True or False....?

True or False

  • True.

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • False.

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters
Question brought to you and defended by the same types that invented the term "reverse racism."

What is reverse racism? No racism at all? Well, that is the way I see it.

But no, not according to the patronizing losers like the OP or this Valerie know it all. Reverse racism is when a minority discriminates against a majority. Make no mistake, they defend and support that at every turn.

Or else they would slightly be offended by websites called Or from an organized terrorist group called black lives matter approved if not organized by the white house itself. Could you imagine if you replaced the word black with white in those two things? Holy shit, could you imagine? They are such losers that they will deny the obvious double standards and their obvious hypocrisy. They will continue to patronize, cause it is all they know. That is it.

To them "reverse racism" is not only understandable, but promoted by these fucking demented patornizing racists. Who, incessantly convince those minorities that they have no real chance with out their help. Well, except of course for minorities like Dr Ben Carson or Herman Cain, who to them are uncle Tom types. Even though they had to work their way out of poverty by taking advantage of the opportunities by this country (mainly through Republicans.)

So, where are we? We are faced with the fucking brainwashed op and the loser know it all Valerie promoting their bullshit. They are traitors who represent that they hate the country and do not believe it has ever been legitimate since it was founded by slave owners.

Make no mistake, that is what they believe.
The purpose of the Constitution is to provide me the right to own a gun, and given the proper circumstances, reduce the number of Libtards in my country.

SIlly me, I thought that the Constitution was written to protect us against the evils of government, because no one else can.
Any other stupid questions?

Care to elaborate, or are childish insults going to remain the only proof of your character?
The question is so wrong headed and misinformed it's hard to know where to start.
Why is it libs only talk about "minority rights" when they lose elections. When they win it's "Elections have consequences."

Which has NOTHING to do with the role of The Constitution.

If not to protect the minorities from Mob Democracy, what?
The job of The United States Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.


That's like saying the purpose of I 10 is to provide a concrete exit into Columbus, Texas. It's a bit more complex than that.


True or False... ONE of the roles of The US Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.
The job of The United States Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.

I voted false. Because it is. The form of government, a republic, does that. The constitution limits government.

Limits it how?

Protecting minority views from the masses, or is it to protect the masses from minority views?
The job of The United States Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.


That's like saying the purpose of I 10 is to provide a concrete exit into Columbus, Texas. It's a bit more complex than that.


True or False... ONE of the roles of The US Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.
You're playing semantic games.
The 1A protects unpopular views and beliefs from government action. But that is hardly what you are saying.
The job of The United States Constitution is to protect minority views and lifestyles from Mob Democracy.

That is ONE of the jobs of the Constitution.

It is mostly to protect the People from their Government. For instance, if the Government is used to oppress minorities (See: Jim Crow. See also: DOMA), no matter how longstanding that "tradition" is, the Constitution has a process to end it.
In essence, true – the Constitution ensures that all citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men; as men are incapable of ruling justly. Citizens rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' the 'will of the people' is devoid of authority to seek to violate citizens' protected liberties.

Yet scumbags like you demand that men, particularly those on the SCOTUS, ARE THE LAW, and that the codified Constitution must be subverted to them, Saul.

I support the rule of law, Saul: law legally passed by the legislature and signed by the executive in accordance to the Constitution. You promote the idea that Obama has the authority to dictate through EO and that the SCOTUS may dictate law at a whim.
Originally or since we fixed it? Originally, no. Since we fixed it, its definitely one of its major roles.

Wow, that is Rati level ignorance.

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” John Adams

“But government in which the majority rule in all cases can not be based on justice, even as far as men understand it.” Henry David Thoreau
Which has NOTHING to do with the role of The Constitution.

If not to protect the minorities from Mob Democracy, what?

I have a suggestion; you could try actually reading the document?

True; you'll be expelled from the democratic party if you're caught reading what they consider to be heresy, but if you want to know what is in the Constitution, that is the best way to find out.
Limits it how?

Protecting minority views from the masses, or is it to protect the masses from minority views?

Neither one. It limits the power the federal government has over the individual, irrespective of what group the democrats have placed the individual into.

What you fail to grasp is that our Constitution is written around individual liberty, not the group privilege that you of the left seek as a substitute.
Any other stupid questions?

Care to elaborate, or are childish insults going to remain the only proof of your character?
The question is so wrong headed and misinformed it's hard to know where to start.
Why is it libs only talk about "minority rights" when they lose elections. When they win it's "Elections have consequences."

Which has NOTHING to do with the role of The Constitution.

If not to protect the minorities from Mob Democracy, what?

Yes to protect the minorities as well as all Americans against government tyranny or dictator.
That is why we have all of our Amendments.
Now days we have minorities ruling over the Mob.

The people no longer rule, both parties do.

Lame question. Not specified to the true intent or situation.

Riddle me this.............This minority view believes in Murder and Rape...............the Republic doesn't protect that minority view.

Lame Joe.
It is a restriction of govt power and protection for the citizenry. I vote false

Protection for the citizenry against whom, exactly? The majority?

Ass-u-me-ing a democracy, the government IS the majority viewpoint, therefore, what you're saying is that part of the job of The Constitution is to protect minority views from Mob Democracy, no?
Since the tards avoid empirical evidence which challenges their fragile belief systems at all costs, I will quote the relevant part of Federalist No. 51 for them.


Okay. Have the kids left the room?

Here it is:

It is of great importance in a republic not only to guard the society against the oppression of its rulers, but to guard one part of the society against the injustice of the other part. Different interests necessarily exist in different classes of citizens. If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure. There are but two methods of providing against this evil:

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