Trump Ally pretends he doesn't know Pepe is White Nationalist Racist Meme

Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Ok, again props for the accurate description of 4-chan.

As far as defining the #AltRight, Hillary was wrong to try to define it. The #AltRight isn't hard to figure out. They self label on Twitter and other platforms and they are upfront and unapologetic about the fact that they are antisemitic, misogynist, racist, nationalists. They will out right tell you that in a mocking "Do you need a safe space?" tone if you ask. Again, I don't have to make a definition for them, they do it themselves.

My only real concern about these guys is that they do have teeth. A lot of them are former #GamerGate pukes and those guys were not only vile but dangerous. The folks that identify with both movements on social media reek of that "dangerous" group. There's also that a lot of the #AltRight are rebranded neo-nazis and racial superiority assholes. Those guys are also dangerous and have been looking for a vehicle to go mainstream.

The ones in it for LOLZ I pity. Day is going to come soon they decide to apply for a job in order to get out of their mother's basement. They'd best hope that no employer connects them to the #AltRight as the comments made in the name of the #AltRight would likely kill the application process right there.

As far as Pepe, you're right, they can't own it. But they can make Pepe something that folks identify with them just like the Nazi's turned an ancient religious symbol into their calling card. They've worked hard at doing it too.
Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Ok, again props for the accurate description of 4-chan.

As far as defining the #AltRight, Hillary was wrong to try to define it. The #AltRight isn't hard to figure out. They self label on Twitter and other platforms and they are upfront and unapologetic about the fact that they are antisemitic, misogynist, racist, nationalists. They will out right tell you that in a mocking "Do you need a safe space?" tone if you ask. Again, I don't have to make a definition for them, they do it themselves.

My only real concern about these guys is that they do have teeth. A lot of them are former #GamerGate pukes and those guys were not only vile but dangerous. The folks that identify with both movements on social media reek of that "dangerous" group. There's also that a lot of the #AltRight are rebranded neo-nazis and racial superiority assholes. Those guys are also dangerous and have been looking for a vehicle to go mainstream.

The ones in it for LOLZ I pity. Day is going to come soon they decide to apply for a job in order to get out of their mother's basement. They'd best hope that no employer connects them to the #AltRight as the comments made in the name of the #AltRight would likely kill the application process right there.

As far as Pepe, you're right, they can't own it. But they can make Pepe something that folks identify with them just like the Nazi's turned an ancient religious symbol into their calling card. They've worked hard at doing it too.

The thing is there are people like me, who believe in freedom of expression, that will mock the snowflakes as well. and the fact you bring up Gamergate makes me understand your position even more. Even if there are vile things going on in that debate, there are tons of people who are just sick of being told that the games they like or the things they like are "ist/ic/ism hatreds". This led to pushback.

There is a difference between someone who actually hate all these things, and people like me who are tired of people on one side thinking that they can be assholes and then hide behind their oppressed identity as a shield when someone starts being an asshole back at them. It's ironic that in the case of Gamergate, the people who were once oppressed are now the bullies, and they are targeting the other group that used to be bullied just as much as they were, i.e single, nerdy males (and the females who are on their side, i.e groups like the Honey Badger Brigade).
Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Ok, again props for the accurate description of 4-chan.

As far as defining the #AltRight, Hillary was wrong to try to define it. The #AltRight isn't hard to figure out. They self label on Twitter and other platforms and they are upfront and unapologetic about the fact that they are antisemitic, misogynist, racist, nationalists. They will out right tell you that in a mocking "Do you need a safe space?" tone if you ask. Again, I don't have to make a definition for them, they do it themselves.

My only real concern about these guys is that they do have teeth. A lot of them are former #GamerGate pukes and those guys were not only vile but dangerous. The folks that identify with both movements on social media reek of that "dangerous" group. There's also that a lot of the #AltRight are rebranded neo-nazis and racial superiority assholes. Those guys are also dangerous and have been looking for a vehicle to go mainstream.

The ones in it for LOLZ I pity. Day is going to come soon they decide to apply for a job in order to get out of their mother's basement. They'd best hope that no employer connects them to the #AltRight as the comments made in the name of the #AltRight would likely kill the application process right there.

As far as Pepe, you're right, they can't own it. But they can make Pepe something that folks identify with them just like the Nazi's turned an ancient religious symbol into their calling card. They've worked hard at doing it too.

The thing is there are people like me, who believe in freedom of expression, that will mock the snowflakes as well. and the fact you bring up Gamergate makes me understand your position even more. Even if there are vile things going on in that debate, there are tons of people who are just sick of being told that the games they like or the things they like are "ist/ic/ism hatreds". This led to pushback.

There is a difference between someone who actually hate all these things, and people like me who are tired of people on one side thinking that they can be assholes and then hide behind their oppressed identity as a shield when someone starts being an asshole back at them. It's ironic that in the case of Gamergate, the people who were once oppressed are now the bullies, and they are targeting the other group that used to be bullied just as much as they were, i.e single, nerdy males (and the females who are on their side, i.e groups like the Honey Badger Brigade).
I see Gamergate as being an example of folks taking an issue that might be legitimate (disclosures in journalism) and using it to be asses. There was no call for the doxxing that happened to Gamergate opponents, the threats that came in of physical violence, or the virtual lynch mobbing. And it definitely didn't help that the vocal voices of Gamergate came in so loudly and over the top about what, at the end of the day, ended up being an ex-girlfriend revenge issue.

I can understand folks being upset about PC culture and feeling they're being constrained, but a lot of the stuff being posted by the #AltRight goes way past being "not PC". You always have the right to say what you want, but a lot of the #AltRight seem to be pissed off that being racist will get them judged poorly by folks. Like it's a surprise that if you act like an Asshole people will treat you like you're an Asshole.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.
It's like when Drumpf mentioned he had 88 retired flag officers supporting him. 88. Alt-Righties get that right away.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.
Not everyone lives in your hate bubble. I've never heard of it and many would consider this social media. Pepe is as well known as a swastika? WTF?
Yeah, you're out of touch. Go to Twitter and hit up the search button. You'll see a list of trending topics. Pick one, any one, that is political about Hillary or Trump. Pepe is going to show up pretty quickly and he is going to be part of a racist or misogynist diatribe. Or he's going to be part of a post advocating violence. It won't take long at all to find him pop up in any trending topic related to politics and when you do he'll be linked to outright racism.

And yeah, Pepe is certainly as big a deal now as the Swastika was in the 1930's. The world wasn't at war yet but folks paying attention knew the Nazis were bad news. They knew their symbol. The #AltRight is bad news and they are growing bad news. They're a literal cancer growing at the heart of American Democracy and Pepe is their symbol.

I'll add there's another symbol I'm starting to see pop up but it is less common and I don't expect a lot of folks recognize it right now. The Trump Lion. Trump supporters are using it instead of traditional GOP symbol as a signal that Trump is an outsider. Thing is though, it's not a symbol I see used much outside the #AltRight where it is definitely popular. It's not as toxic as Pepe has become so maybe its not as indelibly linked with #AltRight as Pepe is.
I don't do Titter, jackass. Or Facefuck for that matter. Who cares what some juvies do to smear the grownups?

The Leftists are now frightened of a frog named Pepe?

Maybe they're afraid of Kermit also, he's a frog?


ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

You really are eating all of Hillary's deplorable rhetoric right up, aren't you

It's pretty bad when the desperation reaches the point where you have to be angry at a frog mascot, claiming it's misogynist, racist, sexist, xeonphobic and homophobic.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.
It's like when Drumpf mentioned he had 88 retired flag officers supporting him. 88. Alt-Righties get that right away.

It's all just a Leftist Conspiracy Theory.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

You really are eating all of Hillary's deplorable rhetoric right up, aren't you?

The Hillarybot HQ has issued the memo, deflect away from Hillary's health problems by mentioning cartoon frogs and stuff.
Yeah, if you don't know what Pepe stands for now, you're not in touch with reality. Anyone on social media has seen Pepe. He's all over Twitter and he's become the symbol of the AltRight. Claiming he's not just makes you look ignorant. This would be like running for Parliment in a European country in the late 30's and claiming to be ignorant of what the Swastika symbolizes. You'd be rightly called out as incompetent and out of touch.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.
It's like when Drumpf mentioned he had 88 retired flag officers supporting him. 88. Alt-Righties get that right away.
Yeah, that's a... troubling coincidence. Especially given the folks he's ending up connected to. It's also the kind of thing that's really hard to prove. For example, if I say the answer is "42" I may be making a Hitchhiker's joke or the answer just may be 42. If I refuse to acknowledge the reference, then you can't prove I'm making a hitchhiker's reference.

Personally stuff like that adds to creepy factor for Trump. The fact that can be a thing we have doubts about (what does he mean by 88?) is troubling.
The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Ok, again props for the accurate description of 4-chan.

As far as defining the #AltRight, Hillary was wrong to try to define it. The #AltRight isn't hard to figure out. They self label on Twitter and other platforms and they are upfront and unapologetic about the fact that they are antisemitic, misogynist, racist, nationalists. They will out right tell you that in a mocking "Do you need a safe space?" tone if you ask. Again, I don't have to make a definition for them, they do it themselves.

My only real concern about these guys is that they do have teeth. A lot of them are former #GamerGate pukes and those guys were not only vile but dangerous. The folks that identify with both movements on social media reek of that "dangerous" group. There's also that a lot of the #AltRight are rebranded neo-nazis and racial superiority assholes. Those guys are also dangerous and have been looking for a vehicle to go mainstream.

The ones in it for LOLZ I pity. Day is going to come soon they decide to apply for a job in order to get out of their mother's basement. They'd best hope that no employer connects them to the #AltRight as the comments made in the name of the #AltRight would likely kill the application process right there.

As far as Pepe, you're right, they can't own it. But they can make Pepe something that folks identify with them just like the Nazi's turned an ancient religious symbol into their calling card. They've worked hard at doing it too.

The thing is there are people like me, who believe in freedom of expression, that will mock the snowflakes as well. and the fact you bring up Gamergate makes me understand your position even more. Even if there are vile things going on in that debate, there are tons of people who are just sick of being told that the games they like or the things they like are "ist/ic/ism hatreds". This led to pushback.

There is a difference between someone who actually hate all these things, and people like me who are tired of people on one side thinking that they can be assholes and then hide behind their oppressed identity as a shield when someone starts being an asshole back at them. It's ironic that in the case of Gamergate, the people who were once oppressed are now the bullies, and they are targeting the other group that used to be bullied just as much as they were, i.e single, nerdy males (and the females who are on their side, i.e groups like the Honey Badger Brigade).
I see Gamergate as being an example of folks taking an issue that might be legitimate (disclosures in journalism) and using it to be asses. There was no call for the doxxing that happened to Gamergate opponents, the threats that came in of physical violence, or the virtual lynch mobbing. And it definitely didn't help that the vocal voices of Gamergate came in so loudly and over the top about what, at the end of the day, ended up being an ex-girlfriend revenge issue.

I can understand folks being upset about PC culture and feeling they're being constrained, but a lot of the stuff being posted by the #AltRight goes way past being "not PC". You always have the right to say what you want, but a lot of the #AltRight seem to be pissed off that being racist will get them judged poorly by folks. Like it's a surprise that if you act like an Asshole people will treat you like you're an Asshole.

The issue is people on the left think its perfectly acceptable to ruin someone for being a certain type of asshole. And the people on the other side can be just as or bigger assholes than the other side, but the lefties get to hide behind the victim shield. That isn't equality, that is shifting the balance of power from one side to another.

Gamergate started out about journalistic integrity, but ended up opening up the floodgates for various other issues.

PC defends people solely based on the color of their skin, who they feel like buggering, or what gender they feel like when they get up in the morning. It's unearned and unwarranted "superiority".

What pisses me off about the whole thing is how quick companies are to break ranks with someone that dares to defy the current orthodoxy, merely due to the perception of the risk of a chance of losing some business months down the road. What doubly pisses me off is the topics that are now considered worthy of such stigma.

It's like we've brought back the Scarlet "A" except now that "A" is replaced by (R)epublican, (C)onservative, or (L)ibertarian.

ROGER STONE: When I put up the meme that had photos of the most prominent deplorables: Trump, Spence (sic), Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Alex Jones, and others, the left went absolutely crazy, ‘cause there’s a frog there. Some frog who is put there ‘cause he’s so cocky. I’m proud to be in this meme -- ....


Mod Edit: don't paste entire story.

You really are eating all of Hillary's deplorable rhetoric right up, aren't you

It's pretty bad when the desperation reaches the point where you have to be angry at a frog mascot, claiming it's misogynist, racist, sexist, xeonphobic and homophobic.

The new Memo is this.

Ok, Hercules is awesome. I'll give you props for that.

The idea that a meme automatically "belongs" to anyone is ludicrous. pepe has been around for 1/2 a decade now, and is used far more for idiotic 4chan-esque approval of gross human bodily functions than as a "poster-boy" for the alt right, whatever progs are defining as alt right these days.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.
It's like when Drumpf mentioned he had 88 retired flag officers supporting him. 88. Alt-Righties get that right away.
Yeah, that's a... troubling coincidence. Especially given the folks he's ending up connected to. It's also the kind of thing that's really hard to prove. For example, if I say the answer is "42" I may be making a Hitchhiker's joke or the answer just may be 42. If I refuse to acknowledge the reference, then you can't prove I'm making a hitchhiker's reference.

Personally stuff like that adds to creepy factor for Trump. The fact that can be a thing we have doubts about (what does he mean by 88?) is troubling.

Sometimes a Cigar is just a Cigar.
A lot of those folks in the #AltRight have their roots in 4chan, so Pepe as an #AltRight icon isn't that unusual.

Memes are strange in that they're a lot like language. There's words and phrases unique to people and regions as well as words and phrases people use to identify their tribe and group. The idea of this is old and appears in the Bible via the story about "shibboleth". The #AltRight hasn't been shy about claiming Pepe and have been quite open about the idea they intend to make Pepe so toxic that they would be the only ones to use him. You can read about a lot of it here:

How Pepe the Frog Became a Nazi Trump Supporter and Alt-Right Symbol

They've been quite effective. When folks see Pepe on social media they know what that means now. That's a problem for the GOP right now because young voters are seeing that connection between Pepe and the #AltRight and they're seeing from there the connection to Trump. That isn't a good look for the GOP and it is not something the rank and file GOP want anything to do with. I know a lot of good people who are Republicans and/or Tea Party folks and Pepe and the #AltRight don't represent them at all. But memes are powerful and this one is getting connected to Trump in a high profile way.

That still doesn't clarify exactly what "alt-right" is, and mitigate the lefts attempt to equate "any right" with alt right.

and pepe's use by one fringe group doesn't mean they own it. Trying to get consensus on 4chan is like herding cats, sad basement dwelling virgin cats.
Ok, again props for the accurate description of 4-chan.

As far as defining the #AltRight, Hillary was wrong to try to define it. The #AltRight isn't hard to figure out. They self label on Twitter and other platforms and they are upfront and unapologetic about the fact that they are antisemitic, misogynist, racist, nationalists. They will out right tell you that in a mocking "Do you need a safe space?" tone if you ask. Again, I don't have to make a definition for them, they do it themselves.

My only real concern about these guys is that they do have teeth. A lot of them are former #GamerGate pukes and those guys were not only vile but dangerous. The folks that identify with both movements on social media reek of that "dangerous" group. There's also that a lot of the #AltRight are rebranded neo-nazis and racial superiority assholes. Those guys are also dangerous and have been looking for a vehicle to go mainstream.

The ones in it for LOLZ I pity. Day is going to come soon they decide to apply for a job in order to get out of their mother's basement. They'd best hope that no employer connects them to the #AltRight as the comments made in the name of the #AltRight would likely kill the application process right there.

As far as Pepe, you're right, they can't own it. But they can make Pepe something that folks identify with them just like the Nazi's turned an ancient religious symbol into their calling card. They've worked hard at doing it too.

The thing is there are people like me, who believe in freedom of expression, that will mock the snowflakes as well. and the fact you bring up Gamergate makes me understand your position even more. Even if there are vile things going on in that debate, there are tons of people who are just sick of being told that the games they like or the things they like are "ist/ic/ism hatreds". This led to pushback.

There is a difference between someone who actually hate all these things, and people like me who are tired of people on one side thinking that they can be assholes and then hide behind their oppressed identity as a shield when someone starts being an asshole back at them. It's ironic that in the case of Gamergate, the people who were once oppressed are now the bullies, and they are targeting the other group that used to be bullied just as much as they were, i.e single, nerdy males (and the females who are on their side, i.e groups like the Honey Badger Brigade).
I see Gamergate as being an example of folks taking an issue that might be legitimate (disclosures in journalism) and using it to be asses. There was no call for the doxxing that happened to Gamergate opponents, the threats that came in of physical violence, or the virtual lynch mobbing. And it definitely didn't help that the vocal voices of Gamergate came in so loudly and over the top about what, at the end of the day, ended up being an ex-girlfriend revenge issue.

I can understand folks being upset about PC culture and feeling they're being constrained, but a lot of the stuff being posted by the #AltRight goes way past being "not PC". You always have the right to say what you want, but a lot of the #AltRight seem to be pissed off that being racist will get them judged poorly by folks. Like it's a surprise that if you act like an Asshole people will treat you like you're an Asshole.

The issue is people on the left think its perfectly acceptable to ruin someone for being a certain type of asshole. And the people on the other side can be just as or bigger assholes than the other side, but the lefties get to hide behind the victim shield. That isn't equality, that is shifting the balance of power from one side to another.

Gamergate started out about journalistic integrity, but ended up opening up the floodgates for various other issues.

PC defends people solely based on the color of their skin, who they feel like buggering, or what gender they feel like when they get up in the morning. It's unearned and unwarranted "superiority".

What pisses me off about the whole thing is how quick companies are to break ranks with someone that dares to defy the current orthodoxy, merely due to the perception of the risk of a chance of losing some business months down the road. What doubly pisses me off is the topics that are now considered worthy of such stigma.

It's like we've brought back the Scarlet "A" except now that "A" is replaced by (R)epublican, (C)onservative, or (L)ibertarian.
If your attack on a person's position is personal or includes a racial or ethnic slur, yeah, you get punished. If your argument is logically sound then your targets gender, ethnicity, or religion shouldn't matter.
if your argument is white then your black lives shouldn't matter, but if your argument is black you get punished. by a whip.

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