Trudeau's vaccine mandates have been exposed in court.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
"Cabinet confidetiality."
This is newspeak for " classified information that the public is not allowed to know..."

Talking about which globalist organization really ordered the vaccine mandate and the lockdowns. .... and so now that the truth is coming out how will they try to cover it up this time?

What's happening in Canada is basically a microcosm of what's really happening here in the United States.
So even if more people die from the vaccine there's nothing we can do about it because the government signed a waiver allowing big Pharma to be off the hook for any liability......on the taxpayers bill of course. You got to love these guys. ( that's a mob metaphor for what a bunch of scumbags)
Why there has not been a revolution from the white hats in the military is beyond me.beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.there has got to be a world out there where mankind is not so ignorant that would stand up and arrest these politicians and not get to the point it is here on earth to let politicians make your decisions fir your life and run your lives. :uhoh3: Our forefathers here in the states sure never had any intention of this happening here.:mad:
Why there has not been a revolution from the white hats in the military is beyond me.beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.there has got to be a world out there where mankind is not so ignorant that would stand up and arrest these politicians and not get to the point it is here on earth to let politicians make your decisions fir your life and run your lives. :uhoh3: Our forefathers here in the states sure never had any intention of this happening here.:mad:
When Trudeau came down on the truckers protests last year the teamsters should have jumped in and shut the whole thing down.

When The Walton's start having to close up shop Washington will listen.

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