Trump Ally pretends he doesn't know Pepe is White Nationalist Racist Meme

The telling thing about the Star of David thing, or the 88 thing, is that prior to this election cycle, Trump was never seen as a budding Nazi, anti-semite, racist, or whatever. At most he was seen as a guy that would dump his wife for a new model once every decade and a half, and a giant blowhard. It's only when he became a viable threat to the Dems (and the establishment as a whole) that all this crap came out of the woodwork.
See I'd buy that if it weren't for a few things:

1. The birther crap.
2. His David Duke screw up. Trump knew who Duke was when he ran for President as a third party years back. To claim he didn't know now was a very strange thing. Duke is probably the most well known racist out there.
3. His language on illegal aliens tends to play right into the stereotypes.

Add to that his hiring of Bannon from Breitbart and suddenly Trump's status as a racist looks every bit as shaky as Hillary's health.

Points 2 and 3 up above could just be him being an unpolished politician, except....Trump isn't exactly camera shy. He's been on TV for a good long while. He markets himself as a brand. He's been savy with that brand management for a while. For him to suddenly be playing the unpolished outsider doesn't exactly fit the branding he has built around himself for years.

Put it all together and a lot of what Trump's doings this election cycle looks suspicious as hell.

Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.
The telling thing about the Star of David thing, or the 88 thing, is that prior to this election cycle, Trump was never seen as a budding Nazi, anti-semite, racist, or whatever. At most he was seen as a guy that would dump his wife for a new model once every decade and a half, and a giant blowhard. It's only when he became a viable threat to the Dems (and the establishment as a whole) that all this crap came out of the woodwork.
See I'd buy that if it weren't for a few things:

1. The birther crap.
2. His David Duke screw up. Trump knew who Duke was when he ran for President as a third party years back. To claim he didn't know now was a very strange thing. Duke is probably the most well known racist out there.
3. His language on illegal aliens tends to play right into the stereotypes.

Add to that his hiring of Bannon from Breitbart and suddenly Trump's status as a racist looks every bit as shaky as Hillary's health.

Points 2 and 3 up above could just be him being an unpolished politician, except....Trump isn't exactly camera shy. He's been on TV for a good long while. He markets himself as a brand. He's been savy with that brand management for a while. For him to suddenly be playing the unpolished outsider doesn't exactly fit the branding he has built around himself for years.

Put it all together and a lot of what Trump's doings this election cycle looks suspicious as hell.

Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
The telling thing about the Star of David thing, or the 88 thing, is that prior to this election cycle, Trump was never seen as a budding Nazi, anti-semite, racist, or whatever. At most he was seen as a guy that would dump his wife for a new model once every decade and a half, and a giant blowhard. It's only when he became a viable threat to the Dems (and the establishment as a whole) that all this crap came out of the woodwork.
See I'd buy that if it weren't for a few things:

1. The birther crap.
2. His David Duke screw up. Trump knew who Duke was when he ran for President as a third party years back. To claim he didn't know now was a very strange thing. Duke is probably the most well known racist out there.
3. His language on illegal aliens tends to play right into the stereotypes.

Add to that his hiring of Bannon from Breitbart and suddenly Trump's status as a racist looks every bit as shaky as Hillary's health.

Points 2 and 3 up above could just be him being an unpolished politician, except....Trump isn't exactly camera shy. He's been on TV for a good long while. He markets himself as a brand. He's been savy with that brand management for a while. For him to suddenly be playing the unpolished outsider doesn't exactly fit the branding he has built around himself for years.

Put it all together and a lot of what Trump's doings this election cycle looks suspicious as hell.

Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

You're full of shit. I've been on the internet since '98, during this time i have easily averaged 2-3 hours a day. I have been a member of dozens of different message boards, of various subjects, and have authored tens of thousands of posts.

I have NEVER even heard of this "Pepe" thing until this story, and I guarantee you I'm not the only one.
Messageboards like these stopped being the leading edge of the internet a while back. We're all dinosaurs here. I hang out on a lot of message boards too and I've seen a lot of folks drift away from the boards and towards social media.

Don't act surprised by it. It's happened before. Email groups used to be the big thing. IRC Chat was once upon a time the big thing. Social media is now where most of the action is happening. I see stuff on Twitter's trending page a full day or two before it ever appears here in threads.

I use Twitter some, Facebook even more, and I do a fair amount of research, and I swear this Pepe thing is something I have not ever come across.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

Just in case anyone didn't know Haznonuts is a fucking retard.....
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

You're full of shit. I've been on the internet since '98, during this time i have easily averaged 2-3 hours a day. I have been a member of dozens of different message boards, of various subjects, and have authored tens of thousands of posts.

I have NEVER even heard of this "Pepe" thing until this story, and I guarantee you I'm not the only one.
Messageboards like these stopped being the leading edge of the internet a while back. We're all dinosaurs here. I hang out on a lot of message boards too and I've seen a lot of folks drift away from the boards and towards social media.

Don't act surprised by it. It's happened before. Email groups used to be the big thing. IRC Chat was once upon a time the big thing. Social media is now where most of the action is happening. I see stuff on Twitter's trending page a full day or two before it ever appears here in threads.

I use Twitter some, Facebook even more, and I do a fair amount of research, and I swear this Pepe thing is something I have not ever come across.
Pepe is less a deal on Facebook as Facebook actively shuts down racist memes and movements. It's also a lot harder to go after someone on Facebook and get away with it.

Twitter is a human cesspool. I use it, but I've had to do a lot of front end work to clean it up. Wander into a trending topic related to politics and you'll find Pepe and the AltRight.
Pepe is less a deal on Facebook as Facebook actively shuts down racist memes and movements. It's also a lot harder to go after someone on Facebook and get away with it.

Twitter is a human cesspool. I use it, but I've had to do a lot of front end work to clean it up. Wander into a trending topic related to politics and you'll find Pepe and the AltRight.

A Mexican frog who is green is the symbol of hated white people? :doubt:
Pepe is less a deal on Facebook as Facebook actively shuts down racist memes and movements. It's also a lot harder to go after someone on Facebook and get away with it.

Twitter is a human cesspool. I use it, but I've had to do a lot of front end work to clean it up. Wander into a trending topic related to politics and you'll find Pepe and the AltRight.

A Mexican frog who is green is the symbol of hated white people? :doubt:
Yeah, there's stuff out here as to how it happened. I agree its a weird choice but I'm not the one who picked it. The #AltRight chose him for themselves.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.
Not everyone lives in your hate bubble. I've never heard of it and many would consider this social media. Pepe is as well known as a swastika? WTF?
Yeah, you're out of touch. Go to Twitter and hit up the search button. You'll see a list of trending topics. Pick one, any one, that is political about Hillary or Trump. Pepe is going to show up pretty quickly and he is going to be part of a racist or misogynist diatribe. Or he's going to be part of a post advocating violence. It won't take long at all to find him pop up in any trending topic related to politics and when you do he'll be linked to outright racism.

And yeah, Pepe is certainly as big a deal now as the Swastika was in the 1930's. The world wasn't at war yet but folks paying attention knew the Nazis were bad news. They knew their symbol. The #AltRight is bad news and they are growing bad news. They're a literal cancer growing at the heart of American Democracy and Pepe is their symbol.

I'll add there's another symbol I'm starting to see pop up but it is less common and I don't expect a lot of folks recognize it right now. The Trump Lion. Trump supporters are using it instead of traditional GOP symbol as a signal that Trump is an outsider. Thing is though, it's not a symbol I see used much outside the #AltRight where it is definitely popular. It's not as toxic as Pepe has become so maybe its not as indelibly linked with #AltRight as Pepe is.
I don't do Titter, jackass. Or Facefuck for that matter. Who cares what some juvies do to smear the grownups?

The Leftists are now frightened of a frog named Pepe?

Maybe they're afraid of Kermit also, he's a frog?
Pepe is a frog? Maybe they're afraid of getting warts? Or they lick those psychedelic ones and had a bad trip.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

You're full of shit. I've been on the internet since '98, during this time i have easily averaged 2-3 hours a day. I have been a member of dozens of different message boards, of various subjects, and have authored tens of thousands of posts.

I have NEVER even heard of this "Pepe" thing until this story, and I guarantee you I'm not the only one.
Messageboards like these stopped being the leading edge of the internet a while back. We're all dinosaurs here. I hang out on a lot of message boards too and I've seen a lot of folks drift away from the boards and towards social media.

Don't act surprised by it. It's happened before. Email groups used to be the big thing. IRC Chat was once upon a time the big thing. Social media is now where most of the action is happening. I see stuff on Twitter's trending page a full day or two before it ever appears here in threads.
This is social media but I'll stay away from venues that attract the young and immature.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

Ever notice that it's always the self-professed "open-minded and tolerant" liberals who have such detailed familiarity with sick weird shit that normal people have never heard of ? Strange...
The telling thing about the Star of David thing, or the 88 thing, is that prior to this election cycle, Trump was never seen as a budding Nazi, anti-semite, racist, or whatever. At most he was seen as a guy that would dump his wife for a new model once every decade and a half, and a giant blowhard. It's only when he became a viable threat to the Dems (and the establishment as a whole) that all this crap came out of the woodwork.
See I'd buy that if it weren't for a few things:

1. The birther crap.
2. His David Duke screw up. Trump knew who Duke was when he ran for President as a third party years back. To claim he didn't know now was a very strange thing. Duke is probably the most well known racist out there.
3. His language on illegal aliens tends to play right into the stereotypes.

Add to that his hiring of Bannon from Breitbart and suddenly Trump's status as a racist looks every bit as shaky as Hillary's health.

Points 2 and 3 up above could just be him being an unpolished politician, except....Trump isn't exactly camera shy. He's been on TV for a good long while. He markets himself as a brand. He's been savy with that brand management for a while. For him to suddenly be playing the unpolished outsider doesn't exactly fit the branding he has built around himself for years.

Put it all together and a lot of what Trump's doings this election cycle looks suspicious as hell.

Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
See I'd buy that if it weren't for a few things:

1. The birther crap.
2. His David Duke screw up. Trump knew who Duke was when he ran for President as a third party years back. To claim he didn't know now was a very strange thing. Duke is probably the most well known racist out there.
3. His language on illegal aliens tends to play right into the stereotypes.

Add to that his hiring of Bannon from Breitbart and suddenly Trump's status as a racist looks every bit as shaky as Hillary's health.

Points 2 and 3 up above could just be him being an unpolished politician, except....Trump isn't exactly camera shy. He's been on TV for a good long while. He markets himself as a brand. He's been savy with that brand management for a while. For him to suddenly be playing the unpolished outsider doesn't exactly fit the branding he has built around himself for years.

Put it all together and a lot of what Trump's doings this election cycle looks suspicious as hell.

Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.
Just as Hillary has to placate the BLM yahoos Trump can't outright tell Birthers to fuck off. As for David Duke, again, I put that up more to lack of polish and being a politician, and if you notice he's been getting better at it. And yes, his illegals language is course, but again, he a rich brash asshat who's used to getting away with shit because he's the guy in charge.

He's been on TV before, but never been running for anything, especially something this important. And remember even his reality shows were at least semi-scripted and prepared.

What he's doing this election cycle is breaking the system, not a bad thing in my opinion, I just wish it was someone else doing it, someone with more federalist/strict constructionist/libertarian leanings.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

Wishful thinking (in the Hillary wins scenario).

The Republican Party in a Hillary win will spend 2-3 years eating itself, trying to reconcile small government types with establishment mid-government types.

And the Federal Government will continue to grow, and do things it wasn't supposed to.
I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. I'd actually agree with the idea that the system has needed to be upset for a while. I'm just pointing out that the idea that Trump is racist doesn't come out of no where. Trump didn't have to become the face of the birther movement. He made a choice prior to running for office to jump into that spotlight.

The Duke thing though...that's hard to chalk up to being unpolished. Trump himself called out and denied Duke when he ran under the Reform Party banner. Given how rough his language has been on illegals that Duke thing really didn't help his case. This isn't the vaunted diversity shield coming down on Trump as much as the increased scrutiny finding some troubling context.

I have some serious doubts about the idea Trump himself is racist or fascist. But I got concerned when he hired Bannon as that was questionable for a whole load of reasons. I get twitchy when his son retweets Pepe given the fact that his kids and Trump are supposed to be somewhat savvy when it comes to social media. That all just adds up in a disturbing way. None of it is proof of anything. It just isn't exactly reassuring.

The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

Wishful thinking (in the Hillary wins scenario).

The Republican Party in a Hillary win will spend 2-3 years eating itself, trying to reconcile small government types with establishment mid-government types.

And the Federal Government will continue to grow, and do things it wasn't supposed to.
Yeah, I think we just disagree. Hillary is so toxic to the GOP that should she win, the reconciliation won't take long at all. A lot of the Trump elements will be shown the door immediately and folks will reunite to oppose her.

A Trump win is a GOP disaster in the making. You will see vicious infighting there as the small fraction of GOP folks that support Trump fight tooth and nail to gain wider control of the party while the large majority of folks that opposed him fight to hang on. Trump supporters may think they can take on Ryan or McConnell and win but they are wrong.
The difference is guys like Duke don't like ANY immigrants, Trump saves his vitriol for the illegal ones.

He hired Bannon because he 1) needs at least some of the NEVER TRUMP'ers on the right to get back in the fold, and 2) most of the middle people he already has aren't that politically savy and really dont care about ZOMG BRIEBART WARGLWARGLWARGL and how the left is reacting to it.

and NOTHING is reassuring about this election cycle, this coming from a Walker, then Jindal, then Cruz, then Sweet Meteor of Death, and now finally maybe if I can really hold my nose in the voting booth Trump "guy"

I just think Hillary's SC picks would be a disaster.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

Wishful thinking (in the Hillary wins scenario).

The Republican Party in a Hillary win will spend 2-3 years eating itself, trying to reconcile small government types with establishment mid-government types.

And the Federal Government will continue to grow, and do things it wasn't supposed to.
Yeah, I think we just disagree. Hillary is so toxic to the GOP that should she win, the reconciliation won't take long at all. A lot of the Trump elements will be shown the door immediately and folks will reunite to oppose her.

A Trump win is a GOP disaster in the making. You will see vicious infighting there as the small fraction of GOP folks that support Trump fight tooth and nail to gain wider control of the party while the large majority of folks that opposed him fight to hang on. Trump supporters may think they can take on Ryan or McConnell and win but they are wrong.

Not sure Trump would fight for control of the Party. He has his agenda, and would push it past with any help he could get. The real fun would be for Democrats, who would have a choice of voting for or against some things they would support in a heartbeat, IF it didn't come from Trump.

Trump would want his 4-8 years, and the pfffft. of to retirement.
You almost gotta laugh that Hillary hasn't given a Q&A press conference in about 280 days and the scripted speeches refer to Americans as despicable rabble but the desperate left finds time to nit pick selected stuff from Roger Stone.
Bannon doesn't appeal to the Never Trump folks. There are a lot of folks Trump could have picked that would have made sense but Bannon has been in the tank for Trump from the beginning and Bannon has been called out by the NeverTrump folks over how he turned Breitbart into a pro-Trump propaganda rag. Hiring Bannon makes literally no sense other than as an olive branch to the #AltRight, which is troubling as they don't need an olive branch. They're already pro-Trump!

As for the General? I'd rather have Gary Johnson but if he doesn't have a path to winning I can't vote for him. I'm in a swing state and I can't be wasting my vote. I'll be voting Hillary and the GOP down ticket to reign in her choices. The reassuring thing about the race tightening up isn't that Trump could win, but that it won't be the congressional blow out some folks were talking about even a month back. Trump getting blown out could have handed Hillary the Senate and put the House in play.

The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

Wishful thinking (in the Hillary wins scenario).

The Republican Party in a Hillary win will spend 2-3 years eating itself, trying to reconcile small government types with establishment mid-government types.

And the Federal Government will continue to grow, and do things it wasn't supposed to.
Yeah, I think we just disagree. Hillary is so toxic to the GOP that should she win, the reconciliation won't take long at all. A lot of the Trump elements will be shown the door immediately and folks will reunite to oppose her.

A Trump win is a GOP disaster in the making. You will see vicious infighting there as the small fraction of GOP folks that support Trump fight tooth and nail to gain wider control of the party while the large majority of folks that opposed him fight to hang on. Trump supporters may think they can take on Ryan or McConnell and win but they are wrong.

Not sure Trump would fight for control of the Party. He has his agenda, and would push it past with any help he could get. The real fun would be for Democrats, who would have a choice of voting for or against some things they would support in a heartbeat, IF it didn't come from Trump.

Trump would want his 4-8 years, and the pfffft. of to retirement.
Yeah, I don't know what happens with the Democrats in a Trump win. They desperately need a rebuild and rally period as the Clinton Dynasty needs to be shown the door. But there's really no one waiting in the wings. They might rally against Trump, but as you said Trump might be willing to reach out to them on some very big issues. Especially if he's fighting his own party.

I just expect the next 4 years to be a real mess either way.
The GOP will cave on her SC appointments, and we can kiss the 2nd amendment goodbye in blue states for the next 30 years. I can't stomach that, so I would never vote for her.

I'd rather endure 4 years of trump and 8 of Hillary and 30 years of her constitution hating SC appointments.
I don't buy they'd cave. They'll smell blood in the water with Hillary and stonewall her hard for 4 years. She might get Merrick Garland because the optics of the Supreme Court sitting with an open seat for four years are bad, but any openings that happen after 2018 won't get filled till after 2020. Hillary is just too likely to be a one term President.

Wishful thinking (in the Hillary wins scenario).

The Republican Party in a Hillary win will spend 2-3 years eating itself, trying to reconcile small government types with establishment mid-government types.

And the Federal Government will continue to grow, and do things it wasn't supposed to.
Yeah, I think we just disagree. Hillary is so toxic to the GOP that should she win, the reconciliation won't take long at all. A lot of the Trump elements will be shown the door immediately and folks will reunite to oppose her.

A Trump win is a GOP disaster in the making. You will see vicious infighting there as the small fraction of GOP folks that support Trump fight tooth and nail to gain wider control of the party while the large majority of folks that opposed him fight to hang on. Trump supporters may think they can take on Ryan or McConnell and win but they are wrong.

Not sure Trump would fight for control of the Party. He has his agenda, and would push it past with any help he could get. The real fun would be for Democrats, who would have a choice of voting for or against some things they would support in a heartbeat, IF it didn't come from Trump.

Trump would want his 4-8 years, and the pfffft. of to retirement.
Yeah, I don't know what happens with the Democrats in a Trump win. They desperately need a rebuild and rally period as the Clinton Dynasty needs to be shown the door. But there's really no one waiting in the wings. They might rally against Trump, but as you said Trump might be willing to reach out to them on some very big issues. Especially if he's fighting his own party.

I just expect the next 4 years to be a real mess either way.

It's an issue with any party that leans more towards collective action than individual action. To me the Dem's next rising star may be Booker or Cuomo, and that isn't saying a lot.

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