Trudeau blames Trump for loss of GM Plants at G20

I can't find any video posted anywhere yet, but it soon will be. Justin Trudeau called on Donald Trump to end the steel and aluminum tariffs which are one of the primary reasons why GM is eliminating 15,000 jobs in the US and Canada, and which Trump has refused to cut, despite complaints nationwide from manufacturers that it's costing the US economy thousands of jobs. As he spoke, Trump stood by glowering.

The recent layoffs are caused, in part, by his tariffs.


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OK, point taken. I will not agree, or disagree with you on that point. Business across the globe does not work like that though. The larger the market, the more R and D can be dispersed amongst the sales of the product.

We can agree to disagree on the marketing area for sure. But what is fact is-------------->the MORE we sell whatever the product, the LESS of the R and D costs have to be recouped in the price of each product sold.

I will contemplate your suggestion though, it is intriguing, although even if feasible, good luck trying to get the swamp on board.

The R&D issue is irrelevant to me. I don’t need about 80% of the features in my Ford Escape but I had to pay for them. Build a car without them and I’ll buy it (for the reduced cost).

As for the swamp - that’s what I have firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition to fix.

See, I agree! But that is us, not everyone else. I have an F-350 and a Fusion. I don't need the bells and whistles, but guess what-----------> people want them, and it costs cash, and lots of it, to design the stuff in.

How do we know this about what Americans want?

To make it easy, look up F-350 sales. Look up by trim line. If what we thought was true, the biggest seller would be the F-350XL; and it SHOULD be, because they are sold to the public, AND that is what almost all businesses buy for their employees. BUT, it is not!

Soooooooooooo, without the bells and whistles, they would be el-screwed! And that my friend, costs loads of cash to design in. Trust me, I know!
OK, point taken. I will not agree, or disagree with you on that point. Business across the globe does not work like that though. The larger the market, the more R and D can be dispersed amongst the sales of the product.

We can agree to disagree on the marketing area for sure. But what is fact is-------------->the MORE we sell whatever the product, the LESS of the R and D costs have to be recouped in the price of each product sold.

I will contemplate your suggestion though, it is intriguing, although even if feasible, good luck trying to get the swamp on board.

The R&D issue is irrelevant to me. I don’t need about 80% of the features in my Ford Escape but I had to pay for them. Build a car without them and I’ll buy it (for the reduced cost).

As for the swamp - that’s what I have firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition to fix.

See, I agree! But that is us, not everyone else. I have an F-350 and a Fusion. I don't need the bells and whistles, but guess what-----------> people want them, and it costs cash, and lots of it, to design the stuff in.

How do we know this about what Americans want?

To make it easy, look up F-350 sales. Look up by trim line. If what we thought was true, the biggest seller would be the F-350XL; and it SHOULD be, because they are sold to the public, AND that is what almost all businesses buy for their employees. BUT, it is not!

Soooooooooooo, without the bells and whistles, they would be el-screwed! And that my friend, costs loads of cash to design in. Trust me, I know!

Let me rephrase that, look up Ford SUPER DUTY TRUCKS, and you will see exactly what I mean! Look at the sales. Anything over XL is to the public for the most part. That is the large majority of their sales, and these people want COMFORT, not bare bones.
Let me rephrase that, look up Ford SUPER DUTY TRUCKS, and you will see exactly what I mean! Look at the sales. Anything over XL is to the public for the most part. That is the large majority of their sales, and these people want COMFORT, not bare bones.

Not quite sure how you haven’t yet realized that I really don’t care what people zant. I’m far more interested in what people SHOULD do than what they like or want to do.
Let me rephrase that, look up Ford SUPER DUTY TRUCKS, and you will see exactly what I mean! Look at the sales. Anything over XL is to the public for the most part. That is the large majority of their sales, and these people want COMFORT, not bare bones.

Not quite sure how you haven’t yet realized that I really don’t care what people zant. I’m far more interested in what people SHOULD do than what they like or want to do.

My good man------------>people should do a lot of things, but in life, things cost money. No money, can't do a damn thing.

CONSIDER--------------> You are a very rich person. What you SHOULD do with the money is subjective. I can suggest something, someone else can suggest something, but in the end, it is YOUR MONEY; just like your house is your house, and your car is your car, and your wife is your wife.

Now then...…………..if we allow people to tell us what to do with our possessions or relationships, then they are not our own, they belong to the people who are telling us what to do with them. That is the old Soviet Union, or present day Venezuela.

People claim to always know better than you do, or I do. Doubt me? Just ask Fort Fun, he knows everything, lol.

But you know how we keep score?

We keep score by how much money we can accrue to give to our intended destination.

CONSIDER-----------> If you decide to give money to a caravan, who am I to say you can NOT?

Where the problem arises is--------------> If you make your money, then I demand you give it to a cause I do not believe in which is not in the constitution. That is caused TRANSFER OF WEALTH!

EXAMPLE---------> You are dealer selling bare bones Escapes making a fortune on that niche in the market. I as the government, transfer part of YOUR WEALTH, to support other dealers who are selling high end Escapes because...……..I as a politician, know better than you! What a deal, you are forced to finance a competitor to financially, and politically, cut your own throat.

Not a one of us is correct 100% of the time. In fact, none of us are correct 85% of the time. If it is NOT ill gotten gains, money is the great equalizer that proves who/whom was correct; sad, but true. That is why Socialist countries fail...……………...because money does NOT pick winners and losers by their ideas, as they attempt to disperse the money equally, which in the end, makes everyone a LOSER! Doubt me? Look up the history of the Soviet Union, and if that doesn't fit your fancy, check out Cuba, Venezuela, or anywhere else that the government attempted to even the score.
EU can trade with no tariffs to the United States on Auto's......Countries like Germany tariffing us at much higher rates while getting lower ones there.

How about 0% tariffs and both sides compete.................would make the vehicles cheaper in both countries.............OOPS....that would make American Autos cheaper there too...........OOPS>.......kinda the point
Just ask Fort Fun, he knows everything, lol.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.
Just ask Fort Fun, he knows everything, lol.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
Just ask Fort Fun, he knows everything, lol.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.
Just ask Fort Fun, he knows everything, lol.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.

And now you see ladies and gentlemen, that Leftists can NOT back up anything. They are like Rachael MADCOW, full of emotion, no facts, along with a boatload of propaganda.

This person is the poster child of exactly WHY you should fear these people! They have NOTHING but opinion, and they learned most of it from the person called MADCOW, lol!

How about 0% tariffs and both sides compete.
Very globalist of you....but true free market, nonetheless...
Whatever...........they have offered it.....but they are still in arguments on steel, aluminum, LNG and soy beans..............

Trump is pushing it to the max to get the best deal possible............rightfully so........I'd welcome the tariffs gone..........both sides...............then if GM can't sell there it's on them...........

Trudeau and the EU are ticked............they have been challenged and are having to make concessions........too bad.
Stop your whining.

Clever, very clever. You are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial to this conversation so far, so unless you come up with something besides trying to get a response with a 1 liner, expect no responses from me chump change, lol
Actually, i spoke to a serious point. Remember? It made you throw a little hissy. Now you can't even muster the stones to say why. Should have kept your mouth shut.

post 87 superstar, lol. You are pathetic and incompetent. I won't take over this thread by berating you though, some people have class, which is out of your realm of understanding!
You can't even repeat the statement? Wow, what a sissy. Fine, take a hike.

And now you see ladies and gentlemen, that Leftists can NOT back up anything. They are like Rachael MADCOW, full of emotion, no facts, along with a boatload of propaganda.

This person is the poster child of exactly WHY you should fear these people! They have NOTHING but opinion, and they learned most of it from the person called MADCOW, lol!


Doesn't even remember why he is whining anymore....

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