Make no mistake, this is what trump winning looks like.

Late on the night of April 24, the wife of Georgia’s top election official got a chilling text message: “You and your family will be killed very slowly.”

A week earlier, Tricia Raffensperger, wife of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had received another anonymous text: “We plan for the death of you and your family every day.”

That followed an April 5 text warning. A family member, the texter told her, was “going to have a very unfortunate incident.”

Those messages, which have not been previously reported, illustrate the continuing barrage of threats and intimidation against election officials and their families months after former U.S. President Donald Trump’s November election defeat. While reports of threats against Georgia officials emerged in the heated weeks after the voting, Reuters interviews with more than a dozen election workers and top officials – and a review of disturbing texts, voicemails and emails that they and their families received – reveal the previously hidden breadth and severity of the menacing tactics.


DEATH THREATS: Tricia Raffensperger - wife of Georgia’s top election official - provided Reuters with screen shots of menacing text messages she received recently.
Trump’s relentless false claims that the vote was “rigged” against him sparked a campaign to terrorize election officials nationwide – from senior officials such as Raffensperger to the lowest-level local election workers. The intimidation has been particularly severe in Georgia, where Raffensperger and other Republican election officials refuted Trump’s stolen-election claims. The ongoing harassment could have far-reaching implications for future elections by making the already difficult task of recruiting staff and poll workers much harder, election officials say.

Who sent them?
Actually it's what Russian disinformation looks like. How freaking hard is it to send a threatening letter. The allegation that the FBI is "investigating" is as meaningless as most of the lies that come out of NBC. Lefties fall for it all the time because it's what they want to hear.
FBI investigating threatening letters sent to election officials in several states

The FBI warned election offices to be on the lookout after threatening letters containing suspicious substances were sent to the offices of multiple secretaries of state throughout the country.

A senior law enforcement official confirmed that election officials in at least six states received packages Monday but said that so far none of the packages have been found to contain any actual hazardous material.

Secretaries of state, attorney generals’ offices and state election offices in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Tennessee, Wyoming and Oklahoma were targeted. The return address identified the sender as the “U.S.T.E.A.” — “US Traitor Elimination Army.”

The Kansas secretary of state’s office was evacuated Monday, as were offices in Iowa and Oklahoma.

The FBI said in a statement it was "working with our partners to determine how many letters were sent, the individual or individuals responsible for the letters, and the motive behind the letters. As this is an ongoing matter we will not be commenting further on the investigation, but the public can be assured safety is our top priority.”

I do not recall this type of thing happening before trump began calling the integrity of elections in to question. Nor do I recall seeing stories about election officials quitting their jobs. These days so as to avoid the wrath of trump's mob. Begging the question, where is his condemnation of threats made against election workers?

The most detailed look yet at the 'exodus' of local voting officials

It's been clear for some time that the work environment in these jobs was becoming unsustainable. Threats and harassment have become commonplace since the flurry of voting lies that followed Donald Trump's loss in 2020, while at the same time, the actual job duties required have been steadily growing more complex.

He doesn't condemn the intimidation because his goal is to have non-partisan election workers replaced with his sycophants. His goal is to corrupt the system brick by brick.

I certainly think people are going to be turned off by threatening letters being sent to election officials in states that Trump carried.
I certainly think people are going to be turned off by threatening letters being sent to election officials in states that Trump carried.
I have yet to see any stories about any people besides trump supporters making threats against election officials.
I have yet to see any stories about any people besides trump supporters making threats against election officials.
Did you not read the Op?

Dembots are a clear and present danger. They are trying to assassinate the president, put a bounty on his head and now sending threats to election officials in states he won
Did you not read the Op?

Dembots are a clear and present danger. They are trying to assassinate the president, put a bounty on his head and now sending threats to election officials in states he won
Sure Q-NUT.............You have outdone yourself in projection.
Like Baghdad Bob..............


Can Georgia’s MAGA election board actually rig the vote for Trump?

Over the next seven weeks until Election Day, the Today, Explained podcast will examine the major themes of the 2024 election by looking at each of the seven swing states. We’ll hear from voters in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina, and dive deep into topics like abortion, the concerns of rural voters, and economic stressors for retirees and Latino voters. We’re kicking it off with Georgia, where “election security” efforts are once again at the forefront for officials and voters alike.
For months, Georgia’s highest-ranking Republican leaders have been speaking out against an obscure, unelected board that has passed a series of controversial rule changes that could make it harder to know who won the state in the likely event of a close race, and facilitate attempts to dispute the election results.
According to WABE reporter Sam Gringlas, one rule allows local election board members to prevent votes from being counted at precincts if board members identify discrepancies, pending an investigation. And if the board members believe the error cannot be corrected, the board “shall determine a method to compute the votes justly.”
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has said rule changes to the certification process that have been advanced by the board are
“misguided” and “will delay election results.”

Apparently, trump and his minions feel GA's election results are ripe for the stealing.
Georgia Election Board Orders Hand-Counting of Ballots

The Georgia State Election Board voted on Friday to force counties to hand-count all ballots cast on Election Day, a move critics say could significantly delay the reporting of results in the battleground state and inject chaos into the post-election period.

The new rule, which passed on a 3-2 vote, runs counter to extensive legal advice from the top election official and law enforcement officials in the state. A nonpartisan collective of local election officials had also objected to the change.

The measure is the latest in a stream of right-wing election policies passed by the State Election Board over the past few months. The board has come under increasing pressure from critics already concerned that it has been rewriting the rules of the game in a key swing state to favor former President Donald J. Trump. Last month, the board granted local officials new power over certifying the election, which opponents say could potentially disrupt the process if Mr. Trump loses in November.

Georgia Election Board Orders Hand-Counting of Ballots

trumpery thrives on chaos even as it creates it.
Your hurt feelings are funny.
Actually it's what Russian disinformation looks like. How freaking hard is it to send a threatening letter. The allegation that the FBI is "investigating" is as meaningless as most of the lies that come out of NBC. Lefties fall for it all the time because it's what they want to hear.
I can certainly understand why you want a FBI investigation to be meaningless, but it isn't and neither is it a lie.
I can certainly understand why you want a FBI investigation to be meaningless, but it isn't and neither is it a lie.
Apparently the FBI investigated both assassins and walked away but we are supposed to be concerned about suspicious letters. Yeah, an unverified account by NBC of an FBI "investigation" is meaningless B.S. propaganda.

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