Trump 100, Resistance 0


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
After all this obstructionism, fighting against American interests by undermining the POTUS while in sensitive trade negotiations and denuclearization discussions, Democrats now talk about continuing their Resist horse shit through impeachment of duly passed officers and asserting that our institutions are not legitimate.

Why nothing bad can come from all that, now can it?

Kavanaugh confirmed: The party of Trump wins the street brawl (and these are the lessons)

First, America always does the right thing…but only after exhausting every other option.​

Second, the biggest winner is President Trump. Notch another victory on his belt. The score after about 21 months in office is Trump 100, Democrats 0. Against all odds, Trump just keeps winning.

Remember this week Trump also won the Mexico-Canada trade battle; unemployment dropped to the lowest level since 1969; Hispanic unemployment dropped to the lowest ever; manufacturing jobs growth was the best since 1995, and Trump’s approval rating soared to 51 percent in the latest Rasmussen survey. Polls show Republicans pulling away in Senate races across the country. Add in the Kavanaugh victory and this was the best week of the Trump presidency.

Trump continues to teach us all lessons about #WINNING. In Trump’s world, it’s all about the fight and your fighting spirit. It’s all about your ability to bare-knuckles brawl.

This battle for the Supreme Court played out exactly like my upcoming book, “Trump Rules.” My book isn’t about politics. It’s about the rules that have empowered President Trump to become one of the greatest achievers and winners in history. The “Trump Rules” are simple. Winning isn’t about brains, or IQ, or brilliant ideas, or unique strategy.

Winning is all about being a relentless fighter. Being a bulldog. Being a bull in a china shop. It’s about fighting spirit. It’s about believing in yourself and your goals. It’s about fighting so hard, so passionately, you never let go until victory is achieved.

It’s about who wants it more. Trump always wants it more.

Nonetheless, Democrats will fight for higher unemployment, higher taxes, more government regulation anda weaker presence in trade and defense all because they suffer from terminal TDS.

Republicans get a fillibuster proof majority in the Senate and pick up some seats in the House as well all because Democrats dont know the American people and how we think and what is most important to us.

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