Trump administration scrambles as outrage grows over border separations

Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

SHAME ON YOUR ONCE GREAT PARTY! you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.
Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

When did you defend the Democratic party?

Why would I. I quit being a Democrat YEARS AGO. They gave up conscience for votes.

Just like now, seeking votes is far more important to the Dems then assuring these children aren't being sold into the Child Sex Slave market.

You have the nerve to talk about anyone else. You have no conscience. Lying through your teeth with fake Child Sex Slave charges.
Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

The state of fucked-up-ness is directly proportional to Trump's desire to blame it on Democrats.

You deny the law was passed and signed by Bill Clinton?

Trump is helpless. His hands are tied. The power of Bill Clinton's penis compels him. The Devil made him do it. The bible said obey the gubmint, suh, and Democrats have a gun to Trump's head. I hear ya. It's not Trump's problem.

You know, keeping you off ignore might make sense if you were even just a bit humorous, but dumb as a fucking rock just isn't cutting it.

They're getting squeamish now.

Trump administration scrambles as outrage grows over border separations

Homeland security secretary claims administration is simply enforcing the law as photos and audio of children fuel anger

The Trump administration struggled on Monday to defend its policy of separating parents from their sons and daughters at the southern US border amid growing national outrage and the release of a shocking recording of sobbing children.

As the White House scrambled to respond to the deepening political crisis, the homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, flew from New Orleans to Washington to face a barrage of questions from reporters, even as Democratsdemanded her resignation and the outcry reached a critical mass.

Nielsen claimed that America was a country of “compassion” and “heart” but was unable to square the circle regarding whether the separations were a vindication of the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy towards illegal immigration or an unintended consequence of a law made by the US Congress.
Good, anyone being a part of this sadistic administration run by an incompetent self indulgent old emotionally and mentally handicapped old fool is being shamed and the shame will follow them for the rest of their lives.
The supporters of locking children in cages are mighty brave when they are hiding behind anonymous nics on a forum, aren't they?

Where have you seen children locked in cages?

They exist only in the mind of you fucking libtards!
It is being broadcast on National TV. The incompetent fools in the government released their own video. The cages are designed and made of the same material as cages used to contain zoo animals.
Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

The state of fucked-up-ness is directly proportional to Trump's desire to blame it on Democrats.

You deny the law was passed and signed by Bill Clinton?

Trump is helpless. His hands are tied. The power of Bill Clinton's penis compels him. The Devil made him do it. The bible said obey the gubmint, suh, and Democrats have a gun to Trump's head. I hear ya. It's not Trump's problem.

You know, keeping you off ignore might make sense if you were even just a bit humorous, but dumb as a fucking rock just isn't cutting it.


Yeah, go ahead. Pretend Trump's policy change - announced by AG Sessions last month - is because Clinton signed a law 20 years ago. I suspect it's too late for you to man up.
Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

SHAME ON YOUR ONCE GREAT PARTY! you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over
Trump and his toadies can’t defend the indefensible.

Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

SHAME ON YOUR ONCE GREAT PARTY! you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Opinion | The Trump Apologists and the Crying Children

The administration’s justifications and denials are meant to obscure that fact. Consider Nielsen’s suggestion, during a speech on Monday, that the administration is worried about child smuggling: “We do not have the luxury of pretending that all individuals coming to this country as a family unit are, in fact, a family.”

The government has made this argument before, in one of the first family separation cases to go to court. Last November, a Congolese woman known in court filings as Ms. L and her then 6-year-old daughter arrived at a port of entry near San Diego, presented themselves to border agents and asked for asylum. Officers separated them — according to a lawsuit, Ms. L could hear her daughter in the next room, screaming — and the girl was sent to Chicago while her mother was held in California.

When the A.C.L.U. sued on Ms. L’s behalf, officials claimed they’d taken the girl because Ms. L couldn’t prove she was her parent. The judge in the case ordered a DNA test, which quickly demonstrated Ms. L’s relationship to her daughter. (In March, they were finally reunited.)

“The truth is they’ve been doing this all along for deterrence purposes, as sometimes they boldly said in the press,” Lee Gelernt, an A.C.L.U. lawyer who argued the case, told me. “But when confronted in a federal lawsuit, they tried to retroactively justify it by saying they couldn’t figure out whether it was the mother.” It’s hard to know who’s worse — the sociopaths like Miller who glory in the administration’s cruelty, or those who are abashed enough to lie about the filthy thing they’re part of, but not to do anything else.
Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

SHAME ON YOUR ONCE GREAT PARTY! you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services. you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services.

Dismissing the false pretense that the child was being brought in by sex traffickers.
You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services.

Dismissing the false pretense that the child was being brought in by sex traffickers.

The child could have been kidnapped by the Mother, away from the Father. It is our DUTY to verify this.
The supporters of locking children in cages are mighty brave when they are hiding behind anonymous nics on a forum, aren't they?

Where have you seen children locked in cages?

They exist only in the mind of you fucking libtards!

I think we do have pictures of a couple of them being locked up in a cage when Obama was President.

Of course the Moon Bats ignore that little gem.

The child could have been kidnapped by the Mother, away from the Father. It is our DUTY to verify this.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services.

Dismissing the false pretense that the child was being brought in by sex traffickers.

...but not dismissing the fact that the parents were committing a crime of unlawful entry.
You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services.

Dismissing the false pretense that the child was being brought in by sex traffickers.

The child could have been kidnapped by the Mother, away from the Father. It is our DUTY to verify this.

Your glasses aren't rose-colored. They're kaleidoscopic, fracturing reality into unrecognizable slivers.
Oh we can

What you can’t defend is the fact that known child sex traffickers exploit our system to get their “product” across the border.

If we do not ASSURE that every child belongs to the adult bringing them in, then we are complicit in that trafficking.

Republicans don’t want to give this assistance, Democrats are crying like wailing children for it!

SHAME ON YOUR ONCE GREAT PARTY! you CAN defend the indefensible. :71: Ok.

You obviously like child sex trafficking


You are unreal.

You obviously are a dishonest liar. There is no child sex trafficking going on. What is going on is you Nazis trying to terrorize children. Scum like you should be horse whipped.

There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?

what did they do? you got the footage?
There isn’t? That’s news to those that were brought in illegally and sold to men as sex slaves.

Your rose covered glasses are fogged over

If you pull the child from a woman's arms, and the child screams, "Mama," what do you do?
Depends is she a criminal? If so you arrest her and deliver the baby to child services.

Dismissing the false pretense that the child was being brought in by sex traffickers.

The child could have been kidnapped by the Mother, away from the Father. It is our DUTY to verify this.

Your glasses aren't rose-colored. They're kaleidoscopic, fracturing reality into unrecognizable slivers.

Google sex trafficking in Mexico. Go ahead, read about the victims. It’s horrifying. One girl raped over 46000 times.

Another article about 55 girls from a single town and 100s to thousands of murders.

My glasses are clean and clear as can be.


Trading those life’s for a few votes is shameful

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