Trump administration now wants a floating border wall to seal off waterways along Mexico boundary

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
You Trump supporters are suckers. Put this one right there with Space Force. Damn, it's getting embarrassing. Can't build a wall so we'll put a floating...whatever up. Geez.
Just put sharks with lasers on their heads in there. That will stop them!
This is excellent news!

Cochrane Global Revolving Spiked Ball Water Barrier
Oh god. This board is full of children. It’s just astounding the amount of stupidity. Are you actually being serious right now? I have to ask.
That would be a great idea

Uhhhhhhh - - NO....... Just have a tactical border patrol base or military base that extends along the areas of concern. Yes an elongated fenced military style area that runs the length of the areas that are of concern. They should be equipped with barracks, equipment sheds for Humvee's, landing pads for blackhawks, gun in placements, a frontage road that runs along the areas for watch purposes etc. These bases would have rotation for tours of duties.

2 years mandatory service should be a requirement for all highschool "drop outs" between ages 17 to 19 years old. Their service could be served at these post/ installations for 6 month intervals. Everybody wins. Of course volunteer recruits who join the military voluntarily can also serve along side of these recruits at each installation or post. We have to gain our military training back, and get the deep state swampers who are weakening and giving the wrong messages to our trainers and trainees out.
This is excellent news!
Cochrane Global Revolving Spiked Ball Water Barrier
Libs were complaining about Trump ending Social Security, but this border wall is a better way to spend our tax dollars. Finally a president who is concerned about our security and our safety!
This is excellent news!

Cochrane Global Revolving Spiked Ball Water Barrier

When you post a link with a paywall, all we really have is the headline because nobody can read the story unless they are a paying customer.

In any case, if this is the waterways that Laura Ingraham featured on her special during her week at the border, our border patrol risks their lives every day rescuing people who are drowning. What I can't figure out is, why not build a Trump wall on the American side of that river so even if they get across, most will never be able to scale the wall. That would stop them from crossing, and probably save a lot of lives. We don't need a floating wall, just a regular wall like Trump has been building.

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