"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump

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Good for Acosta. :clap:
Proud of that heartless disrespectful inappropriate behavior from the media are ya?.....
You mean courage to call out dumbo for causing the death of five newspaper employees?

Hey SassyIrishLass we have another one of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:
Look, we have another Cultist coward on here who couldn't debate a paper sack.
Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

It had nothing to do with Trump why Jarrod Ramos killed those journalists and ANOTHER journalist who said it was Trump's fault yesterday was fired by the birdcage liner they now USED to write for.
It had everything to do with Trump. His followers are part of Trump's cult. Whatever he says, they take it 100% to the next level. They are the enemy of the state, and his cult followers fixed it for him.

"It had everything to do with Trump"

It had NOTHING to do with Trump, be told, now get to the back of the bus with the other retarded children.

Jarrod Ramos had an issue with the newspaper and the journalists at it, the newspaper in Maryland had written a story on this man's use of Facebook to begin a harrassment campaign against some woman and he was subsequently found guilty in court. The newspaper article that was written is included in the pdf document which is attached below, Jarrod W. Ramos had lost a defamation suit against the paper and also he lost the subsequent the appeal:




This is the link to the full thing, that's if your reading comprehension level is above the age of 10 years in age yet:

"His followers are part of Trump's cult."

Jarrod Ramos had NOTHING to do with Trump, a Partisan Hack yesterday was forced to resign from his birdcage liner for saying that Jarrod Ramos was a Trump supporter, now being inflicted yourself with Trump Derangement Syndrome you probably will find something from The Huffington Post, Mother Jones, The Daily Kos or DU Moonbat HQ to show how LITERALLY The Donald ORDERED Jarrod Ramos to do that shooting.


Here is the full article the link to:

Reporter resigns after suggesting killer was Trump supporter
Good for Acosta. :clap:
Proud of that heartless disrespectful inappropriate behavior from the media are ya?.....
You mean courage to call out dumbo for causing the death of five newspaper employees?

Hey SassyIrishLass we have another one of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

I wish I could remember which loon told me that lol

There are so many of them Sassy it is so easy to lose track these days.
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

Damn Trump shot those people? Why the hell is he walking around a free man? Arrest the SOB!!!
I couldn't agree more. Remember, the media is the enemy of the state, and his cultists hear and obey.

I already slapped you down and illustrated what a low IQ Muppet you are with my post # 28, now go away already.

Considering you obviously have the IQ of a paper cup I will provide a direct link to my post:

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump
There’s a reason why he’s a former CNN producer.

"You’re FIRED!!!"

Now he has a prestigious job with Mediaite. :auiqs.jpg:

Good for Acosta. :clap:

Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

Good for Acosta. :clap:
Proud of that heartless disrespectful inappropriate behavior from the media are ya?.....
You mean courage to call out dumbo for causing the death of five newspaper employees?

Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

It had nothing to do with Trump why Jarrod Ramos killed those journalists and ANOTHER journalist who said it was Trump's fault yesterday was fired by the birdcage liner they now USED to write for.
It had everything to do with Trump. His followers are part of Trump's cult. Whatever he says, they take it 100% to the next level. They are the enemy of the state, and his cult followers fixed it for him.

As always the traitor party consisting of bald faced liars has spoken.
Well anyhow it is illustrative. The media hasn't seen their job as journalism in years..they see themselves as the opposition party. The Democrats are just a wing of the media. Or perhaps they are both wings of something else?
Anyhow..they are beaten. Soundly.
Well anyhow it is illustrative. The media hasn't seen their job as journalism in years..they see themselves as the opposition party. The Democrats are just a wing of the media. Or perhaps they are both wings of something else?
Anyhow..they are beaten. Soundly.

I think this is an excellent point DOTR, from what we all read the MSM are not objective and they are totally biased toward the Left, essentially they are now the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party, they never comment or print ANYTHING positive about The Donald not even when he does something extraordinary like go to Singapore to meet Kim Jong-un the FIRST time EVER that an American President has met with a North Korean leader, if Obama or Hillary would have done that the same MSM would be orgasmic and writing endless buttock kissing articles about it, that is just one example of how viciously Partisan they are.
Well anyhow it is illustrative. The media hasn't seen their job as journalism in years..they see themselves as the opposition party. The Democrats are just a wing of the media. Or perhaps they are both wings of something else?
Anyhow..they are beaten. Soundly.

I think this is an excellent point DOTR, from what we all read the MSM are not objective and they are totally biased toward the Left, essentially they are now the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party, they never comment or print ANYTHING positive about The Donald not even when he does something extraordinary like go to Singapore to meet Kim Jong-un the FIRST time EVER that an American President has met with a North Korean leader, if Obama or Hillary would have done that the same MSM would be orgasmic and writing endless buttock kissing articles about it, that is just one example of how viciously Partisan they are.

If Trump cured cancer...

Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

It had nothing to do with Trump why Jarrod Ramos killed those journalists and ANOTHER journalist who said it was Trump's fault yesterday was fired by the birdcage liner they now USED to write for.
It had everything to do with Trump. His followers are part of Trump's cult. Whatever he says, they take it 100% to the next level. They are the enemy of the state, and his cult followers fixed it for him.

You really are a dumbass! This dispute between Ramos and the paper goes back for years...long before Trump even became President. It was a revenge killing by someone with mental problems who didn't like an article that the paper had written about him years ago! Don't be such a blinders wearing partisan hack!
Well anyhow it is illustrative. The media hasn't seen their job as journalism in years..they see themselves as the opposition party. The Democrats are just a wing of the media. Or perhaps they are both wings of something else?
Anyhow..they are beaten. Soundly.

I think this is an excellent point DOTR, from what we all read the MSM are not objective and they are totally biased toward the Left, essentially they are now the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party, they never comment or print ANYTHING positive about The Donald not even when he does something extraordinary like go to Singapore to meet Kim Jong-un the FIRST time EVER that an American President has met with a North Korean leader, if Obama or Hillary would have done that the same MSM would be orgasmic and writing endless buttock kissing articles about it, that is just one example of how viciously Partisan they are.

These days "reporters" sometimes bawl and sniffle about enforcing immigration law and sometimes they heckle and shout insults at the president. But always they oppose America even if it is only now becoming overt. It is a sign of their desperation. They dont even bother to pretend anymore. The richest and most powerful media conglomerates on earth have been supporting Democrats for years. Almost everything you see or have seen by them in the past 4 decades has been a lie.
We have finally flushed them out into the open and exposed them though.

Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

It had nothing to do with Trump why Jarrod Ramos killed those journalists and ANOTHER journalist who said it was Trump's fault yesterday was fired by the birdcage liner they now USED to write for.
It had everything to do with Trump. His followers are part of Trump's cult. Whatever he says, they take it 100% to the next level. They are the enemy of the state, and his cult followers fixed it for him.

You really are a dumbass! This dispute between Ramos and the paper goes back for years...long before Trump even became President. It was a revenge killing by someone with mental problems who didn't like an article that the paper had written about him years ago! Don't be such a blinders wearing partisan hack!
I could give two shits if it went back to the dinosaur days. Trump threw his hat over Charlottesville and his own violent promotions on the campaign trail, signaling that violence had its place. The seed was provided by Ramos and the paper, and all he needed was a tractor to plant it. That tractor being Trump. And here's another news flash for you genius. Now that the media is the enemy, according to Trump, this won't be the last of these incidents.
Well anyhow it is illustrative. The media hasn't seen their job as journalism in years..they see themselves as the opposition party. The Democrats are just a wing of the media. Or perhaps they are both wings of something else?
Anyhow..they are beaten. Soundly.

I think this is an excellent point DOTR, from what we all read the MSM are not objective and they are totally biased toward the Left, essentially they are now the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Party, they never comment or print ANYTHING positive about The Donald not even when he does something extraordinary like go to Singapore to meet Kim Jong-un the FIRST time EVER that an American President has met with a North Korean leader, if Obama or Hillary would have done that the same MSM would be orgasmic and writing endless buttock kissing articles about it, that is just one example of how viciously Partisan they are.
Meet Kim Jong Un and what? Get played? North Korea is keeping nuclear program alive, officials say
Costa and Little Hogg boy should team up

Dumb and dumber



A former CNN producer has called out Jim Acosta for giving "all good journalists a bad name" after he heckled President Trump during remarks about the five journalists who lost their lives in Thursday's deadly newsroom attack in Annapolis, Maryland.

“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job,” President Trump said.

Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief...

This prompted CNN's Jim Acosta to start heckling Trump - asking the President "Will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people?"

A man in front of Acosta is visibly annoyed, turning around several times to shush the CNN employee.

"Truly An Embarrassment": Ex-CNN Producer Calls Out Jim Acosta For Heckling Trump During Annapolis Eulogy
Why is it embarrassing? Because of Trump, five people lost their lives.

It had nothing to do with Trump why Jarrod Ramos killed those journalists and ANOTHER journalist who said it was Trump's fault yesterday was fired by the birdcage liner they now USED to write for.
It had everything to do with Trump. His followers are part of Trump's cult. Whatever he says, they take it 100% to the next level. They are the enemy of the state, and his cult followers fixed it for him.

You really are a dumbass! This dispute between Ramos and the paper goes back for years...long before Trump even became President. It was a revenge killing by someone with mental problems who didn't like an article that the paper had written about him years ago! Don't be such a blinders wearing partisan hack!
I could give two shits if it went back to the dinosaur days. Trump threw his hat over Charlottesville and his own violent promotions on the campaign trail, signaling that violence had its place. The seed was provided by Ramos and the paper, and all he needed was a tractor to plant it. That tractor being Trump. And here's another news flash for you genius. Now that the media is the enemy, according to Trump, this won't be the last of these incidents.

"Trump threw his hat over Charlottesville"

Oh you are one of those are you obsessed with Charlottesville, darling Charlottesville is sooooooooooooooooooooooo LAST YEAR already. Hello? Anyone home? It's July 2018 now, that Charlottesville whatEVAH happened in August 2017 nearly a year ago, typical Unhinged Leftist living in the PAST.

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