Trudeau blames Trump for loss of GM Plants at G20

He needs to speak for the Canadians who are going to lose their jobs. 15,000 jobs in Canada and the US is a hell of a lot. He never signed on to this tariff thing. It is being done to him, and even though he played nice with the new Nafta, he still got shafted by the US. So of course he said something.

He's a clown who rode his daddy's name-recognition into office. Canuckistan hasn't been our friend in decades....they cheated us in every aspect of NAFTA and Trump put a stop to it. What he should be worried about is the dipshit judge who just threw another delay at the Keystone XL pipeline. The canuck oil boys thought that was a done deal and they ain't happy with frog boy.....he won't win another election.
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....

I gotta disagree....Detroit is building some damn fine cars and trucks in the last couple years. They're having the same problem they've always their lines of sedans. It doesn't make any sense dropping the Volt....they just need to drop the price or badge it a Cadillac like they should have done in the first place. Mary Barra has made a huge investment with a Jap bank to build "anonymous" no drivers. That baffles me....are you going to send your Chevy to the supermarket? So it pulls in and parks itself...then what?
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....

I gotta disagree....Detroit is building some damn fine cars and trucks in the last couple years. They're having the same problem they've always their lines of sedans. It doesn't make any sense dropping the Volt....they just need to drop the price or badge it a Cadillac like they should have done in the first place. Mary Barra has made a huge investment with a Jap bank to build "anonymous" no drivers. That baffles me....are you going to send your Chevy to the supermarket? So it pulls in and parks itself...then what?
What are you disagreeing with?..... maybe you should read my post again....listen....Chevy Trucks and cars are over priced and not very reliable vehicles as it stands now...having them built 100% in China will only make it worse....
And lets be honest...this was a kick Trump in the backside move...not a move to make GM better....after they had Obama bail them out I haven't been on a GM lot since.....and never will....Toyota trucks and cars kick GM's ass....
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....
Preach it brother.
What are you disagreeing with?..... maybe you should read my post again....listen....Chevy Trucks and cars are over priced and not very reliable vehicles as it stands now...having them built 100% in China will only make it worse....
And lets be honest...this was a kick Trump in the backside move...not a move to make GM better....after they had Obama bail them out I haven't been on a GM lot since.....and never will....Toyota trucks and cars kick GM's ass....

I read your post and want to drive a jap car don't pretend you're an "America First" what you say. I've never even driven a Jap car unless the company made me....sure as hell never bought one. Toyoda (how it's really spelled) had brand new plants, tool and die, no pensions, no healthcare costs, a 20-something work force, and American marketing and advertising executives back in the 80's....those days are gone and they're becoming dinosaurs just like the rest of the industry. Wait until your rice-burner's throttle sensor sticks going past a power line and you're doing 80 in a 45....then tell me how wonderful the Nips crap is.....sheeeit.
I read your post and want to drive a jap car don't pretend you're an "America First" fan
Jap car?....what are you some kind of a bigot?...first of all Beavis...Toyota and Honda cars are built in the United states by Americans...not in China...
Jap car?....what are you some kind of a bigot?...first of all Beavis...Toyota and Honda cars are built in the United states by Americans...not in China...

Wrong dumbass....they are ASSEMBLED in the US not built....I'm from Detroit...learn something about the auto business before you waste my time. Am I a "bigot"? the Japs shot my uncle trying to liberate Saipan....look it up, boy. What GM is building in China is sold in China and has nothing to do with anything. You love that rice-burner crap, move to fucking Tokyo and see what they think of gaijin suckers like you.
Everyone knew the tariffs were going to "hurt" but that it was necessary, like a shot at the doctor's. Or iodine on a skinned knee. Gotta do it in order to make it better. So perpetually bitching about it isn't going to be accomplishing much. Unless -- in however much time they predict it will take to make things "better"--things don't get better. They'll get worse, first, I imagine, just like they have with every President who has used them. Breaking China, I hear, takes more than one country's efforts. Maybe Trump would have been smarter to go that route. But he seems to have some trouble playing well with others.
The people that should be hurting ARE NOT the working class/blue collar laborers. It's the banksters and money manipulators should feel it first in their pocketbooks.
Has that EVER happened, that you know of?
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....
They're moving to China? You got a link on that? I heard they were closing plants and laying off workers and that was that.
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....
They're moving to China? You got a link on that? I heard they were closing plants and laying off workers and that was that.
They are closing factories here and keeping factories in China and Mexico open...its a pure attack on the president...nothing more and the CEO of GM should be fired for it....
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....

I gotta disagree....Detroit is building some damn fine cars and trucks in the last couple years. They're having the same problem they've always their lines of sedans. It doesn't make any sense dropping the Volt....they just need to drop the price or badge it a Cadillac like they should have done in the first place. Mary Barra has made a huge investment with a Jap bank to build "anonymous" no drivers. That baffles me....are you going to send your Chevy to the supermarket? So it pulls in and parks itself...then what?
What are you disagreeing with?..... maybe you should read my post again....listen....Chevy Trucks and cars are over priced and not very reliable vehicles as it stands now...having them built 100% in China will only make it worse....
And lets be honest...this was a kick Trump in the backside move...not a move to make GM better....after they had Obama bail them out I haven't been on a GM lot since.....and never will....Toyota trucks and cars kick GM's ass....
Where did you read GM trucks were to be made in Jina?
Where did you read GM trucks were to be made in Jina?
You libs really are being short changed by CNN...they already have a factory in China...rather than shut it down they are closing a factory here...they have a choice to make...close the factory in China or close one here...the welfare receiving car manufacturer decided to forget that we bailed them out and they chose to go with slave labor over the American worker....they suck!...
Wrong dumbass....they are ASSEMBLED in the US not built
You are an idiot...all auto manufacturers assemble their cars in a different local then where the parts are made....if you have a chevy volt your cars parts are made in Mexico and who knows where else...and until next month when they close it down and move operations to China they are assembled here...Geeeze turn off CNN they are under informing their audience...
Fuck GM
It’s all lies because everything Orange Jesus does is perfect and He must be worshipped above all else.
I think it's great that GM is closing some plants and some Trumpanzees are losing their jobs. IF it convinces just a few that they were conned, so much the better.
Where did you read GM trucks were to be made in Jina?
You libs really are being short changed by CNN...they already have a factory in China...rather than shut it down they are closing a factory here...they have a choice to make...close the factory in China or close one here...the welfare receiving car manufacturer decided to forget that we bailed them out and they chose to go with slave labor over the American worker....they suck!...
you should stop listening to make you you dumb fuck news. The only gm trucks made overseas are sold overseas. They've had plant in Thiailand for some time.
Wrong dumbass....they are ASSEMBLED in the US not built
You are an idiot...all auto manufacturers assemble their cars in a different local then where the parts are made....if you have a chevy volt your cars parts are made in Mexico and who knows where else...and until next month when they close it down and move operations to China they are assembled here...Geeeze turn off CNN they are under informing their audience...

Like I don't know shit about me, the car business or much of anything're a redneck jackass who mouths off and makes the rest of us look bad.
you should stop listening to make you you dumb fuck news. The only gm trucks made overseas are sold overseas. They've had plant in Thiailand for some time.
I didn't say trucks idiot...what difference does it make what kind of car the factory puts out?....I guess you libs got your order of dummy pills today....

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