.3 billion worth of uncompensated care in 2010, the most recent year for which numbers are available. That's 5.8 percent of total expenses.

...This is a problem that Obama's health care law seeks to address and one that Romney himself has acknowledged in the past, before he began pursuing the Republican presidential nomination.

"Look, it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to have millions and millions of people who have no health insurance and yet who can go to the emergency room and get entirely free care for which they have no responsibility, particularly if they are people who have sufficient means to pay their own way," he said in 2010.

In 2007, he used even starker language: "When [uninsured people] show up at the hospital, they get care. They get free care paid for by you and me. If that's not a form of socialism, I don't know what is."

so ... If you rw's get your Flip Flopper In Chief, how do think will pay for all this welfare medical care?
Mitt wants all 50 states to have their own socialized healthcare to the best of my understanding.

He is a simple man of few particulars but he does understand the need for socialized healthcare to continue our society as it has been since the 1930s.

Now if you wanna become Mexico....
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Mitt wants all 50 states to have their own socialized healthcare to the best of my understanding.

He is a simple man of few particulars but he does understand the need for socialized healthcare to continue our society as it has been since the 1930s.

Now if you wanna become Mexico....

That is not what Mittens as said as recently as last week. Are you saying he has flipped flopped AGAIN! ALREADY!?

I quoted him above but since you mention Mexico, I'm sure you know that his stated plan for health care means we all have to pay for illegals medical care too.

I don't mind that YOU want to pay for the uninsured and the illegals but I don't. Why should I be forced to pay for other people's health care?

As a matter of fact, we are forced to pay for the health care insurance of our congress even though they don't want the rest of the country to get the same quality coverage and health care they get for OUR taxes.

This is what a lousy little teepotter waste of skin thought about it when he was elected -

New anti-Obamacare congressman complains about his government health care |
Both plans are fucked in the head.

So far.... only obama care is enacted.
Mitt wants all 50 states to have their own socialized healthcare to the best of my understanding.

He is a simple man of few particulars but he does understand the need for socialized healthcare to continue our society as it has been since the 1930s.

Now if you wanna become Mexico....

That is not what Mittens as said as recently as last week. Are you saying he has flipped flopped AGAIN! ALREADY!?

I quoted him above but since you mention Mexico, I'm sure you know that his stated plan for health care means we all have to pay for illegals medical care too.

I don't mind that YOU want to pay for the uninsured and the illegals but I don't. Why should I be forced to pay for other people's health care?

As a matter of fact, we are forced to pay for the health care insurance of our congress even though they don't want the rest of the country to get the same quality coverage and health care they get for OUR taxes.

This is what a lousy little teepotter waste of skin thought about it when he was elected -

New anti-Obamacare congressman complains about his government health care |

Wait, I said nothing about insuring Mexicans. Heck, if not for economy of scale I wouldn't even care if you had access to an MRI. No offense, it is not personal.
Mitt wants all 50 states to have their own socialized healthcare to the best of my understanding.

He is a simple man of few particulars but he does understand the need for socialized healthcare to continue our society as it has been since the 1930s.

Now if you wanna become Mexico....

That is not what Mittens as said as recently as last week. Are you saying he has flipped flopped AGAIN! ALREADY!?

I quoted him above but since you mention Mexico, I'm sure you know that his stated plan for health care means we all have to pay for illegals medical care too.

I don't mind that YOU want to pay for the uninsured and the illegals but I don't. Why should I be forced to pay for other people's health care?

As a matter of fact, we are forced to pay for the health care insurance of our congress even though they don't want the rest of the country to get the same quality coverage and health care they get for OUR taxes.

This is what a lousy little teepotter waste of skin thought about it when he was elected -

New anti-Obamacare congressman complains about his government health care |

Wait, I said nothing about insuring Mexicans. Heck, if not for economy of scale I wouldn't even care if you had access to an MRI. No offense, it is not personal.

You said "Mexico".

I simply pointed out that, thanks to Reagan program, EMTALA, we pay for the health care of illegals.

ObamaCare does not and IN FACT, they are specifically precluded.

When you're sick, it most certainly IS personal.

We do have Romney care, right?

No. We have ObamaCare. I read a rather extensive comparison ... Turns out they're quite different.

I don't much care though but if you do, you could Google it.
Can you libs make up your minds? Is Romney a right-winger even more radical than Bush or is he a flip-flopping moderate?

I guess the purpose of this thread is to convince us he is a moderate.
Can you libs make up your minds? Is Romney a right-winger even more radical than Bush or is he a flip-flopping moderate?

I guess the purpose of this thread is to convince us he is a moderate.

IMO he is a wandering mind somewhat like our recent Republican Presidents. Constitutionally conservative when it suits him.

As govenor Republicans can do all kinds of crazy things in the name of states can do anything. Mitt fits in with the California Republican govenors. A strange bunch to say the least politically but interesting.
Can you libs make up your minds? Is Romney a right-winger even more radical than Bush or is he a flip-flopping moderate?

I guess the purpose of this thread is to convince us he is a moderate.

Now THAT is FUNNY as hell.

Its MitTwit who changes daily. It was MitTwit who said his health care plan as prez would be, Go To The ER.

If you wanna read his

616 LIES in 33 WEEKS

the link in in my sig.

OR -

just click here -

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info

When you're figured out what the Etch a Sketch's position is on any given issue, get back to us.
Can you libs make up your minds? Is Romney a right-winger even more radical than Bush or is he a flip-flopping moderate?

I guess the purpose of this thread is to convince us he is a moderate.

IMO he is a wandering mind somewhat like our recent Republican Presidents. Constitutionally conservative when it suits him.

As govenor Republicans can do all kinds of crazy things in the name of states can do anything. Mitt fits in with the California Republican govenors. A strange bunch to say the least politically but interesting.
Makes it even more curious why democratics oppose such people.

Oh yeah...The (R)...:eusa_hand:
Well Mitt has had to abandon his health care ideology & speak, in order to apear that he was against Obama's plan in relation to his old plan, but in reality Mitt is a man who can and will work across the isle's, so isn't this exactly what this economy and situation needs in America ? He is flip flopping some, because he is trying to please both sides, so this begs the question who will Mitt Romney be as President ( a moderate) ? Many know that he will be better than Obama, because Obama has created a stalemate in this nation, and that can not stand if we want to move this nation foward in the next four years.
Well Mitt has had to abandon his health care ideology & speak, in order to apear that he was against Obama's plan in relation to his old plan, but in reality Mitt is a man who can and will work across the isle's, so isn't this exactly what this economy and situation needs in America ? He is flip flopping some, because he is trying to please both sides, so this begs the question who will Mitt Romney be as President ( a moderate) ? Many know that he will be better than Obama, because Obama has created a stalemate in this nation, and that can not stand if we want to move this nation foward in the next four years.

Your post is fiction but the best part is the unintentional truth you have told ...

Mitt is a man who can and will work across the isle's

"isles" ... like the Cayman Isles, which is where he keeps his money because he does not believe in or support his own country.

You meant "aisles" but that's not true either.

Thanks for the chuckle.

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