Trudeau blames Trump for loss of GM Plants at G20

My good man------------>people should do a lot of things, but in life, things cost money. No money, can't do a damn thing.

I do not look to Man to determine what I Should do. I look to the Divine (not The Abrahamic “God”) and the innate Morals and Values thst humanity was instilled with at the Romeo first our creation and the beginnings of human society. The very things that so many resist and revolt against in this age.
Trump is pushing it to the max to get the best deal possible..
No, Trump is merely trying for the best thing he can use to make himself look better. If that ends up being a great deal, that will be completely incidental. He is a fool.
TDS speaks...........If this would have been Obama NOTHING would have been challenged.............whether you like it or not these countries are being forced to make concessions playing hard ball...............Concessions that people like Obama said wouldn't happen............

He's done some good and hit some it works.........the fact the EU is offering deals shows it's working.
Let me rephrase that, look up Ford SUPER DUTY TRUCKS, and you will see exactly what I mean! Look at the sales. Anything over XL is to the public for the most part. That is the large majority of their sales, and these people want COMFORT, not bare bones.

Not quite sure how you haven’t yet realized that I really don’t care what people zant. I’m far more interested in what people SHOULD do than what they like or want to do.

What they should do according to who? You? Trump? Putin?

Every strong man ends up murdering millions. It's the only way to maintain the control you speak of.
Not really dumbfuck, I only paid $3000 more than you said you did for your Found a half ton brand new! And mine stickered for $47,000. Wow you are slow!
Well maybe if you take an English class or two I would understand what you are saying...
GM can go fuck itself...we the tax payers went into greater debt bailing their worthless ass out and now they want to close up shop and move?...go ahead...Honda and Toyota knows where the best workers are and its here in America....not slave labor in China that can't even pack an airbag properly...get ready for a massive amount of GM recalls in the near future....over priced piles of shit....

I gotta disagree....Detroit is building some damn fine cars and trucks in the last couple years. They're having the same problem they've always their lines of sedans. It doesn't make any sense dropping the Volt....they just need to drop the price or badge it a Cadillac like they should have done in the first place. Mary Barra has made a huge investment with a Jap bank to build "anonymous" no drivers. That baffles me....are you going to send your Chevy to the supermarket? So it pulls in and parks itself...then what?

anonymous cars? ROFLMAO!
Jap car?....what are you some kind of a bigot?...first of all Beavis...Toyota and Honda cars are built in the United states by Americans...not in China...

Wrong dumbass....they are ASSEMBLED in the US not built....I'm from Detroit...learn something about the auto business before you waste my time. Am I a "bigot"? the Japs shot my uncle trying to liberate Saipan....look it up, boy. What GM is building in China is sold in China and has nothing to do with anything. You love that rice-burner crap, move to fucking Tokyo and see what they think of gaijin suckers like you.

So Toyota's factory in Georgetown KY does not build its own engines on site?

You are talking out of your ass!

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. (TMMK) Fact Sheet | Toyota
I didn't say trucks idiot...what difference does it make what kind of car the factory puts out?....I guess you libs got your order of dummy pills today....

It makes all the difference in the world, any idea how much time and money it takes to recast and retool an assembly line? Then you have to retrain the humans and reprogram the robots and hope the roof doesn't cave in on the whole operation...literally...some of the plants in question, especially Hamtramck were falling apart back in the 70's. GM has to do what they think is best and so does Trump when he kicks their ass all the way to Kentucky for not building new plants across the parking lot from the old ones.

GM already has an assembly plant in KY. Where do you think Corvettes are built?
What Trump needs to do is three-fold:

1. 400% import tax on ALL American automaker vehicles (GM, Ford, etc...) made outside the USA.

2. Total ban on foreign brand (German, Korean, Japanese, etc...) imports.

3. 150% sales tax on all foreign brand cars sold in the USA.

Literally make American made, American brand cars the only affordable option.

You are a fucking idiot! Goodbye!
True. Different situation. Mostly.

But it appears you only like the free market up to a point, and competition only up to a point. So I wasn't too far off the mark. Perhaps a comparison to fascism would have been more appropriate.

At the very least, you aren't a capitalist. You are a protectionist. A different animal altogether.

I’m definitely a Protectionust, Isolationist, and a Nationalist. We do not need things from elsewhere and we should not be giving our products to our enemies to copy.

No. A more apt description would be "moron".
I can't find any video posted anywhere yet, but it soon will be. Justin Trudeau called on Donald Trump to end the steel and aluminum tariffs which are one of the primary reasons why GM is eliminating 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, and which Trump has refused to cut, despite complaints nationwide from manufacturers that it's costing the US economy thousands of jobs. As he spoke, Trump stood by glowering.
I thought GM was just having difficulties again. It hasn't seemed to affect the other major automakers has it?
No, GM itself said the closures were due to Trump’s failed tariff policy.
What they should do according to who? You? Trump? Putin?

Every strong man ends up murdering millions. It's the only way to maintain the control you speak of.

I believe there is a Universal set of Morals and scalped that were imparted onto hunsnuty the same way natural instincts were with animals. The difference is that we were given the ability to ignore them as a test of our Souls. Therefore what Shoud be done comes from the Divine, not from humanity.

So long as it’s the correct group of millions of people, I’m fine with that.
I can't find any video posted anywhere yet, but it soon will be. Justin Trudeau called on Donald Trump to end the steel and aluminum tariffs which are one of the primary reasons why GM is eliminating 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, and which Trump has refused to cut, despite complaints nationwide from manufacturers that it's costing the US economy thousands of jobs. As he spoke, Trump stood by glowering.

Then Trudeau is truly a world class idiot! Those plants aren't closing because of tariffs...they are closing because they make cars that GM can't sell because the buying public wants SUV's and Crossover vehicles...not sedans!

You liberals continue to amuse. It's like not a single one of you has any experience running a business. How do you survive in the real world?
Trudeau is whining...don't care.

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