Trump 2020

Trump Begins Iraq Troop Withdrawal After Pummeling Deep State With Multiple Deadly Body Blows


February 11, 2020

Trump Begins Iraq Troop Withdrawal After Pummeling Deep State With Multiple Deadly Body Blows

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today affirming the Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s declaration that Russia will spare no effort to build a multipolar world resting on the principles of cooperation rather than confrontation, states that this bold stance has now been met by a President Donald Trump new objective to advance economic development, security, and the sovereignty of Central Asian countries as a way to stabilize the region and promote peace—a stark break from the Clinton-Bush-Obama government’s monstrous “regime change wars” objective that has kept our world in chaos and bloodshed for the past nearly 30-years—and during the past 24-hours, has seen Trump joining this move towards global peace with the withdrawal of US troops who are now beginning to leave their 15 military bases in Iraq—a withdrawal bitterly opposed by the legions of unelected former Clinton-Bush-Obama intelligence agency and military bureaucrats most commonly known as the “Deep State”—who since even before Trump took office, have initiated numerous coups to overthrow him—but in whose failing to accomplish these coups, now sees them facing the ancient Biblical precept “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…”.
BOOM! President Trump Accuses Bob Mueller of Lying to Congress -- He's Right! Dirty Robert Mueller Lied Several Times in Reports and Testimony

BOOM! President Trump Accuses Bob Mueller of Lying to Congress — He’s Right! Dirty Robert Mueller Lied Several Times in Reports and Testimony

by Jim Hoft February 12, 2020 212 Comments


On Wednesday President Trump went off on former special counsel Bob Mueller, who ran a sham investigation for two years on his administration. Mueller ran his witch hunt on Trump despite knowing when he started that there was no collusion or communications between the Trump team and Russia during the 2016 election.

How is it that Trumpublicans are so easily entertained that they can watch the same stupid rerun by a failed businessman, carnival barker, world class con man and washed up game show host a thousand times and never grow tired? :disbelief:
All 4 federal prosecutors quit Stone case after DOJ overrules prosecutors on sentencing request - CNNPolitics

All 4 federal prosecutors quit Stone case after DOJ overrules prosecutors on sentencing request

By David Shortell, Evan Perez, Katelyn Polantz, Kaitlan Collins and Jeremy Herb, CNN


Updated 1147 GMT (1947 HKT) February 12, 2020

Washington (CNN)In an extraordinary move, all four federal prosecutors who took the case against longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone to trial withdrew Tuesday after top Justice Department officials undercut them and disavowed the government's recommended sentence against Stone.

The mass withdrawal of the career prosecutors on the case was a stunning response to the controversial and politically charged decision by Attorney General William Barr and other top Justice Department officials to reduce prosecutors' recommended sentence of up to nine years, which came just hours after Trump publicly criticized it on Twitter.
The rapid-fire developments in the case -- the prosecutors' withdrawals came one by one through court filings over the course of two hours Tuesday afternoon -- spilled tensions between Justice Department brass and the career prosecutors into the open, raising questions about the Justice Department's independence from political pressure. In a new filing Tuesday, the US Attorney's Office in Washington revised the sentencing recommendation to be "far less" than the seven-to-nine years recommended on Monday. It was not signed by any of the prosecutors who worked the case.
How is it that Trumpublicans are so easily entertained that they can watch the same stupid rerun by a failed businessman, carnival barker, world class con man and washed up game show host a thousand times and never grow tired? :disbelief:
Our Great and Just President has saved this country. He was elected because God was watching.
How is it that Trumpublicans are so easily entertained that they can watch the same stupid rerun by a failed businessman, carnival barker, world class con man and washed up game show host a thousand times and never grow tired? :disbelief:
Our Great and Just President has saved this country. He was elected because God was watching.
I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.
we need less ego (Trump) we need more soul (Bernie)

You are going to have to vote for madam cyberhack because shes running !!
dont tell me who to vote for. i'm not a 6th grader!

Well Hillary is going to be the nominee ..

So its either Hillary or Trump .. take your pick ☺
luckily for america, its not you who gets to decide!
Not because he is not American the American election does not concern him ... you live in a Bubble or what, if you think otherwise.
The American elections concern everyone.
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For the USMB Lounge?

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