Trump Suggests Terrifying Solution To Ending Crime: The PURGE

Opportunity Economy is an economy geared towards small business unlike the Trump Economy which main piece of legislation was to give tax cuts which were scewed to corporations and rich...
Harris wants to see normal Americans get a help when starting a small business... Trump doesn't see the value in them except to give them a bit of lip service every four years and then forget them

Actually Trump stole ventilators from other countries.

Yep.. They were that bad.
Then they were pretty incompoentent at handing it out:

Well he did this:
View attachment 1019803

Something Trump didn't do... Show up and face the false narrative in your party and show them the vaccine was and is safe...

This is the same as Bush to Obama...

GOP drive bus over a cliff and then blame Democrat because they are going down.

Facts are:
Trump removed the Pandemic monitoring team in China

Did you just claim that Trump wasn't good for the little guy, Ted? Didn't Trump give tax cuts to those "normal" people you're speaking about?
Gee, I wonder who's better for "normal" Americans...Trump, who gave them tax cuts and higher wages...or Biden/Harris that cost them an average of an extra $40,000 out of pocket to buy the things they "normally" bought?
I want the government to cut taxes across the board. In fact, eliminate all “corporate” taxation.

But cutting taxes isn’t alone sufficient. We also need to dramatically cut spending.

And those things need to happen simultaneously.

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