Trump Ally pretends he doesn't know Pepe is White Nationalist Racist Meme

I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

The Neocons have discarded the charade that they are an opposition party or support liberty. They will support any pick she puts up, because she is paying them off.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

Ever notice that it's always the self-professed "open-minded and tolerant" liberals who have such detailed familiarity with sick weird shit that normal people have never heard of ? Strange...

I read.

Sue me.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

Ever notice that it's always the self-professed "open-minded and tolerant" liberals who have such detailed familiarity with sick weird shit that normal people have never heard of ? Strange...

I read.

Sue me.

It seems obvious what the 'kloset klan' members read.......
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.
I'm on forums constantly. I have no fucking idea what "Pepe" is.

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