Trump abandons the Whitehouse and the American people

Sherlock Holmes

Gold Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 1, 2024
If Trump truly believed there'd been a conspiracy to "steal" the election, that Biden was the loser of the election falsely presenting himself as the winner, if Trump KNEW THAT WAS TRUE then why would he just pack up his stuff and leave? Would you? would I?

The President should have refused to leave if he really did believe he was still President, only a cowardly weakling would walk away as he did or a liar who knew he'd lost and had run out of ideas to keep the lie afloat.

His actions on Jan 6 were not the actions of a man who had been fraudulently denied from remaining President.

A president honestly believing election fraud would not abandon the country and the people, the rightful election winners, he'd fight and stop at nothing to maintain his authority, Trump's a pussy for meekly wandering off when his country needed him.

That's how we know 100% he's a liar, he knows he lost and that's why he sidled away like a whipped pup on Jan 6th.

Why would any sane person continue to support Trump, believing that he won the last election but meekly allowed Biden to take the reigns?
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Really, why do these reprobateublicans complain about Biden all the time? if Trump won then why allow Biden to take the helm?
LOL y’all are so pathetic. Still crying about J6 like little bitches.

Kamala is losing bad, so you want Trump in jail. Just say it.
What is pathetic is making excuses for the MAGA riot and their raid on the Capital Building. The American people should never forget the MAGA assault on this nation.
Really, why do these reprobateublicans complain about Biden all the time? if Trump won then why allow Biden to take the helm?
The Deep State wanted Biden because he is a clueless puppet that has never said no to a war in his whole career. President Trump wouldn’t give them any new wars, that’s why they hate him. That’s why they installed Biden.
The Deep State wanted Biden because he is a clueless puppet that has never said no to a war in his whole career. President Trump wouldn’t give them any new wars, that’s why they hate him. That’s why they installed Biden.
Why did Trump allow Biden to steal the presidency? what a pussy.
What is pathetic is making excuses for the MAGA riot and their raid on the Capital Building. The American people should never forget the MAGA assault on this nation.
That’s nice, coming from the party that celebrated BLM burning down businesses and attacking cops for a whole summer and then some.
The Deep State wanted Biden because he is a clueless puppet that has never said no to a war in his whole career. President Trump wouldn’t give them any new wars, that’s why they hate him. That’s why they installed Biden.
The “Deep State?” Still stuck on that schtick I see.
If he was a “dictator”, then why didn’t he stay in office?

The pussies were the cowards in the Senate and in the courts that refused to look at the evidence.
So if you were president and the election was rigged so you'd appear to lose, you'd just walk away? you'd sit for two hours watching Twitter? the fucking country is being stolen, a fraud president is going to get sworn in and you'd just sulk and fiddle with your fucking phone?

Is that really the hallmark of a leader?
So if you were president and the election was rigged so you'd appear to lose, you'd just walk away? you'd sit for two hours watching Twitter? the fucking country is being stolen, a fraud president is going to get sworn in and you'd just sulk and fiddle with your fucking phone?

Is that really the hallmark of a leader?
Not much you can do if the courts are so corrupt and weak they can’t do anything. Apparently it’s legal to steal an election. Perhaps the GOP should start stuffing ballots too.
Not much you can do if the courts are so corrupt and weak they can’t do anything.
So the word "fight" for you only has meaning in cowboy movies?
Apparently it’s legal to steal an election. Perhaps the GOP should start stuffing ballots too.
Well if it's legal shut your trap and stop claiming it was "stolen" FFS.
If Trump truly believed there'd been a conspiracy to "steal" the election, that Biden was the loser of the election falsely presenting himself as the winner, if Trump KNEW THAT WAS TRUE then why would he just pack up his stuff and leave? Would you? would I?

The President should have refused to leave if he really did believe he was still President, only a cowardly weakling would walk away as he did or a liar who knew he'd lost and had run out of ideas to keep the lie afloat.

His actions on Jan 6 were not the actions of a man who had been fraudulently denied from remaining President.

A president honestly believing election fraud would not abandon the country and the people, the rightful election winners, he'd fight and stop at nothing to maintain his authority, Trump's a pussy for meekly wandering off when his country needed him.

That's how we know 100% he's a liar, he knows he lost and that's why he sidled away like a whipped pup on Jan 6th.

Why would any sane person continue to support Trump, believing that he won the last election but meekly allowed Biden to take the reigns?
J6 Reichstag Fire, a treasonous sedition so overwhelming evident that the J6 Committee destroyed all the evidence


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