Trump administration scrambles as outrage grows over border separations

I understand Trumplodytes can have it both ways - Trump is courageously fighting child sex trafficking at the border, AND it's all the Democrats' fault.
My point is clear. If you have an issue trying to answer it, that is indeed your issue, not mine.

It is COMMONLY KNOWN that sex trafficking occurs across our borders. You can’t stop it by allowing free access to our country without verification. PERIOD

Illegal immigrants kidnapping children to sneak into U.S. as ‘family units,’ feds say

Read the link troll

This is from your link. You should have read it.

Leon Fresco, a deputy assistant attorney general who handles immigration cases, made the stunning claim as he defended the administration’s policy of detaining illegal immigrant parents and children caught traveling together as they jump the border. After a federal judge last year ordered the families quickly released, Mr. Fresco said it’s served as an enticement for kidnapping.

“When people now know that when I come as a family unit, I won’t be apprehended and detained — we now have people being abducted so that they can be deemed as family units, so that they can avoid detention,” Mr. Fresco told the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

He did not back up that claim in court, and did not respond to a follow-up email seeking comment. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles detention and deportation, declined to comment, citing the ongoing case, while Customs and Border Protection, which guards the border, did not respond to a request for comment.

But Peter Schey, the lawyer who argued in court on behalf of the families, and is in touch with hundreds of families as part of the lawsuit, said there’s no evidence to back up Mr. Fresco’s claim.

“We know zero instances of that, and there’s zero support for that anywhere in the record,” he said. “If they know of any such instances, I would think they would bring the actual instances to the attention of the court.

My accusation of trolling was based this statement you made to another poster:

"You obviously like child sex trafficking".

If you'd prefer to think of it as an absurd, insulting lie, rather than trolling, no dermis off my proboscis.

What an attorney won't say and do to make a buck. You can deny reality, but I refuse too.

Link: This Mexican town is the sex-trafficking capital of the world

"The city was highlighted in a recent Newsweek article describing new city-to-farm sex pipelines, in which prostitutes from Mexico working mostly in Queens, New York are delivered to farms by traffickers to have sex with migrant workers.

Before they are trafficked to the US, women and girls as young as 14 are routinely kidnapped from villages surrounding Tenancingo by men who trick, threaten, and even seduce them into working for the illicit sex trade."

Link: Human trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times - CNN

Karla Jacinto is sitting in a serene garden. She looks at the ordinary sights of flowers and can hear people beyond the garden walls, walking and talking in Mexico City.

She looks straight into my eyes, her voice cracking slightly, as she tells me the number she wants me to remember -- 43,200.
By her own estimate, 43,200 is the number of times she was raped after falling into the hands of human traffickers.

Link: Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Mexico

How's $600 to buy what you'd like simply for accompanying men on trips? We can make it happen, al otro lado — on the other side. That pitch allegedly made by a trio of women sounded like gold to some impressionable teens and a young woman not making much in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Three girls agreed to be smuggled to the United States in mid-May and once they were in or near San Antonio, they were primped, new clothes were bought for them and they were given English lessons. Their understanding was that they did not have to have sex with the men.

But rather than the glitz they were promised, they were sold in an underground world for prostitution, according to prosecutors and documents filed in federal court Friday. The girls were delivered to a man in San Antonio referred to in court records as the "boss," who had them strip, inspected their bodies and told them they were going to be having sex with men for up to five years to pay off their smuggling debt. The "boss" said he had paid $3,000 apiece for two of the girls and said he would pay even more to get them ready for other men, witnesses told investigators, according to their statements. Anyone who fled would die, and their families would also suffer the same fate, the statements said.

Link: Mexico's lost daughters: how young women are sold into the sex trade by drug gangs

The lists compiled by government agencies and NGOs for missing girls in Mexico read like this:

Karen Juarez Fuentes, 10. Female. Disappeared going to school in Acapulco. Brown skin. Brown hair. Brown eyes.

Ixel Rivas Morena, 13. Female. Lost in Xalapa. 1.5 metres tall. 50 kilos. Light brown hair. Light brown skin. Oval face. Thin. Left ear lobe torn.

Rosa Mendoza Jiménez, 14. Female. Disappeared. Thin. Brown skin. Dark brown hair. Long. No more data.

They go on and on. According to government figures, kidnapping in the country increased by 31% last year. Those statistics tend to refer to victims who have been kidnapped for ransom, as people are more likely to report the crime when money is demanded. But there is another kind of kidnapping that goes unreported. When a girl is robada – which literally means stolen – she is taken off the street, on her way to school, leaving the movies, or even stolen out of her own house. No ransom is asked for. Her body is all the criminals want. The drug cartels know they can sell a bag of drugs only once, but they can prostitute a young woman many times in a single day.

Heartbreaking shit. But according to some damn ambulance chaser, IT NEVER HAPPENS!

It is heartbreaking shit, but you're lying when you claim a lawyer said it never happened. He said the opposing attorney provided no evidence. It was your damn link. Why didn't you read it?

If you want to keep moving the goalposts away from toddlers at the border to teens stolen hundreds of miles away, no one can stop you.


Again, what an Attorney will ignore to make a buck.

It was the job of the Deputy AG arguing the case to provide evidence supporting his claim. You're attempting to assassinate the character of the opposing attorney because he noted there was no evidence presented. They don't interrupt trials to use the Washington Times as a fact-checker. Facts may, at times, inform "common knowledge," but "common knowledge" isn't a fact, and it isn't evidence.

But my links are evidence OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.
Most of the kids are fake....c'mon now. So Mexican kids now call their mother, "mother". OK:113:
You and I know that you don't care if the kids are fake or're all in on separating kids from their parents as long as trump approves it.

Apparently you were as well when Obama was "Charles in Charge". So what exactly is the point you were making?
Paul Ryan: "We don't think families should be separated. Period."


House Speaker Paul Ryan said the House will vote on a bill tomorrow that ends family separations and solves DACA.

"Let's just make it clear. We don't think families should be separated. Period. We have seen the videos, heard the audio. And when we were working on this bill for the last number of months, we saw that this court ruling was wrong, and we had put this fix in the bill to begin with," Ryan said.

Immigration in the US: What's happening at the border - CNNPolitics
I understand Trumplodytes can have it both ways - Trump is courageously fighting child sex trafficking at the border, AND it's all the Democrats' fault.
This is from your link. You should have read it.

Leon Fresco, a deputy assistant attorney general who handles immigration cases, made the stunning claim as he defended the administration’s policy of detaining illegal immigrant parents and children caught traveling together as they jump the border. After a federal judge last year ordered the families quickly released, Mr. Fresco said it’s served as an enticement for kidnapping.

“When people now know that when I come as a family unit, I won’t be apprehended and detained — we now have people being abducted so that they can be deemed as family units, so that they can avoid detention,” Mr. Fresco told the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

He did not back up that claim in court, and did not respond to a follow-up email seeking comment. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency that handles detention and deportation, declined to comment, citing the ongoing case, while Customs and Border Protection, which guards the border, did not respond to a request for comment.

But Peter Schey, the lawyer who argued in court on behalf of the families, and is in touch with hundreds of families as part of the lawsuit, said there’s no evidence to back up Mr. Fresco’s claim.

“We know zero instances of that, and there’s zero support for that anywhere in the record,” he said. “If they know of any such instances, I would think they would bring the actual instances to the attention of the court.

My accusation of trolling was based this statement you made to another poster:

"You obviously like child sex trafficking".

If you'd prefer to think of it as an absurd, insulting lie, rather than trolling, no dermis off my proboscis.

What an attorney won't say and do to make a buck. You can deny reality, but I refuse too.

Link: This Mexican town is the sex-trafficking capital of the world

"The city was highlighted in a recent Newsweek article describing new city-to-farm sex pipelines, in which prostitutes from Mexico working mostly in Queens, New York are delivered to farms by traffickers to have sex with migrant workers.

Before they are trafficked to the US, women and girls as young as 14 are routinely kidnapped from villages surrounding Tenancingo by men who trick, threaten, and even seduce them into working for the illicit sex trade."

Link: Human trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times - CNN

Karla Jacinto is sitting in a serene garden. She looks at the ordinary sights of flowers and can hear people beyond the garden walls, walking and talking in Mexico City.

She looks straight into my eyes, her voice cracking slightly, as she tells me the number she wants me to remember -- 43,200.
By her own estimate, 43,200 is the number of times she was raped after falling into the hands of human traffickers.

Link: Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Mexico

How's $600 to buy what you'd like simply for accompanying men on trips? We can make it happen, al otro lado — on the other side. That pitch allegedly made by a trio of women sounded like gold to some impressionable teens and a young woman not making much in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Three girls agreed to be smuggled to the United States in mid-May and once they were in or near San Antonio, they were primped, new clothes were bought for them and they were given English lessons. Their understanding was that they did not have to have sex with the men.

But rather than the glitz they were promised, they were sold in an underground world for prostitution, according to prosecutors and documents filed in federal court Friday. The girls were delivered to a man in San Antonio referred to in court records as the "boss," who had them strip, inspected their bodies and told them they were going to be having sex with men for up to five years to pay off their smuggling debt. The "boss" said he had paid $3,000 apiece for two of the girls and said he would pay even more to get them ready for other men, witnesses told investigators, according to their statements. Anyone who fled would die, and their families would also suffer the same fate, the statements said.

Link: Mexico's lost daughters: how young women are sold into the sex trade by drug gangs

The lists compiled by government agencies and NGOs for missing girls in Mexico read like this:

Karen Juarez Fuentes, 10. Female. Disappeared going to school in Acapulco. Brown skin. Brown hair. Brown eyes.

Ixel Rivas Morena, 13. Female. Lost in Xalapa. 1.5 metres tall. 50 kilos. Light brown hair. Light brown skin. Oval face. Thin. Left ear lobe torn.

Rosa Mendoza Jiménez, 14. Female. Disappeared. Thin. Brown skin. Dark brown hair. Long. No more data.

They go on and on. According to government figures, kidnapping in the country increased by 31% last year. Those statistics tend to refer to victims who have been kidnapped for ransom, as people are more likely to report the crime when money is demanded. But there is another kind of kidnapping that goes unreported. When a girl is robada – which literally means stolen – she is taken off the street, on her way to school, leaving the movies, or even stolen out of her own house. No ransom is asked for. Her body is all the criminals want. The drug cartels know they can sell a bag of drugs only once, but they can prostitute a young woman many times in a single day.

Heartbreaking shit. But according to some damn ambulance chaser, IT NEVER HAPPENS!

It is heartbreaking shit, but you're lying when you claim a lawyer said it never happened. He said the opposing attorney provided no evidence. It was your damn link. Why didn't you read it?

If you want to keep moving the goalposts away from toddlers at the border to teens stolen hundreds of miles away, no one can stop you.


Again, what an Attorney will ignore to make a buck.

It was the job of the Deputy AG arguing the case to provide evidence supporting his claim. You're attempting to assassinate the character of the opposing attorney because he noted there was no evidence presented. They don't interrupt trials to use the Washington Times as a fact-checker. Facts may, at times, inform "common knowledge," but "common knowledge" isn't a fact, and it isn't evidence.

But my links are evidence OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.

Separating toddlers from their parent(s) does nothing to address human rights abuse, and in fact, it is human rights abuse.

Coincidentally, or not, the US withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council yesterday.
I understand Trumplodytes can have it both ways - Trump is courageously fighting child sex trafficking at the border, AND it's all the Democrats' fault.
What an attorney won't say and do to make a buck. You can deny reality, but I refuse too.

Link: This Mexican town is the sex-trafficking capital of the world

"The city was highlighted in a recent Newsweek article describing new city-to-farm sex pipelines, in which prostitutes from Mexico working mostly in Queens, New York are delivered to farms by traffickers to have sex with migrant workers.

Before they are trafficked to the US, women and girls as young as 14 are routinely kidnapped from villages surrounding Tenancingo by men who trick, threaten, and even seduce them into working for the illicit sex trade."

Link: Human trafficking survivor: I was raped 43,200 times - CNN

Karla Jacinto is sitting in a serene garden. She looks at the ordinary sights of flowers and can hear people beyond the garden walls, walking and talking in Mexico City.

She looks straight into my eyes, her voice cracking slightly, as she tells me the number she wants me to remember -- 43,200.
By her own estimate, 43,200 is the number of times she was raped after falling into the hands of human traffickers.

Link: Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Mexico

How's $600 to buy what you'd like simply for accompanying men on trips? We can make it happen, al otro lado — on the other side. That pitch allegedly made by a trio of women sounded like gold to some impressionable teens and a young woman not making much in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Three girls agreed to be smuggled to the United States in mid-May and once they were in or near San Antonio, they were primped, new clothes were bought for them and they were given English lessons. Their understanding was that they did not have to have sex with the men.

But rather than the glitz they were promised, they were sold in an underground world for prostitution, according to prosecutors and documents filed in federal court Friday. The girls were delivered to a man in San Antonio referred to in court records as the "boss," who had them strip, inspected their bodies and told them they were going to be having sex with men for up to five years to pay off their smuggling debt. The "boss" said he had paid $3,000 apiece for two of the girls and said he would pay even more to get them ready for other men, witnesses told investigators, according to their statements. Anyone who fled would die, and their families would also suffer the same fate, the statements said.

Link: Mexico's lost daughters: how young women are sold into the sex trade by drug gangs

The lists compiled by government agencies and NGOs for missing girls in Mexico read like this:

Karen Juarez Fuentes, 10. Female. Disappeared going to school in Acapulco. Brown skin. Brown hair. Brown eyes.

Ixel Rivas Morena, 13. Female. Lost in Xalapa. 1.5 metres tall. 50 kilos. Light brown hair. Light brown skin. Oval face. Thin. Left ear lobe torn.

Rosa Mendoza Jiménez, 14. Female. Disappeared. Thin. Brown skin. Dark brown hair. Long. No more data.

They go on and on. According to government figures, kidnapping in the country increased by 31% last year. Those statistics tend to refer to victims who have been kidnapped for ransom, as people are more likely to report the crime when money is demanded. But there is another kind of kidnapping that goes unreported. When a girl is robada – which literally means stolen – she is taken off the street, on her way to school, leaving the movies, or even stolen out of her own house. No ransom is asked for. Her body is all the criminals want. The drug cartels know they can sell a bag of drugs only once, but they can prostitute a young woman many times in a single day.

Heartbreaking shit. But according to some damn ambulance chaser, IT NEVER HAPPENS!

It is heartbreaking shit, but you're lying when you claim a lawyer said it never happened. He said the opposing attorney provided no evidence. It was your damn link. Why didn't you read it?

If you want to keep moving the goalposts away from toddlers at the border to teens stolen hundreds of miles away, no one can stop you.


Again, what an Attorney will ignore to make a buck.

It was the job of the Deputy AG arguing the case to provide evidence supporting his claim. You're attempting to assassinate the character of the opposing attorney because he noted there was no evidence presented. They don't interrupt trials to use the Washington Times as a fact-checker. Facts may, at times, inform "common knowledge," but "common knowledge" isn't a fact, and it isn't evidence.

But my links are evidence OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE.

Separating toddlers from their parent(s) does nothing to address human rights abuse, and in fact, it is human rights abuse.

Coincidentally, or not, the US withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council yesterday.

And without documentation, you know these infants and toddlers belong to the Adults, how?

It is well documented about how rampant kidnapping is in Mexico.

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