Trump Administration loses track of 1,500 children they kidnapped.

Republicans love to hurt children. Even more than they love to hurt their own base.

Your lies reflect your desperation.
Managing to stay ignorant of GOP policies isn't something to be proud of.



House bill would scale back number of free school meals

Hunger and nutrition advocates from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Heart Association have sharply criticized the legislation.

“The bill would significantly weaken access to healthy, nutritious foods for our nation’s children,” said Dr. Benard Dreyer, president of the pediatrics group.


There is so much fuking awful legislation where Republicans hurt millions of American children. And the base defends it. Even when it's their own children who are suffering.

What is wrong with these people. They have a perv in the White House and claim to be people of God.
It just shows how strong children can be. That they could survive and thrive in the worst possible circumstances.
Large two story family home with 6 bedrooms. In ground heated swimming pool. Went to private school. Trips to Disney World several times.

Yea, they had it rough. .... :rolleyes:
That's how you raise children? Bribe them and make them dependent?
You lie so much, it's difficult to know what is truth and what is fiction. I suspect you live in mom's basement.
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.
There's an easy way to avoid this. Don't cross our border without a fucking visa!
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.
Send them all back to the Congo. We shouldn't split families up.
It just shows how strong children can be. That they could survive and thrive in the worst possible circumstances.
Large two story family home with 6 bedrooms. In ground heated swimming pool. Went to private school. Trips to Disney World several times.

Yea, they had it rough. .... :rolleyes:
That's how you raise children? Bribe them and make them dependent?
You lie so much, it's difficult to know what is truth and what is fiction. I suspect you live in mom's basement.
so sunni is just like you?....ill be damned....
That's how you raise children? Bribe them and make them dependent?
I don't consider giving your kids the best possible childhood you can afford is bribery, and of course they are dependent on their parents.

Deanie boy you really have a bizarre outlook on child rearing.

But then again you're a flaming liberal. So I guess you figure it's the governments job to raise your spawn. ..... :cuckoo:
There is only 1 word to describe the terrorization of children. Evil. The fact is that we are seeing is the same evil that created Nazi Germany. Whether we continue down this path remains open. I was proud to be a Republican and conservative under PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN. I always blanched when George W Bush used the word compassionate conservative however I find myself in that same vein. Republicans need to be held accountable. This has nothing to do with illegal immigration and everything to do with compassion.
There is only 1 word to describe the terrorization of children. Evil. The fact is that we are seeing is the same evil that created Nazi Germany. Whether we continue down this path remains open. I was proud to be a Republican and conservative under PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN. I always blanched when George W Bush used the word compassionate conservative however I find myself in that same vein. Republicans need to be held accountable. This has nothing to do with illegal immigration and everything to do with compassion.

The fact is that we are seeing is the same evil that created Nazi Germany.


you've found the missing children.


Better tweet Trump and let him know where they are, so we can get this behind us.

(and yes, that IS sarcasm)
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.
From the Congo to the US border? Wow!

Thats one hell of a swim,with a child no less.

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