Trump Administration loses track of 1,500 children they kidnapped.

Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.
--------------------------------------- thats what i keep telling you guys . Next generations of Americans are going to have lots of enemies within the USA DeanRD .
These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.
Is that what happened to you?? ...... :cool:
My favorite stalker.
I knew you would approve.
You kind loves children. Until they're born. Then? Not so much.
The right proves everyday that their abortion crusade is a sham
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.
There is no basis. They aren't being persecuted. There is no natural disaster.

They are complaining that the gangs they attacked are retaliating.
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.
Federal Agencies Lost Track of Nearly 1,500 Migrant Children Placed With Sponsors
WASHINGTON — A top official with the Department of Health and Human Services told members of Congress on Thursday that the agency had lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children it placed with sponsors in the United States, raising concerns they could end up in the hands of human traffickers or be used as laborers by people posing as relatives.

No doubt the Obama pos bastards lost them on purpose . This was no accident bank on it.

They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
So there are zero countries between the USA and Africa?
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
So there are zero countries between the USA and Africa?

Who made that claim?
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
So there are zero countries between the USA and Africa?

Who made that claim?
So how and why and by who’s funding did these people travel 8 thousand miles to end up on the US border to give us the pleasure of stealing their children. You libtards have some spraining to do.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
So there are zero countries between the USA and Africa?

Who made that claim?
So how and why and by who’s funding did these people travel 8 thousand miles to end up on the US border to give us the pleasure of stealing their children. You libtards have some spraining to do.
Your mind seems pretty sprained already. You don't need it to be sprained anymore.
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.
/-----/ From your link:
Is losing track of children a new issue?
The lack of follow-up is a longstanding problem. The Women’s Commission and other organizations working with unaccompanied children have been concerned with this for over a decade.
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.

That does not answer the question, the question why have they travelled TENS OF THOUSANDS of miles across the ENTIRE Atlantic Ocean from The Congo to get to the Mexican border so they can vomit themselves across the border into the American nation? There are MANY nations NEARER to The Congo where there is no conflict, so why didn't they go to one of those nations, why are they travelling across the ENTIRE Atlantic Ocean to get into America?

Under International Law it states that if someone is escaping conflict they must present themselves at the FIRST NATION nearest to their own nation that has NO conflict ie. that does not mean they travel across 10, 15, 20 nations ALL with NO conflict to get to the nation they can get Gibs Me Dat from and have Pathologically Altruistic MORONS pay for it all for them. It is BECAUSE of the Pathologically Altruistic MORONS that they do what they do, if they knew they would get NOTHING then they would NOT be taking these nice vacations to Wealthy Western Nations including America.

What should happen at these borders:

Immediate arrest, off to a Secure Detention Centre, given washing facilities and clean clothing, given bread and water and then they would be Micro Chipped like you do dogs so if they go missing en route back to where they are being Deported to you can track them, the next day they would be Deported back to the nearest nation to their own that has no conflict and if ANY of these nations say No, then ALL Western Aid INCLUDING medical aid should be severed from that nation and also sanctions would be put on them.
That's how you raise children? Bribe them and make them dependent?
I don't consider giving your kids the best possible childhood you can afford is bribery, and of course they are dependent on their parents.

Deanie boy you really have a bizarre outlook on child rearing.

But then again you're a flaming liberal. So I guess you figure it's the governments job to raise your spawn. ..... :cuckoo:
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.
If they aren't white they don't.

Ask a Republican. They'll tell you.
These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.
Is that what happened to you?? ...... :cool:
My favorite stalker.
I knew you would approve.
You kind loves children. Until they're born. Then? Not so much.
The right proves everyday that their abortion crusade is a sham
We've known that for a long time.

They want the right to carry guns and kill

But don't want women to have the right to control their own bodies.

We could believe their senate and house leaders really cared for children if they didn't do things like this:



All you have to do is look at GOP policies. Just look at their policies and we EXACTLY who they are:

They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.

I can respond.

Have you checked out what has been happening in the Congo for the past (how many?) years now? No one pays attention anymore. Can't blame them and frankly - Congolese are one group of people that probably WOULD qualify for assylum.
They don't care.

ONE: They are black and Republicans hate blacks second only to gays.

TWO: Trump says it's a sh!thole.
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.
Presenting yourself at the border and requesting asylum is the proper way to do it. Nothing illegal about it.
It is illegal if there is no basis for asylum. That's fraud.
No. It isn’t. They have a right to a hearing to determine if there is a basis.

Of course no Leftists can respond to the situation WHY they have travelled ALL the way from The Congo to the Mexican border to get into the American nation. Wake up and smell the coffee, they are USING you, you are allowing yourselves to be USED be feral savages, WTF most might have the IQ of a paper cup but they are pulling a clever fast one on you because you are weak because of Pathological Altruism.
----------------------------------------- its the Governments of ALL western nations that are at fault . They are working to destroy Western society , --- Gang of Somali Kids Attack Park Goers in Lewiston - Maine First Media --- just a small example but i am guessing that Lewistown Maine was pretty nice and just a few years in the past .
That's how you raise children? Bribe them and make them dependent?
I don't consider giving your kids the best possible childhood you can afford is bribery, and of course they are dependent on their parents.

Deanie boy you really have a bizarre outlook on child rearing.

But then again you're a flaming liberal. So I guess you figure it's the governments job to raise your spawn. ..... :cuckoo:
You get free stuff from the government for spawn. Most whites and Asians on the other hand support their children.

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