Trudeau blames Trump for loss of GM Plants at G20

GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....
Yep, bailing out government motors was a “huuuge” mistake... thanks to George W. Bush
anonymous cars? ROFLMAO!

You don't get jokes do ya, "admiral"? anonymous is a play on words for autonomous... and now you'll snort "sure it was" just before you go over backwards in your Lazy Boy.....You are without a doubt the dumbest rube I've run into on this board so comparison.
GM already has an assembly plant in KY. Where do you think Corvettes are built?

"Kicking their ass all the way to Kentucky" is a phrase from up in Michigan you fucking simpleton. Hopefully nobody let you eat your turkey unsupervised....hard to tell how that would have gone.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.

And now you see ladies and gentlemen, that Leftists can NOT back up anything. They are like Rachael MADCOW, full of emotion, no facts, along with a boatload of propaganda.

This person is the poster child of exactly WHY you should fear these people! They have NOTHING but opinion, and they learned most of it from the person called MADCOW, lol!


Well...give them this: they were never taught that they had to defend any view, in government school....there were no wrong answers.
Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.

And now you see ladies and gentlemen, that Leftists can NOT back up anything. They are like Rachael MADCOW, full of emotion, no facts, along with a boatload of propaganda.

This person is the poster child of exactly WHY you should fear these people! They have NOTHING but opinion, and they learned most of it from the person called MADCOW, lol!


Well...give them this: they were never taught that they had to defend any view, in government school....there were no wrong answers.

Many of these people have no friggin clue how the auto industry works. They have no business sense, and instantly jump on anything that makes their political point of view look accurate.

I guess for many of these people, ignorance is bliss! They can go to bed smugly thinking they are correct, when in actuality, somebody from the auto industry looks at their supposed fact trail, and laughs like hell! Just listen to them, lol. GM is closing plants because of Trump. NO YOU FOOLS, they are closing plants because not enough of you smore eaters will BUY THEIR CARS!
Efff Trudeau. Trumps economic, and energy policies are working. Our economy continues to do well, and grow. I'm tired of Europe, and Asia taking advantage of the U.S. with regards to Trade.
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.

And now you see ladies and gentlemen, that Leftists can NOT back up anything. They are like Rachael MADCOW, full of emotion, no facts, along with a boatload of propaganda.

This person is the poster child of exactly WHY you should fear these people! They have NOTHING but opinion, and they learned most of it from the person called MADCOW, lol!


Well...give them this: they were never taught that they had to defend any view, in government school....there were no wrong answers.

Many of these people have no friggin clue how the auto industry works. They have no business sense, and instantly jump on anything that makes their political point of view look accurate.

I guess for many of these people, ignorance is bliss! They can go to bed smugly thinking they are correct, when in actuality, somebody from the auto industry looks at their supposed fact trail, and laughs like hell! Just listen to them, lol. GM is closing plants because of Trump. NO YOU FOOLS, they are closing plants because not enough of you smore eaters will BUY THEIR CARS!

...never have to read a book or defend an argument....and they get a pat on the head and a gold star.
I can't find any video posted anywhere yet, but it soon will be. Justin Trudeau called on Donald Trump to end the steel and aluminum tariffs which are one of the primary reasons why GM is eliminating 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, and which Trump has refused to cut, despite complaints nationwide from manufacturers that it's costing the US economy thousands of jobs. As he spoke, Trump stood by glowering.

Trudeau is a stupid Zoolander.


GM should not have been bailed out by Obabble. Perhaps they would have properly addressed their operational and financial issues back then. Instead, they existed as a reanimated corpse until the rot finally did them in.
I can't find any video posted anywhere yet, but it soon will be. Justin Trudeau called on Donald Trump to end the steel and aluminum tariffs which are one of the primary reasons why GM is eliminating 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, and which Trump has refused to cut, despite complaints nationwide from manufacturers that it's costing the US economy thousands of jobs. As he spoke, Trump stood by glowering.

Trudeau is a stupid Zoolander.

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GM should not have been bailed out by Obabble. Perhaps they would have properly addressed their operational and financial issues back then. Instead, they existed as a reanimated corpse until the rot finally did them in.


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