True COVID Mortality Rate Now Looking Like .2% from Initial 2.0-4.0%, It Really is Just a Dang Flu

This shit is a SCAM SON!
So Drumpf is going along with the scam?

In this world, you pick your fights with care.
So Drumpf is choosing not to fight while tens of thousands of people die and millions are out of work?

Trump is not a doctor. The virus is a medical problem. Trump has thousands of doctors handling the problem.
Everyone knows by now Drumpf is not a doctor. He suggested injecting Bleach for christ sake. My point is that he is the potus and he is letting all these people die and millions are joining the unemployment ranks while he is choosing not to fight for them since this is a scam.

If you post that, you are a weak propagandist. He never said that.

If you believe it, you're more a fuckin' idiot than can be imagined.
COVID19‘s 84,000 plus death toll in just a few months, easily exceeds the Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu and the Spanish Flu death totals within the same length of time. Those three epidemics had been the greatest killers of American citizens.

80,000 last flu season. World was not plunged into worst depression in history, and police state. Your papers, please.

This shit is a SCAM SON!
So Drumpf is going along with the scam?

In this world, you pick your fights with care.
So Drumpf is choosing not to fight while tens of thousands of people die and millions are out of work?

Trump is not a doctor. The virus is a medical problem. Trump has thousands of doctors handling the problem.
Everyone knows by now Drumpf is not a doctor. He suggested injecting Bleach for christ sake. My point is that he is the potus and he is letting all these people die and millions are joining the unemployment ranks while he is choosing not to fight for them since this is a scam.

If you post that, you are a weak propagandist. He never said that.

If you believe it, you're more a fuckin' idiot than can be imagined.

Yes, if you watched those Trump remarks and were given a comprehension test and one of the questions was "what did the president recommend?" And you chose the multiple choice "Inject bleach," you wouldn't be allowed to join the Army. You would be deemed so dumb as to be a danger to your fellow soldiers.
Keep in mind the numbers of fatalities have been padded since March. The mortality rate is likely somewhat lower than that being stated.
25-50% reduction seems right

From initial estimates of 4% death rate to .25% is a 95% reduction from initial estimates.
Not one stat has exceeded projections and all have fallen far short
That’s what happens when you wed yourself to worst case scenario stats in order to try and harm a sitting president during a re-election year. Punishing productive Americans and seeing how many will knuckle under how fast is not a bad secondary goal.
This is what we have been living under, very little to do with health and safety in actuality.
Keep in mind the numbers of fatalities have been padded since March. The mortality rate is likely somewhat lower than that being stated.
25-50% reduction seems right

From initial estimates of 4% death rate to .25% is a 95% reduction from initial estimates.
Not one stat has exceeded projections and all have fallen far short
That’s what happens when you wed yourself to worst case scenario stats in order to try and harm a sitting president during a re-election year. Punishing productive Americans and seeing how many will knuckle under how fast is not a bad secondary goal.
This is what we have been living under, very little to do with health and safety in actuality.

This is a beta test for the next stage when they will ram through mandatory vaccination, or no drivers license, no grocery shopping, no hospital visits. Once vaccines are mandatory it is a short step to saying people are falsifying and black marketing paper and digital records, and the only way to make sure you are not endangering humanity is to biochip you under the skin. Why would they be pushing hell for leather the deployment of 5G, when there is no business demand, no one is crying out 4G wifi is too slow? Because they will need 5G to handle the bandwidth of biochip based total surveillance. LIKE CHINA. To know where you are, what you are doing, who you are with every minute of the day. Contact tracing. No more revolutions ever, no matter how hellish your life becomes working their factories and cleaning the elites' toilets. And the only time to stop it is RIGHT NOW.

I am glad I am old. My life, even with a little luck and longevity, is basically over. I lived in freedom and it was exhilarating. Wine women song. It is young people who should be angry. They are about to be made into slaves. And they have a long lifetime to suffer ahead of them.
Keep in mind the numbers of fatalities have been padded since March. The mortality rate is likely somewhat lower than that being stated.
25-50% reduction seems right

From initial estimates of 4% death rate to .25% is a 95% reduction from initial estimates.
Not one stat has exceeded projections and all have fallen far short
That’s what happens when you wed yourself to worst case scenario stats in order to try and harm a sitting president during a re-election year. Punishing productive Americans and seeing how many will knuckle under how fast is not a bad secondary goal.
This is what we have been living under, very little to do with health and safety in actuality.

This is a beta test for the next stage when they will ram through mandatory vaccination, or no drivers license, no grocery shopping, no hospital visits. Once vaccines are mandatory it is a short step to saying people are falsifying and black marketing paper and digital records, and the only way to make sure you are not endangering humanity is to biochip you under the skin. Why would they be pushing hell for leather the deployment of 5G, when there is no business demand, no one is crying out 4G wifi is too slow? Because they will need 5G to handle the bandwidth of biochip based total surveillance. LIKE CHINA. To know where you are, what you are doing, who you are with every minute of the day. Contact tracing. No more revolutions ever, no matter how hellish your life becomes working their factories and cleaning the elites' toilets. And the only time to stop it is RIGHT NOW.

I am glad I am old. My life, even with a little luck and longevity, is basically over. I lived in freedom and it was exhilarating. Wine women song. It is young people who should be angry. They are about to be made into slaves. And they have a long lifetime to suffer ahead of them.

If the government would put out an order to chip people it would result in a shooting war. Many people have been talking about this and in the Bible Belt it's the latest subject. I never planned on being a martyr but I'm willing to give it a try.
Keeping a downward trend, just as predicted because at first only very sick people coming into the hospital for the denominator. There was no data on how many got it, didn't feel anything then got immune, or had mild symptoms then got immune.
This is not a flu and it has killed 85k people with more to die in the next four or five months.

You are a certified idiot. Dont breed.
If the government would put out an order to chip people it would result in a shooting war. Many people have been talking about this and in the Bible Belt it's the latest subject. I never planned on being a martyr but I'm willing to give it a try.
I'll take a chip in the shoulder, but no tattoo on my palm.
Considering all the hype and hysterical bullshit, was there ONE, JUST ONE REPORT of mortuaries being overwhelmed? Even from Italy where they acted as if people were dying at massive rates? I recall a heat wave years ago in France where the morgues couldn't handle the incoming dead from heat related deaths, but not a word about Wuhan Flu leading up to having to stuff the freezer drawers with multiple corpses.
That's how I knew it was bullshit from the start. The media invented this "crisis" and that's the bottom line.
It isnt really bullshit when the potential catastrophe was always present, and we still might see over 120k deaths by end of the year.

I just think Trump has managed this crisis spectacularly well, despite all the lies being told about him by Dimocrat cucks and brainless shitheads.
COVID19‘s 84,000 plus death toll in just a few months, easily exceeds the Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu and the Spanish Flu death totals within the same length of time. Those three epidemics had been the greatest killers of American citizens.
Well normally Governors protect nursing homes and assisted care facilities.........Not so much this time............

Was like a Purge.........and also making sure hospitals make more money on claiming COVID.............cha ching.

Why the hell did morons in charge in places like New York put infected back into the most vulnerable places..........................and why the hell aren't the libs tarring and feathering their asses............Unless the LIBS ARE FOR KILLING THE OLD..............just like they like murdering babies.
Keeping a downward trend, just as predicted because at first only very sick people coming into the hospital for the denominator. There was no data on how many got it, didn't feel anything then got immune, or had mild symptoms then got immune.
This is not a flu and it has killed 85k people with more to die in the next four or five months.

You are a certified idiot. Dont breed.
Those death numbers are likely inflated.
There are subsidies involved for counting death as Wuhan. The only person I even know of who had let alone died of Wuhan was the father-in-law of my wife’s college roommate. He died of a heart attack a few hours after learning he was diagnosed with Wuhan. He was 90, lived in a nursing home and you can be sure his death was counted as Wuhan. This is like subsidies for folks pushing AGW.
I did actually know someone who died of flu in the past year. In her 50’s.
Considering all the hype and hysterical bullshit, was there ONE, JUST ONE REPORT of mortuaries being overwhelmed? Even from Italy where they acted as if people were dying at massive rates? I recall a heat wave years ago in France where the morgues couldn't handle the incoming dead from heat related deaths, but not a word about Wuhan Flu leading up to having to stuff the freezer drawers with multiple corpses.
That's how I knew it was bullshit from the start. The media invented this "crisis" and that's the bottom line.
It isnt really bullshit when the potential catastrophe was always present, and we still might see over 120k deaths by end of the year.

I just think Trump has managed this crisis spectacularly well, despite all the lies being told about him by Dimocrat cucks and brainless shitheads.
Reported deaths from Wuhan. Actual deaths likely lower.
It isnt really bullshit when the potential catastrophe was always present, and we still might see over 120k deaths by end of the year.

I just think Trump has managed this crisis spectacularly well, despite all the lies being told about him by Dimocrat cucks and brainless shitheads.

I do agree that there was a good reason to get people in a state of awareness and equipped to stop the spread of what could have been a serious pandemic that we are certain to face in the future.

I do not believe the media or most of the government has good intentions. If there were morgues over flowing with the dead, the media would be suppressing the stories until they could use it to blame Trump, and if hitlery was POTUS it would be ignored altogether.

This thing was exploited for no other purpose than to undermine the prosperity we have enjoyed since that meat puppet faggot was sent back to the bath house.

COVID19‘s 84,000 plus death toll in just a few months, easily exceeds the Hong Kong Flu, Asian Flu and the Spanish Flu death totals within the same length of time. Those three epidemics had been the greatest killers of American citizens.

80,000 last flu season. World was not plunged into worst depression in history, and police state. Your papers, please.

We're at 88,550 deaths in the US and the end is not in sight. That's 88,550 having TAKEN radical steps to slow the spread. Initial estimates were up to 2 MILLION fatalities. So, if we had done nothing, where would the death toll be today?
Those death numbers are likely inflated.
The inflation of the death count maybe as high as 25% according to Dr Birx, but I really cant see how it is inflated much since we are still half the death rate/million that Germany, Italy, France, Spain and the UK have (equivalent set of EU nation by total population).

And as I said before, we know this is not over yet, we have seven ore months till the end of the year, though this story will likely fall off the front page right after the election.

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