Trump A Father-Figure To Kim?

Maybe he wants to be as fat as the Cheeto, and fuck a porn star, like the Cheeto, and cheat on his wife, like the Cheeto did.

Keep your fantasies to yourself and learn how to spell the word "color", teabag.
Trump and Kim are both adored by their citizens and know what is best for their country. ... :thup:

Now I will admit to being a Trump supporter after he won and started unfucking the meat puppet faggot's damage, but to say he is adored? Kinda pushing it. All the smart people approve of him, the sniveling bed wetters are traitors, the more they hate him the more I like him.

Kim on the other hand is not adored, and if he knew what was best for his country he would disband his military and have the South Koreans move in and unify the peninsula. Fly off to exile in somewhere and try to be forgotten.
Maybe he wants to be as fat as the Cheeto, and fuck a porn star, like the Cheeto, and cheat on his wife, like the Cheeto did.

Maybe you want some attention but can't think of anything worthwhile to say.
Dung wasn't close to his own father, has no real friends, knows if he doesn't continue butchering his enemies, they'll butcher him. In communist dictatorships, you're either at the table or on the menu. So Trump has taken the fat little bastard under his wing. Kim knows he can ask Trump for advice, counsel on how the west operates, and,.....the art of the deal. Which is better.....him threatening us with nuclear holocaust, or being our ear into China? Face it, lib losers, Trump has turned the boy and he knows if he pisses off Daddy, Trump will kill his ass. :lol:

Who is pulling whose strings?

Kim knows the N Korean way
Dangle peace and the west will give you what you want
Dung wasn't close to his own father, has no real friends, knows if he doesn't continue butchering his enemies, they'll butcher him. In communist dictatorships, you're either at the table or on the menu. So Trump has taken the fat little bastard under his wing. Kim knows he can ask Trump for advice, counsel on how the west operates, and,.....the art of the deal. Which is better.....him threatening us with nuclear holocaust, or being our ear into China? Face it, lib losers, Trump has turned the boy and he knows if he pisses off Daddy, Trump will kill his ass. :lol:


It's Kim Jong-un you fucking idiot.
Trump goes to Korea
Trump and Kim kiss each others ass
Air Force One goes wheels up,leaves Korea
Kim begins fucking with the US again.

same shit different day

Who is pulling whose strings?

Kim knows the N Korean way
Dangle peace and the west will give you what you want

No, that's the commiecrat coward's way instead of standing him up and backing him down. He doesn't have a missile that can re-enter and detonate...he knows it, Trump knows it, everybody but you lightweights know it. Even if he did get one off at us, our systems in Alaska would knock it down...then Pingpongyang turns into a sheet of black glass.
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Trump goes to Korea
Trump and Kim kiss each others ass
Air Force One goes wheels up,leaves Korea
Kim begins fucking with the US again.same shit different day

trump to the Lil Rocket man, who he admires and has called honorable and a smart cookie, LOL:

If you like your nukes, you can keep them.
Who is pulling whose strings?

Kim knows the N Korean way
Dangle peace and the west will give you what you want

No, that's the commiecrat coward's way instead of standing him up and backing him down. He doesn't have a missile that can re-enter and detonate...he knows it, Trump knows it, everybody but you lightweights know it. Even if he did get one off at us, our systems in Alaska would knock it down...then Pingpongyang turns into a sheet of black glass.
Kim has no intention of reaching the US

Tokyo and Seoul are within easy range
Kim has no intention of reaching the US

Tokyo and Seoul are within easy range

He kills Americans he'll be in Hell within an hour, which makes my point. He has no other avenue than to play little brother to Trump....they both understand their roles and nobody gets nuked...capiche?
Yeah, I heard Rush talking about this too.

He says it there, we read it here.

I used to listen to Rush everyday while walking home from work. Then I'd get on USMB and read threads almost word for word about what he was just talking about. It was hilarious and sad at the same time. :lol:
Yeah, I heard Rush talking about this too.
He says it there, we read it here.
I used to listen to Rush everyday while walking home from work. Then I'd get on USMB and read threads almost word for word about what he was just talking about. It was hilarious and sad at the same time. :lol:

This whole thing is beginning to smell like a freakin' cult.
Gee, why would a punk ass sociopath who thrives on phony adoration have something in common with Donald Trump? Now that's a riddle to ponder on.

Everybody who sees them together agrees Kim sees Trump as the alpha dog. He can barely make eye-contact with losers can disrespect the President until the cows come home.....foreign leaders are terrified of him and rightfully so....he learned his chops across the table from the 5 mafia families in NYC and did okay by himself.

The Orange Virus is a weakling COC on this matter alone. As an American, why am I supposed to give any fucks about North Korea or its leadership? Why am I supposed to celebrate peace talks with the world equivalent of a yapping rat terrier? NK is a little nothing country in a world of viable threats. They have nothing we want or need. They've been rattling sabers and talking shit to America for a long, long time. US military could make the entire country a glass parking lot in an hour if it wanted. The Orange Virus needs to stop fucking around with the Kims and stay on point about leading this country, in which I feel he already does a terrible job. I'm not interested in fellating murderous dictators to 'own da libs', so I don't know what the fuck is wrong with those who do, but I'm not interested discussing it any further.
Yeah, I heard Rush talking about this too.
He says it there, we read it here.
I used to listen to Rush everyday while walking home from work. Then I'd get on USMB and read threads almost word for word about what he was just talking about. It was hilarious and sad at the same time. :lol:

This whole thing is beginning to smell like a freakin' cult.

Yes... repeating CNN's words however is civilization.

How in the fuck do you get from people repeating news they heard to a cult? I don't know if you noticed but posting NEWS is what people DO IN THIS FORUM. That could be said to almost be the VERY PURPOSE OF IT.

By the way, never once I have watched that show, just so that you won't need to call me a cultist.

Every now and then this individual makes a so idiotic post that it really makes me question if everything is at home.
My theory is that Kim is playing nice because being "friends" with the President of the United States looks impressive to his people. That's the only reason he was building nukes in the first place. He was never going to use them.

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