Trump administration to hit Russia with new sanctions for Skripal poisoning

Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof echoed that sentiment, saying that “you have Donald Trump’s foreign policy and you now have the Trump administration’s foreign policy.” He added that the sanctions are being orchestrated by the deep state to “make the president look bad and basically to corner him.”

The former US diplomat also noted Washington’s hypocrisy in its demands. “Is Russia going to submit to on-site inspections by the United States?” he asked, while pointing out that the US itself hasn’t destroyed its chemical stocks under the Chemical Weapons Convention. “This is a completely topsy-turvy world when it comes to these accusations.”

“Obviously, Russia’s had a significant hand in putting down Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and blocking a lot of things that the US establishment had there,” Earl Rasmussen, executive vice-president of the Eurasia Center said.

US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say

I almost never argue the legitimacy of a source, but RT is funded by the Russian government. I don't think that's where you go for an unbiased opinion piece on this topic.
And the Media you believe is funded and controlled by Soros. FYI, RT is one of the most trustworthy news source that's why it shocks the brainwashed people so much.
Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof echoed that sentiment, saying that “you have Donald Trump’s foreign policy and you now have the Trump administration’s foreign policy.” He added that the sanctions are being orchestrated by the deep state to “make the president look bad and basically to corner him.”

The former US diplomat also noted Washington’s hypocrisy in its demands. “Is Russia going to submit to on-site inspections by the United States?” he asked, while pointing out that the US itself hasn’t destroyed its chemical stocks under the Chemical Weapons Convention. “This is a completely topsy-turvy world when it comes to these accusations.”

“Obviously, Russia’s had a significant hand in putting down Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and blocking a lot of things that the US establishment had there,” Earl Rasmussen, executive vice-president of the Eurasia Center said.

US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say

I almost never argue the legitimacy of a source, but RT is funded by the Russian government. I don't think that's where you go for an unbiased opinion piece on this topic.
And the Media you believe is funded and controlled by Soros. FYI, RT is one of the most trustworthy news source that's why it shocks the brainwashed people so much.

Okay, comrade.

(Not enough o's in looooooony)
The ONLY reason why Trump did this is because he had to. Trump has taken NO actions against Russia of his own free will. Without Trump being forced, there would be no sanctions on Russia at all.

What sanctions do you think there should be and why? I'm not saying there shouldn't be any; I'm just asking your opinion. Do you place in value in the deescalation of hostility between Russia and the United States?

Of course I would prefer deescalation of hostilities between Russia and the U.S. but that is not possible when Russia continues to do things like interfering in our elections, or killing people on England's soil. Russia earned those sanctions, and it would be stupid, and against the interest of the U.S to just pretend that didn't happen. Using your logic, we should release all the murders in our prisons in the interest of deescalating hostilities between murderers and our legal system.
Ya, anything critical of the dems on Facebook and Twitter is now considered of Russian origin

I wouldn't say everything, but Russian originated lies have certainly become a large part of right wing claims.
The ONLY reason why Trump did this is because he had to. Trump has taken NO actions against Russia of his own free will. Without Trump being forced, there would be no sanctions on Russia at all.

What sanctions do you think there should be and why? I'm not saying there shouldn't be any; I'm just asking your opinion. Do you place in value in the deescalation of hostility between Russia and the United States?

Of course I would prefer deescalation of hostilities between Russia and the U.S. but that is not possible when Russia continues to do things like interfering in our elections, or killing people on England's soil. Russia earned those sanctions, and it would be stupid, and against the interest of the U.S to just pretend that didn't happen. Using your logic, we should release all the murders in our prisons in the interest of deescalating hostilities between murderers and our legal system.
Ya, anything critical of the dems on Facebook and Twitter is now considered of Russian origin

I wouldn't say everything, but Russian originated lies have certainly become a large part of right wing claims.

What lies are you referring to?
The ONLY reason why Trump did this is because he had to. Trump has taken NO actions against Russia of his own free will. Without Trump being forced, there would be no sanctions on Russia at all.

What sanctions do you think there should be and why? I'm not saying there shouldn't be any; I'm just asking your opinion. Do you place in value in the deescalation of hostility between Russia and the United States?

Of course I would prefer deescalation of hostilities between Russia and the U.S. but that is not possible when Russia continues to do things like interfering in our elections, or killing people on England's soil. Russia earned those sanctions, and it would be stupid, and against the interest of the U.S to just pretend that didn't happen. Using your logic, we should release all the murders in our prisons in the interest of deescalating hostilities between murderers and our legal system.
Ya, anything critical of the dems on Facebook and Twitter is now considered of Russian origin

I wouldn't say everything, but Russian originated lies have certainly become a large part of right wing claims.
I can't think of one.
Again, President Trump has done more in less than 2 years to punish the Russians for their actions than Barry did over 8 years...

...and over in La La Land CNN, they were falling all over themselves trying to find a way to attack Trump for doing it without sounding Pro-Russia/Putin...

:p. Bwuhahahaha

At the same time your boi continues to kiss Putin’s ass. Came out from a one on one meeting........ I believed my buddy Putin’s denial more than my own intelligence agencies. Think what the fuck kind of mentality is that.

If Trump has his own way. ALL the sanctions against Russia are lifted.
Trump is a moron.
You may want to read this link to update yourself instead of keep listening to Hannity.

Trump delays more sanctions against Russia, overruling Haley
The ONLY reason why Trump did this is because he had to. Trump has taken NO actions against Russia of his own free will. Without Trump being forced, there would be no sanctions on Russia at all.

What sanctions do you think there should be and why? I'm not saying there shouldn't be any; I'm just asking your opinion. Do you place in value in the deescalation of hostility between Russia and the United States?

Of course I would prefer deescalation of hostilities between Russia and the U.S. but that is not possible when Russia continues to do things like interfering in our elections, or killing people on England's soil. Russia earned those sanctions, and it would be stupid, and against the interest of the U.S to just pretend that didn't happen. Using your logic, we should release all the murders in our prisons in the interest of deescalating hostilities between murderers and our legal system.
Ya, anything critical of the dems on Facebook and Twitter is now considered of Russian origin

I wouldn't say everything, but Russian originated lies have certainly become a large part of right wing claims.

What lies are you referring to?

Hamilton 68: Tracking Putin's Propaganda Push... To America
Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms (Opinion) - CNN

However, #WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing, according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.
Again, Trump has done more in less than 2 years to punish Russia for its actions than Obama did in 8 years.

Instead of PUNISHING Putin, Barry gave him 20% of the US supply uranium.

Barry turned his back on the Ukraine, ignoring the promise that we would help them protect their sovereign borders. Instead of stepping up against Putin, Barry backs down and allows Russia to annex Crimea.

Barry knew about Russia"s interference, hacking attempts, and conducting a Counter Intelligence Operation in the US ... Instead of doing anything to stop it or punish Russia, Barry allowed it to continue....because he was sucking up to Vlad to get his approval to drag the US into ANOTHER Un-Constitutional war, this one in Syria.

Instead of PUNISHING Russia and Putin, Barry was kissing their ass while letting them do whatever they wanted.

So now we have a President who HAS punished Russia, not aid and abet them in invading countries and ransacking and pillaging in the Barry did.

Instead of holding their treasonous 'messiah' accountable in any way, snowflakes would rather attack the President WHO HAS PUNISHED RUSSIA MORE IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS THAN BARRY DID IN 8!


Your opinion is full of racist and hatred against Obama. Tell me what is the credibility?

Obama has punished Russia far more than Trump that’s a fact. The only and only reason Trump applied those sanctions that is because he was pushed by his own Republican party.

Barry was Putin's bitch.

Vlad had Barry begging him for permission to invade Syria in exchange for doing whatever he wanted in the US...

Trump has done more in less than 2 years to punish Russia for its actions than Obama did in 8 years.

Why do you always lie?

Incorrect Trump is Putin’s bitch. The whole world knows that. Trump proved that to the whole world.

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