The Trump LIES theme wore itself out. Trump vetting, I think Trump has this wrapped up, BUT.......

I see no white Progressives walking through an African American inner-city neighborhood during the day let alone at night.
I do. Well, I jog.

Conservatives live in their own cowardly world of delusion, terrified of any who isn't white. The Trump cult has completely pussified them, to keep them hysterical and obedient.
"The Democrats are mostly honest"
An observably true fact. Remember, FOX just makes shit up. Once you understand that, you'll understand how you've been brainwashed.

And deep down, you know it. In your dreams, you can feel the hellfire that awaits you, as a result of your devoted service to the lord of lies.

That's the best thing about being a liberal, not ending up roasting in Hell for eternity.
So you were a racist Dixiecrat who change into a racist Republican. No surprise there. The Democrats embraced morality, so you rejected them.
That is your spin. I never was a Dixiecrat. Current Democrats spin like tops talking about those who are now dead. Back then as a Democrat, my issues were not race at all. It is still no issue to me until a Democrat brings it up. I was a teen when some Democrats chose to be elected as Dixiecrats. I did not change then as I was not able to vote. I supported Democrats up to 1980 when I wanted to get rid of Jimmy Carter who I voted for. Do you think of him as a Dixiecrat?
An observably true fact. Remember, FOX just makes shit up. Once you understand that, you'll understand how you've been brainwashed.

And deep down, you know it. In your dreams, you can feel the hellfire that awaits you, as a result of your devoted service to the lord of lies.

That's the best thing about being a liberal, not ending up roasting in Hell for eternity.
The MSM makes stuff up. It must be said that Democrats voting for their party are deceived by their leaders.
Nobody really believes Trump broke the law.
I believe he probably did, but I also believe he wasn't trying real hard, and I also believe no one really cares. (Except for the stick-up-the-butt Democrats, who don't have a leg to stand because they've broken the law more than Trump ever did).
42 years.... I supported only Democrats for 42 years. Enough of their propaganda I tell you. Democrats leaders are highly trained liars. And if one follows the liars, they become liars.
When you get psychopaths in positions of power the whole world is in trouble.
The cries Trump lies; crying wolf for ages - full of tricks and fluff, just about gives Trump carte blanche. Personally, I generally avoid the TRUMP LIES accusations, cuz when I do read them, it's meaningless democrat-fluff, as they employ fact checks frauds and authors to lie about lies, and truth using trickery. New-age manipulation,

If the left makes an accusation, then consider it a confession or on their agenda, for perhaps most occasions. In that regard, left-propaganda has tangible meaning.

Has anyone in history been more vetted than Trump? NOPE. And fuck, they have to make shit up. It's really remarkable to see, as they pull Trump into their communist courts, because he's a threat to democracy the left's underworld, and those who answer to them. MAGA

Raise your hand if you think your POTUS candidate(s) don't lie constantly? Those who share the Trump lies theme are dishonest, intellectually or fully; I mean, COME ON, seriously? The entire Democracked party involves fraud and dishonesty. But Trump said he's taking our democracy, boo fucking hoo BS.

I think Trump has this election about wrapped up. The Democrats seem desperate too. It will be good to see bronze and ability back in the white house. And someone who will give the military complex benefactors a get fucked, for instance. The machine will narrate "dictator" yadda yadda in response, as usual. Bring in Elon, he's capable too, I mean, he got rich off of EV, and EV is a gimmick. Props he took advantage after the Democrats set the table for him. Afterall, to this day a Prius (25 years) remains the worlds most earth friendly transport, and you don't have to plug into? to travel 200 miles - my girlfriend has EV, wow, what a racket, and so inconvenient.

As for the election, if it smells like a rat it's a rat (2020 election). Can't say for sure Trump's fate, because the left's machine is often so unpredictable, new lows often. Just know something is coming, and history says it's not good.
People in history classes will be laughing at your kind for eternity. Know that.
Did anyone pay attention to your weepy list o' lies before?


That's because nobody cares that you love to lie for Satan and Trump. You're just boring now.

See you in November, loser.
You sound like an irrational pissed-off homo.

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