Trump About to Flip Another Appeals Court To Conservatives


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
And judicial appointment just keep rolling along. He’s already got over 100 on various benches and flipped the Third Circuit Court conservative.

As Bloomberg Law reports, on Wednesday the Senate confirmed Joseph Bianco to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Another judge, Michael Park, is expected to be confirmed later this week. Bloomberg noted, “When Trump makes additional appointments for vacancies that will be left by two judges who recently announced their retirements, Dennis Jacobs and Christopher Droney, the 13-member court will be majority Republican-appointed.”

And, in spite of some opposition, he’s just filled 3 seats on the Import/Export Bank.

More of this @ Terrific Trump: Trump About to Flip Another Appeals Court To Conservatives
A Republican majority does not always equal Conservative majority.

However, a demonRAT majority always equals a liberal majority.
Well, the "good" thing about this development is that since a Conservative court follows the law, Democrats can still get their way by CHANGING THE LAW.

The problem is, however, that LIberals CANNOT change the law, because their ideas are wildly unpopular.

Consider the issues involved in immigration. The Left is focused almost entirely on getting Federal District Court judges to ignore the law and rule according to Liberal dictates. What is really preventing them from legalizing the 30 million illegals? The fact that the American people don't want them to.
Well, the "good" thing about this development is that since a Conservative court follows the law, Democrats can still get their way by CHANGING THE LAW.

The problem is, however, that LIberals CANNOT change the law, because their ideas are wildly unpopular.

Consider the issues involved in immigration. The Left is focused almost entirely on getting Federal District Court judges to ignore the law and rule according to Liberal dictates. What is really preventing them from legalizing the 30 million illegals? The fact that the American people don't want them to.

Well, under the current situtation, there's no chance that Dimocraps will be able to get any of their weird laws enacted. Even if, by some slim chance, they get through the Senate, what how quick the president vetoes them.

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