Trump aide and oval office gatekeeper fired for leaking

Bragging to the press about your awesome relationship with your boss and how important you are doesn't meet the standards for treason, but whatever.
But her acts do....but whatever!

We don't kill people for being braggarts you authoritarian fuck face.
No we kill them for treason and being part of a coup to destroy the stupid asshole!

Bragging about how the boss loves you isn't a coup, simpleton. Why won't the AG brings charges against her? The answer is quite plain: nobody is beholden to whatever retarded definition of treason you pull out of your ass.
But leaking inside information that hurts the presidency is...but apparently your low IQ can't comprehend that!

Enjoy your murder fantasy b/c treason charges are never going to be filed against Madeleine Westerhout. I guess that makes President Trump and AG Barr apart of the Deep State™ now.
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Bragging to the press about your awesome relationship with your boss and how important you are doesn't meet the standards for treason, but whatever.

What you say is true; however, saying uncomplimentary things about your boss can be sufficient grounds for termination.
We don't know they were uncomplimentary. The girl's a blabbermouth, not a spy or a never-Trumper.

I spent fifty years of my life, both as an attorney and a full-time union official, defending employees against disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I have never heard of any employer who fired an employee who said complimentary things about him, Employees don't care if their employees talk about them, in fact they love it! But when the talk is embarrassing or offensive, that is another matter.

My professional advice to all employees: if you can't say anything good about your employer, don't say anything at all. Someone else said it best:

f you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him.

If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him -- speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution he represents.

I think if I worked for a man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of the time, and the rest of the time work against him. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.

If you must vilify, condemn and eternally disparage, why, resign your position, and then when you are outside, damn to your heart's content. But I pray you, as long as you are a part of an institution, do not condemn it. Not that you will injure the institution -- not that -- but when you disparage a concern of which you are a part, you disparage yourself.

More than that, you are loosening the tendrils that hold you to the institution, and the first high wind that happens along, you will be uprooted and blown away in the blizzard's track -- and probably you will never know why - - - Get Out or Get in Line

- Elbert Hubbard: An American writer, artist, publisher and philosopher from 19th century.
In all seriousness, I really do hope what she said wasn’t true. If not, I imagine it being very hurtful for Tiffany to know that Dad doesn’t like be photographed with you on the account of your weight. Yikes.
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Last mother day picture....only thing fat is your FAT HEAD!....Now take the Moooocher Obuma....please!

Bragging to the press about your awesome relationship with your boss and how important you are doesn't meet the standards for treason, but whatever.

What you say is true; however, saying uncomplimentary things about your boss can be sufficient grounds for termination.
We don't know they were uncomplimentary. The girl's a blabbermouth, not a spy or a never-Trumper.

I spent fifty years of my life, both as an attorney and a full-time union official, defending employees against disciplinary actions and various forms of discrimination. I have never heard of any employer who fired an employee who said complimentary things about him, Employees don't care if their employees talk about them, in fact they love it! But when the talk is embarrassing or offensive, that is another matter.

My professional advice to all employees: if you can't say anything good about your employer, don't say anything at all. Someone else said it best:

f you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him.

If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him -- speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution he represents.

I think if I worked for a man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of the time, and the rest of the time work against him. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.

If you must vilify, condemn and eternally disparage, why, resign your position, and then when you are outside, damn to your heart's content. But I pray you, as long as you are a part of an institution, do not condemn it. Not that you will injure the institution -- not that -- but when you disparage a concern of which you are a part, you disparage yourself.

More than that, you are loosening the tendrils that hold you to the institution, and the first high wind that happens along, you will be uprooted and blown away in the blizzard's track -- and probably you will never know why - - - Get Out or Get in Line

- Elbert Hubbard: An American writer, artist, publisher and philosopher from 19th century.

That doesn't really work in the military. Why? Even if you love your job, being transferred from place to place all the time can mean that you end up with some really shitty people as your officer. And, while I had zero respect for the man wearing the uniform because they were a crappy excuse for a human (I've met 2 over my 20 year career), I would ignore the person wearing the uniform and simply have respect for the rank they held, as well as respect for the service I was in.

One that I worked for was a CDR who was a total piece of crap with zero knowledge about how things worked. And while I talked bad about him in the office, I still was respectful to him face to face as long as he was in my chain of command. However, he transferred, and around a month or so later, he and his wife saw me and a friend in a restaurant and walked up to say hello. I politely informed him that he was no longer in my chain of command, and that we had no business to discuss, so could he please leave me alone as I was on my off duty time. His face fell, and he walked away rather quickly.

Sorry, but if a person is an asshole, I will tell them that politely. Especially if I have no choice in where I work.

But, when I retired and started to work in the civilian community, I swore to myself that if I ended up with an idiot or an asshole for a boss again, I would quit and go find work elsewhere. You can do that in the civilian community, but not in the military.
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Last mother day picture....only thing fat is your FAT HEAD!....Now take the Moooocher Obuma....please!


Calm down, Whitey Knight. It was only a joke. I don’t think she is fat at all. She seems like a lovely woman.
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!

She's just one of the record number that have jumped ship.
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!

She's just one of the record number that have jumped ship.

You gotta give her credit though. She managed to stick with Trump the longest thus far. And, I can only imagine what working for that idiot would be like.
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Last mother day picture....only thing fat is your FAT HEAD!....Now take the Moooocher Obuma....please!


Calm down, Whitey Knight. It was only a joke. I don’t think she is fat at all. She seems like a lovely woman.
Yes, NOW you come around...joke my sss!
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!

Glad he only hires the best!! :21:
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Last mother day picture....only thing fat is your FAT HEAD!....Now take the Moooocher Obuma....please!


Calm down, Whitey Knight. It was only a joke. I don’t think she is fat at all. She seems like a lovely woman.
Yes, NOW you come around...joke my sss!

I am sorry if my joke bruised your front hole.
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!
Your post is 6 hours old. I’m sure CNN has hired her by now.
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!

She's just one of the record number that have jumped ship.

Fired is now jumping ship to an ABNORMAL....IQ keeps dropping!
So we have FINALLY found out who was leaking all the inside information about the Trump administration....too bad we can't hang her for treason!

Madeleine Westerhout, President Donald Trump's personal assistant, who has been described as a gatekeeper to the president, resigned on Thursday after leaking to the press earlier this month. Several White House officials had long suspected her of disloyalty to the president. A former staffer for the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign, she had reportedly cried when it became clear Trump had won in 2016.

"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors," a former White House official told CBS News.

Westerhout's resignation came after Trump learned on Thursday that she had "indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of during a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president's working vacation," The New York Times reported.

Westerhout was immediately considered a "separated employee" and was not allowed to return to the White House on Friday.

According to CBS News, the New Jersey dinner was not the first time Trump's personal assistant had gossiped with reporters present. At a farewell event for former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, she bragged about her gatekeeper status.


A Republican Swamp Creature who formally was a high placed staffer for the Republican National Committee and personal friend of Reince Priebus, and worked with Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign......Sterling resume for a NEVER TRUMPER!

She's just one of the record number that have jumped ship.

You gotta give her credit though. She managed to stick with Trump the longest thus far. And, I can only imagine what working for that idiot would be like.
I imagine better than working with you@
And to think, Madeleine Westerhout would still have a job if Tiffany wasn't such a heifer.
Last mother day picture....only thing fat is your FAT HEAD!....Now take the Moooocher Obuma....please!


Calm down, Whitey Knight. It was only a joke. I don’t think she is fat at all. She seems like a lovely woman.
Yes, NOW you come around...joke my sss!

I am sorry if my joke bruised your front hole.
Better than you stuffing it in your back jole!

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